July 1996

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JULY 1996.  Edited by Patrick Feaster, September 1999.
To: Multiple recipients of list BlackDragon <[email protected]>

Date: Mon, 1 Jul 1996 00:17:55 -0400 (EDT)
From: "Bryan Hoag (EE)" <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: A Grim Discovery...

*Simon Knocks on Spectre's Door...*

"Spectre, it's Simon..."

"Again I ask, Shall we put our Differences aside in favor of a common

*Waits quietly outside for Spectre's answer.....*


Date: Mon, 1 Jul 1996 01:14:39 -0400
From: [email protected]
Subject: Re: Just cause Angel asked me not to, i *have* to post this....<g>

**thinks for a sec**

ya know cullen....i might actually br worried IF....i had actually been born
a few decades ago <g>  


Date: Sun, 30 Jun 1996 22:15:56 -0700 (PDT)
From: Syl <[email protected]>
Subject: an offering to Spectre-

:::Crysalin sits at her window table in the Inn, looking out to the shadows playing in the darkness beyond the lamplight...her thoughts sensing distress and anger...recognizing the thought patterns of her friend Spectre she sends a thought to him, ~*Spectre my friend, is there any way in which I can help? Do not hesitate to ask me.*~:::::~So many characters running through my mind...so little time to play them all.

Date: Mon, 1 Jul 1996 06:21:11 -0700
From: [email protected] (Linda Kordes)
Subject: Moonbeam's Rampage

((Following Moonbeams discovery of what has happened to Angel))

Across the Land Animals howl and shriek as Moonbeam flies across the 
landscape her ethereal form burning itself in those who look upon it. A 
strong wind crosses Arangoth and Moonbeams frustrations make the ground 
shake.  Finally calming herself Moonbeam begins to think clearly again. 
Deciding that nobody would be stupid enough to hide Angel and Narisa in 
there land she flies through a portal to the Sacred Vale.

::Help me Gaia, for the ones who I have been sent to protect have 
disappeared under my nose.

::(A echoing voice)::My child, Posiva, the ones you seek are known to 
me and the magic protecting there position upon my worlds is known to 
me behold the pool and see the knowledge you seek.

Moonbeam looks into the shimmering pool of crystal clear water.  Her 
eyes begin to burn with white fire as images flash across the pool.  
Moonbeam collapses the ground screaming.


Date: Mon, 01 Jul 1996 11:21:05 -0700
From: Queen of Arangoth <[email protected]>
Subject: Interferace.....

((Simon's Post))
*takes place while and after Dellila used her magic to block any magical
searches for Angel and Narisa**

*Again, near failure, but, as Simon and Arianeira search for AngelSin,
FireIce searches for the Source of the Blockade, a hazy view of a desert
forming... Suddenly, A bright flash, then Darkness hits their united
Vision, pounding Simon to the ground, and blasting FireIce from the
Crystal that Joins them. Arianeira as well is knocked back from the

*****Several hours later...*****

*Simon stirs painfully, looking around with Blurred vision.. Arianeira
remains unconcious on the floor, while Fireice, in the form of Flames,
darts from One map to the next, as if recognizing something...*

We failed again, Didn't we, FireIce?

*Fireice regains her human form....*

Perhaps Not, Simon, Wile ye and Ari were searchin for Angel, I was
Searching for the Block between Her anf ye, and may have an idea where
they are...

What?  WHere?

*To be Continued....*

((Angel's Post))

::Angel survey's her tent..<q>Damnit there has to be something here I can
use" ::She scans the area seeing nothing but a hard cot, a small table with
water basin and a small chair...She grumbels "damnit.." She walks up to the
flap of her tent peeking out..seeing the big barbarian with his back to her
she grins.she thinks to herself *Ok..so I'll use my bare hands to kill the
bastard* ..she backs up a bit and prepares to attack...As she is about to
pounce a blinding flash of Black and white energy hits her tent surrounding
it and herself..she falls back from the blast::

"What in the nine hells!?" She moans.

::She sits herself up shaking her head:: 

::She places her hand on the amethyst gem:: "Godz my love..if you can feel
me...hear me....come find me and Narisa.."

::She sits on the sand in her tent rubbing the gem as she thinks of her
husband..now for the first time since her capture..she breaks down in tears::

***In another area****

::Narisa kneels by her cot praying::

<w>Please by the godz protect my sister and her child she carries..and
protect all Arangothians from these heathens...and...::Her voice cracks as
more tears fill her eyes:: Please take care of Spectre, let him past the
gates into paradise for he was truly a good man and doesn't deserve an
eternity in hell..tell him...tell him I will love him forever and avenge his
death and never again choose another....::She stops speaking for a
moment...her throat almost closing from the lump in her throat:: tell
him...I will see him again some day......Amen

::Just then a black and white blast hits her tent knocking her over::

::Narisa moans and gets back up on her knees.  She looks up as though
looking up to the gods. <w>Spectre! ::She begins to weep again conviced the
blast was a sign of her beloved letting her know all would be well. 

Her Royal Majesty                             |
AngelSin                                      |
Queen of Arangoth                             |
@---}---}---------                            |
---------------------------------             |
http://www.blkdragon.com/blkdra~1/blkhome.htm |
Official Web Site for the #BLKDRAGON*Inn!!    |

Date: Mon, 01 Jul 1996 11:36:25 -0700
From: Queen of Arangoth <[email protected]>
Subject: Dellila's Delima

::Dellila not being able to find Xandur that night heads back to her own
camp:: <m>"Damnable luck..I wonder where he is..the sooner I deliver the two
sisters to him the sooner I shall have power...ah well...I shall find him

::She Arrives at her camp and unmounts her horse tying it to a tree near a
small pool of water..the horse immediatly ducks it's head and drinks the water::

::She walks over to the fire that is beginning to go out as daylight rises::

<q>"Now, to do something about these little petty magicians that keep
interfering...obviously my spell isn't quite strong enough"

::She sits indian style before the fire and closes her eyes.  She begins to
chant and suddenly the wind begins to howl...the fire before her starts to
renew it'self as the flames begin to grow. Defening screams and moans shoot
out of the flames..the fire reaches some 20 feet straight up into the air
and Dellila opens her eyes..now changed from violet to piercing red::

"I ask for help my master...protect them from any attempt of magical
interferance" She whispers into the fire..

::A voice booms from the fire:: "AND WHAT WILL I GAIN? WHAT REPAYMENT SHALL

::Dellila winces knowing what the voice speaks of:: "I my master will
deliver to you the usual payment.." She doesn't care what it will cost..she
needs her plan to work::


::She lowers her head making a bit of a face:: "Aye master I will be ready"

::The Fire shoots straight up into the sky turning into a comet and blasts
off toward Arangoth...It lands as an invisible force and surrounds the land
and all those with the magical ability to discover the whereabouts of the

::Suddenly the flames release down into the pit and it is quiet again..
Dellila opens her eyes now back to thier normal color. She grins:: "A small
price to pay for what I will recieve in the end" 

Her Royal Majesty                             |
AngelSin                                      |
Queen of Arangoth                             |
@---}---}---------                            |
---------------------------------             |
http://www.blkdragon.com/blkdra~1/blkhome.htm |
Official Web Site for the #BLKDRAGON*Inn!!    |

Date: Mon, 01 Jul 1996 12:13:27 -0700
From: Queen of Arangoth <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: Dellila's Delima

((Simon's Post))

*In FireIce's castle, Simon and FireIce again use their combined power to
search the Desert, not for AngelSin, but for the Blockade, looking for the
Blind spot that keeps them from AngelSin... Suddenly, all view of the
Desert is blocked, but, not by the same power...*

"What the Heck was that?"

*FireIce looks around...*  "We're being blocked...  But, not by the same
Power as before, this one is  Greater...."

"We do have their General location, though... It's time we paid a Visit to
his Majesty.."

*Simon and FireIce depart from FireIce's hidden castle, and head for
Castle Black... Simon knocks hard on the Door..*

*THUD!* *THUD!*  "Emperor Simon Horus Phoenix to See his Majesty, King
BlkDragon!  It's Important!"

*Simon sends a thought to BlkDragon to get his attention*

Her Royal Majesty                             |
AngelSin                                      |
Queen of Arangoth                             |
@---}---}---------                            |
---------------------------------             |
http://www.blkdragon.com/blkdra~1/blkhome.htm |
Official Web Site for the #BLKDRAGON*Inn!!    |

Date: Mon, 1 Jul 1996 14:13:42 -0500
From: [email protected] (Cullen Stevenson)
Subject: Re: Just cause Angel asked me not to, i *have* to post this....<g>

Hmm that is a problem. Okay here we go.. his mother made a clone of Mario
at birth. One she let on the loose..that one eventually killed dozens of
people. The other she send a couple decades into the future, becoming you.
Simple explanation!

Cullen Stevenson
"See this? This is a plain, ordinary human liver. But it's mine, you can't
have it!"
                           - The Kids In The Hall

Date: Mon, 01 Jul 1996 17:25:32 -0400
From: Ash <[email protected]>
Subject: A short note ooc

I would like to say that my new pc Erica is evil and she will be mean to you
and attack you and probablly laugh at you if you are hurt and that it is
TOTALLY IC.. so plese don't msg me cussing me out or let it hurt your
feelings and think i'm a totally mean person.. (which someone has already)..
because she's just like that and its ic. :) btw fyi:
Erica is a drow banshee and she's a typical drow.. not like all the nice
ones in the inn she has all the drow prejudice about males and other elves
and generally dislikes everyone but Scarecrow who she is affiliated with in
more ways than one as you can tell if you've seen them.. so just letting you
know that.. and that I don't like these whole inn plot things so none of my
pcs will be invovled in the Asyri/ Queen kidnap stuff.. just a personal
thing i stayed out of the inn in the two we had before.. but i am staying
this time so please don't ask my characters about anything dealing with that
because they will not know whats going on.. thanx! and have a WONDERFUL DAY! :)

this has been a public spamming by the mun of:

Skylar/Bailey/Myn/Erica... :) wow and i didn't even have more than on pc for
4 1/2 months.. hehehehe.. :) 

~*  Ash  *~

Date: Mon, 1 Jul 1996 14:48:04 -0700 (PDT)
From: Syl <[email protected]>
Subject: While the Angel's Away the Mice are Mine

((this is forwarded from Jul`Kair since he cannot seem to send to the mailing list))
>X-Sender: [email protected]
>Date: Mon, 01 Jul 1996 16:25:58 -0400
>To: [email protected]
>From: [email protected]
>Subject: While the Angel's Away the Mice are Mine
>::::::::::::::::::Directly after the Ball....AngelSin and Narisa
>disappeared...this is now known, but the following isnt::::::::::::::
> From the Shadows, Jul`Kair peers out...spying the royal Guards as they walk
>make their rounds thru the castle....he studies their movements,
>easily...and then when the moment presents itself, he steals across the
>courtyard into the main Hall...
>  Jul`Kair, stares blankily into the darken corridors...moving easily and
>silently, that warrior/assassin moves quickly to each door, listening for
>the motion and speech of children....
>   Finally he finds the room, he sets a small charge of blackish powder to
>the door...and places a small cord into it, he lights the cord, and watches
>the cord burn slowly....from an alcove to the side, then suddenly the large
>oaken door shatters to asunder with an explosion that rocks the very
>foundation of the castle....he curses himself slightly..<thinking>::Damn,
>too much, oh well...cant cry now..:::::  He lunges into the room, coming up
>into a ready position with daggers drawn as two guards rush him from out of
>the smoke....children and woman can be heard screaming in the background....
>   Jul`Kair rolls to the side, inflicting a minor wound to the groin of one
>guard and parries the attack from the other....he then quickly pivots, and
>slides the dagger directly into the spine column of one guard, opening his
>back straight up....Jul`Kair barely notices the other guard's attack as it
>slices thru his left leg, opening an artery...his own blood now spills
>across the floor along with the one dead guard...Jul`Kair shifts his weight
>quickly to his other leg as he releases a cloud of blinding Sand into the
>eyes of the other guard, and then slices his throat open....
>:::Jul`Kair hears the motion of the Nanny trying to usher the children to
> Jul`Kair pivots again, sending one of his ebony rose daggers straight into
>the belly of the Nanny...then Nanny screams from the sudden pain, and faints
>from the blood lose.....Jul`Kairs, uses the longsword of a fallen guard as a
>crutch...and moves slowly over to the children of AngelSin and
>BlkDragon......:::thinking> they are fools to think their children
>Jul`Kair tosses sleeping sand into the face of the children and they quickly
>fall asleep and offer no resistances in their capture....Jul`Kair then pulls
>the shadows around himself quickly....taking the children with him....to Asyr
>::::Jul`Kair curses himself lightly about losing the one dagger...damn
>shameful, almost feel as a new borne assassin...sheesh::::
>Jul`Kair places the children in a secret place till he can figure as to how
>these small children can benefit him in the long run......Jul`Kair removes
>the darken Sunaj armor as the Rift closes behind him....and the vision of
>Altantis and the children fade from view......
>He tends to the wound and uses natural herbs to speed the healing process
>and to ensure that no inffection sents in...as he moves again thru the
>shadows out across the Asyr Desert to Sun`zen's Pyramid of the Rose that now
>resides in the Asyr*Desert...there he regrow another ebony rose dagger and
>places it in the empty sheath....and then looks out from one of the balcony
>of the Pyramid as the Sun begins its journey up into the sky...just for a
>moment feeling small compared to the its brillance...........
>-Sun`zen(former Sunaj)
>{I'm am just a Simple Gardner, who enjoys removing a few "weeds" from the Lands}
>Champion of BattleFest '96
>Reality is a nightmare from which we can only awake from when we are living
>our True Lives in Cyberspace.......Long Live the BlkDragon*Inn in all its Glory.
>-starcry(aka. Stefhan)
>-in life we have only the friendship and respect of out peers, for with out
>that we are really alone, and we cry in the night, to see a falling star and
>wish to it, that we grow and become better.
>~So many characters running through my mind...so little time to play them all.

Date: Mon, 01 Jul 1996 14:50:47 -0700
From: Queen of Arangoth <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: While the Angel's Away the Mice are Mine

Sun before that the children were sent off far away where they would be safe
before the war happened..Angel and Blk had agreed to this..The children
weren't even in the castle or ANY castle for that matter..the children are
the children are safe with a family friend.

NO ONE KIDNAPPED THE CHILDREN.. Please note do not even POST anything to do
with this story unless I or Spectre or Xandur ok it OK?!

Her Royal Majesty                             |
AngelSin                                      |
Queen of Arangoth                             |
@---}---}---------                            |
---------------------------------             |
http://www.blkdragon.com/blkdra~1/blkhome.htm |
Official Web Site for the #BLKDRAGON*Inn!!    |

Date: Mon, 1 Jul 1996 14:58:53 -0700 (PDT)
From: Syl <[email protected]>
Subject: Jul`Kair etc......

PLEASE DISREGARD THE EMAIL THAT JUST WENT OUT...THAT DID NOT HAPPEN YET...OOPS MY BIG MISTAKE...SHEESH!~So many characters running through my mind...so little time to play them all.

Date: Mon, 01 Jul 1996 19:08:38 -0500
From: Jimmie Bragdon <[email protected]>
Subject: Definitions

Just to make something clear:

Do : To perform an action
Not : Negation, cancellation
Put : To place
Yourself : The reader, or person being spoken to
Into : Go inside, become part of
This : The thing being spoken about
Story : Tale, relation of events
Without : Not having, not doing
Asking : Gaining permission
First : Precluding all else

I hope that clears things up.

      // Jimmie Bragdon     |  [email protected]       |      /\    \\ 
      \\ User Administrator |  www.io.com/~jimmie  |     /  \   // 
      // Illuminati Online  |                      |    / () \  \\
      \\ ============================================= /      \ //

Date: Mon, 1 Jul 1996 21:08:38 -0400
From: [email protected]
Subject: Re: Definitions

Birdie-man....that had to be the funniest damned thing ive seen all day...i
know how everyone rags on people with short, really meaningless, letters, but
hell....i thought it was funny....and since when have i ever followed the
mainstream ways of rules? <g>


Date: Mon, 1 Jul 1996 22:13:35 -0500
From: [email protected] (Cullen Stevenson)
Subject: Re: Definitions

::Suddenly feels an amazing sensation of enlightenment:: Why.. its all.. so
clear now!

>Do : To perform an action
>Not : Negation, cancellation
>Put : To place
>Yourself : The reader, or person being spoken to
>Into : Go inside, become part of
>This : The thing being spoken about
>Story : Tale, relation of events
>Without : Not having, not doing
>Asking : Gaining permission
>First : Precluding all else
>I hope that clears things up.
>       ==========================================================
>      // Jimmie Bragdon     |  [email protected]       |      /\    \\
>      \\ User Administrator |  www.io.com/~jimmie  |     /  \   //
>      // Illuminati Online  |                      |    / () \  \\
>      \\ ============================================= /      \ //
>                                                      /________\

Cullen Stevenson
"See this? This is a plain, ordinary human liver. But it's mine, you can't
have it!"
                           - The Kids In The Hall

Date: Tue, 2 Jul 1996 08:12:57 -0400 (EDT)
From: "Samuel Lee Cotrell Jr." <[email protected]>
Subject: MoonDiver mun

      Brightsun's mun and MoonDivers family will be picking up MoonDivers
mun at the airport tonight . She is do back from France at 7pm EST .  She
may not get to IRC for a feqw days as her sister crashed there computer on
thursday and it is in the shop still being worked on. 

                                 Brightsun the Mage 
                                 Sam the Mun
Brightsun and Mun 

Date: Tue, 2 Jul 1996 08:28:08 -0500
From: [email protected] (Cullen Stevenson)
Subject: Connor PC

just to clarify.. Connor rarely if ever rp's like connor macleod. I just rp
this cool guy.. you know..armani suit.mirrored shades =) Usually when i RP
a certain thing..its a vampire..

Cullen Stevenson
"See this? This is a plain, ordinary human liver. But it's mine, you can't
have it!"
                           - The Kids In The Hall

Date: Tue, 02 Jul 1996 09:01:15 -0700
From: Quickning <[email protected]>
Subject: Post names of the Asri (Long version)

::: The BLACK Dragon Inn :::
        The tension in the inn was intense.  The room was thick with 
worry. Quickning sat at the bar
"That ambush has set us on edge."  She looked around the inn at all the 
haggard faces. Her
glances were greeted by nervous and suspicious glances. Quickning shook 
her head sadly "The
Asri are winning the psychological war. They have us jumping at our 
shadows. Seeing enemies
everywhere . . . " Just a night ago she and her friends were victims to 
the Asri paranoia.
        Loendal was mistaken for an Asri and stabbed in the back by 
Kazeel. She and some of his
dragon friends had taken offence to put it lightly. Loendal was newly a 
father. Quickning couldn't
bear the thought of Ember growing up fatherless. She teleported behind 
Kazeel and struck him
down. Her blow struck true but not true enough. Kazeel turned, stabbing 
her in the chest with his
blade, one made of silver. Quickning shudder at the memory of silver 
piercing her flesh, the
burning pain.  Despite all the healers, like Aystan's work she would 
have died. If it hadn't been for
DarkDrago removing the silver fragments....
        She let the thought trail off, there would be plently of time 
for thoughts of death as the war
progresses. She had to think of a way for all this confusion to be 
avoided. Perhaps a wanted
poster, printing all of the known Asri names. Quickning stood up and 
went to Horace, who was
the bar keep for this eve.
        "Horace," Quick asked "Do ya have pen and parchment handy?"
        "Aye." Said Horace. Then he went work cleaning some mugs.
     Quick sighed loudly "Well can I barrow some?" Horace smirked and 
retrieved a paper and
parchment from the behind the bar. Quickning took the pen and parchment. 
Then blinked. "Uh
Horace, do ya have any Ink?"
     Horace gave her a sly smile. "Weeell, there's the rub...Ink will 
cost ya." Quick rolled her
eyes and paid Horace a silver. Once Horace had gotten the out the ink 
she set to work. 

She wrote: To Warden OneStab
     Would you please post the Names of know Asri. That may ease some of 
the tension in the
city of Arangoth. This will be for the higher good of Arangoth as well 
as the patrons of the

                         Arangoth Forever,
                         Storm Quickning.
                         (Insert a big flourish here )

     Quickning capped the ink well and returned it to the Bar keep. 
"Will you see to it that
Warden OneStab gets this when next comes in?" Quickning asked Horace, 
"It a matter of
importance to this Inn." Horace nodded. 
     Quickning turned to leave when she heard the bar keep clear his 
throat. She turned to face
Horace once more. 
     "There is the matter of your ....bar tap. I know you have money 
young Quick. Seen you
...er shall we say working..." Once again that evil smile curled his 
lips. Quickning paid of her bar.
"And remember...I roll the dice..." With That She paid a bit extra and 
left before Horace could
extort more money.

>From the Stolen Pen and Twisted Mind of

Date: Tue, 02 Jul 1996 09:03:01 -0700
From: Quickning <[email protected]>
Subject: For OneStab (short version)

Would you please post the Names of know Asri. That may ease some of 
the tension in the
city of Arangoth. This will be for the higher good of Arangoth as well 
as the patrons of the

                         Arangoth Forever,
                         Storm Quickning.
                         (Insert a big flourish here )

Date: Tue, 02 Jul 1996 11:16:21 -0700
From: Queen of Arangoth <[email protected]>
Subject: See no evil..hear no evil...BE evil

::Dellila slips into her tent::

<q>"Ah after meeting the little chit's luv Spectre, my plan may take a bit
of a turn.."

::She thinks of the information she gathered that evening..managing to
introduce herself to Spectre and watching the chaotic state between he,
Simon and Trigon. She saw the determination on Spectre's face to find Narisa
and for a moment started to slightly worry.::

"He could prove a serious interferace in my plan" she sits down on the
little chair befor the dingy mirror and begins brushing her long hair. She
smiles at her choice of dress for that evening. 

"I'm sure I could bed the little twit in no time..he can't possibly care
that much for his little princess." ::And THEN..she thinks..**I will slit
his throat ear to ear and eliminate him**::

"Ah yes..this will work nicely...now the King...I still havn't seen him back
in Arangoth...he will be my biggest obstacle..<m> never killed a Black
Dragon before..and I don't know how easy it will be to bed him, my looks are
of course not matched by any in the lands...<m>except for that damnable Queen"

::She looks in the mirror:: "Mirror Mirror on the Wall..Who's the...((oh
wait..wrong story sorry!))  ((Rewind))

::She looks in the mirrow caressing her hair:: "Ah Dellila, you ARE a
brilliant!  In time I will have all the power I need...and then it will be mine"

::She chuckles wickedly as she stands and walks out of her tent::


**In Angel's tent**

::Angel sits on her cot clutching the gem around her neck thinking::<w>He'll
be here.....soon...

::Her eyes slightly bloodshot and dark circles under her eyes from little
sleep...she surveys her tent once more:: "I've got to find Narisa damnit..by
the godz she better be ok"

::From the shadows::"Tsk tsk..resorting to talking to yourself now Queen?"

::Angel looks up quickly with a glare:: "Don't ye ever knock?"

::Out of the shadow slithers Dellila:: "Ah..ye look so tierd your
highness..ye really should get some sleep...::She saunters over to the small
table:: I see ye havn't eaten a bite either.."

::Angel looks up at her, her eyes narrowing:: "What so ye can poison me?"

::Acts insulted:: "Why your majesty..I wouldn't think of such a thing! for
NOW your better use to me alive then dead. Though the latter CAN be arranged
if you so choose to make things difficult for me"

::Angel turned away not looking at her. Deciding if she ignores her she'll
go away..She hadn't eaten..not since the ball and she felt like she would
starve...she wanted to eat the meal but really was afriad it drugged or
poisoned...though it wasn't good to not eat..it was worse to put her child
within her in jeapordy::

::Dellila saunters over towards the opening of the tent:: "I'll have the
guard bring ye some fresh food..ye really should keep up your strength for
Xandur. <w>he's got quite the appetite for the female flesh" ::Laughs and
slips out::

::Angel Blanches:: <m>over my dead body....and his


**In Narisa's Tent**

::Narisa lays on her cot staring at the sandy floor..her face pale..her eyes
red from tears...her dress beginning to slip off her shoulders for she was
losing wieght..she too had not eaten..not out of fear of poison but for loss
of appetite...her stomache and heart ached to much to eat..::

::Dellila walks thru the opening of the tent:: "Ah the little princess pines
away for her dead love..tis such a shame"

::Narisa look up...<q>"why are ye doing this? How could ye be so cruel? Ye
must have a kind heart..don't ye know this is wrong.."

::Dellila throws back her head in laughter:: "Oh little princess...Ye have
much to learn of the world...not all are pure and innocent as ye" ::looks at
Narisa disgusted..she didn't like the queen but she hated this little
waif...to pure...to damn innocent...to damn...dangerous::

::Narisa rises off her cot looking at Dellila:: "Please...I beg ye.." ::She
walks slowly to Dellila:: "Please at least let my sister go" ::she rests a
hand on Dellila's arm a sudden shock running through Narisa::

::Dellila winces in pain and she rips her arm away from Narisa:: "Don't
touch me ye Bitch!" ::She hisses::

::Narisa looks at her hand then at Dellila very confused:: <w>"I..I didn't ...."

::Dellila reaches her hand back then pointing at Narisa as a bolt of red
energy shoots from her fingers slamming into Narisa throwing her back 10
feet and onto the floor knocked out::

<m>Little bitch ::She rubs her sore arm::

::She glares at Narisa slumped on the floor and turns on her heels and
stomps out of the tent::

Her Royal Majesty                             |
AngelSin                                      |
Queen of Arangoth                             |
@---}---}---------                            |
---------------------------------             |
http://www.blkdragon.com/blkdra~1/blkhome.htm |
Official Web Site for the #BLKDRAGON*Inn!!    |

Date: Tue, 02 Jul 1996 12:12:31 -0700
From: Queen of Arangoth <[email protected]>
Subject: Gain strength...THEN attack

::Angel paces around her tent and the guard suddenly enters..she stops to
glare at the beast..he stands about 7 feet and is a huge man..his hair long
and scraggly and his teeth probably never cleaned in his entire life. He
carries a large platter of food: "What the the hell do ye want?" she snaps

::The guard walks in and sets the platter down on the small table:: "Da
misstress says ye's tae eat sumthin"

::Angel frowns:: "I don't want it..go away and take that platter with ye"

::The guard crosses his arms across his chest:: "Da misstress say if ye
donnae eat she is goin tae skin me..now eat or I'll force ye meself!"

::Angel takes a deep breath looking at the food:: "You taste it first..I
won't be poisoned or drugged"

::The guard shrugs:: "Fine" He takes a bit of the bread and eats it..then a
piece of apple then a piece of meat etc..::

::he chews it all up and swallows smiling at her:: "'appy?"

::Angel sits and watches him for awhile..satisfied he wont' drop or die she
lets out a sigh:: "Fine..I'll eat it..go.."

::The guard frowns:: "Da misstress said I was to make sure ye ate every bit
o' da food"

"GET OUT! I'll eat it damnit now leave me!" ::She bellows:

::The guard sighs and nods and leaves the tent::

::Angel looks down at the food..her stomache growling..:: "For the child
Alysia...for Blk's child...gain thy strength for when he comes for ye.."

::She sits down and attacks the food::

::She thinks as she eats the food ravinously:: Hell, prepare room.... They
all will pay for this..
Her Royal Majesty                             |
AngelSin                                      |
Queen of Arangoth                             |
@---}---}---------                            |
---------------------------------             |
http://www.blkdragon.com/blkdra~1/blkhome.htm |
Official Web Site for the #BLKDRAGON*Inn!!    |

Date: Tue, 02 Jul 1996 14:35:31 -0700
From: Queen of Arangoth <[email protected]>
Subject: Shared Nightmares and Shattered dreams...

::Angel leans back totally stuffed to the gills:: <q>Godz I didn't realize
how hungry I was" 

::She yawns and decides to try to get some rest...rest builds strength, with
strength comes freedom she thinks::

::She stretches out on the cot and closes her eyes...she falls almost
instantly asleep::

Enter..the Dream

::She's standing on a hilltop covered with green grass..the warm springtime
wind blowing against her face..she looks down and sees Blk and the
children.. Orion and Andromeda are running circles around thier father as he
holds Timinion in his arms...he looks up and sees his wife..he waves and
Angel decends down the hill quickly:: "MOMMY!" ::The children cry as the run
towards her..she reaches them and embraces the two toddlers... then they
settle down next to Blk and the baby:: "Blk" she whispers. ::He smiles and
slips his free arm around her waste kissing her:: "Hello Luv" he says
softly. "Godz I  missed you" 

::She leans down to kiss Timinion as he sleeps....Then suddenly Timinion is
gone from Blk's arm..she looks up quickly and instead of Blk it's Xandur::

"Greetings Your majesty..ye will soon be mine" ::He grins evily:: 

::Angel gasps and frees herself from his grasp..she whips around to get the
children which are no longer there. "Orion! Andromeda! Timinion!!!!
BLK!!!!!" She screams as she runs up the hill, Xandur right behind her..her
breath quickining..her heart slamming against her chest she reaches the top
of the hill...on the other side of the hill stand her family..Blk, timinion,
Andromeda and Orion..She begins to run for them suddenly the sweet soft
grass below her feet turning into sand..she watches in horror as her family
stand looking at her 
not moving but sinking into the sand.."NO!!!" she cries, trying to move but
sinking herself...she gets sucked down under breathing sand into her lungs::

::Just then Angel wakes up screaming..sweating and crying..she looks around
her quickly...tries to catch her breath and weeps:: <w> "Blk please hurry luv"


::Narisa Lays in the corner of her tent..her cheek down in the warm sand she
still being outcold from Dellila's blow..::

ENTER the other dream...

::Narisa is kneeling down in a large Cathedral..praying. She looks around
her as all of Arangoth are in the church with her..Father Kylus motions for
her to stand... she rises and makes her way to the podium...looking behind
it she sees a casket..her heart races...she reaches the casket and looks
in..Spectre lays there in the same outfit he wore to the ball..No wounds
showing he looks as if he were still alive..she leans over the casket..tears
rolling down her face and landing on his corpse:: <w>"Oh spectre..tis all my
fault..if ye hadn't gone to the ball with me and I hadn't taken up so much
of thy time..ye may have been somewhere else and this would have never
happened.." ::She covers her face with her handkerchief ::

::The corpse opens it's eyes::"Hello luv"

::Narisa jumps and looks at Spectre sitting up in his coffin..then she faints::

::Spectre climbs out of the casket:: "Your making a habit out of this luv"

::He leans down and lifts her..she wakens opening her eyes...looking at
him:: <w>Spectre..

::She gathers in her surroundings..she isn't in the church anymore..she's in
a bed chamber and he's carrying her to the bed:: "What happened? I thought
you were dead" She cries and he lays her down on the bed::

"Dead?" he chuckles..."No luv...I wouldn't miss my own wedding"

::She looks up at him in shock:: "Wedding?"

::He crosses his arms:: "To late luv..you already said I do" ::He laughs as
he sits on the bed::

::She grows estatic:: "Oh! Then the kidnapping! The war! twas all a dream!
Oh spectre I'm so happy!!"

::She throws her arms around him catching a glimps of her finger...a wedding
band fitted over it..

::he mumbles something to her and she leans back looking at him:: "What did
you say?"

::He smiles:: "I said wake up"

::Suddenly Narisa opens her eyes..looking sideways at the wall of the
tent..a guard stand over her:: "Wake up missy..ye be catchin yer death o'
cold layin there on the sand...ye been layin there all day and it's getting
dark out besides it' time to eat"

::She moans as she sits up slowly:: "What?" ::She looks around..then lowers
her head and cries::
Her Royal Majesty                             |
AngelSin                                      |
Queen of Arangoth                             |
@---}---}---------                            |
---------------------------------             |
http://www.blkdragon.com/blkdra~1/blkhome.htm |
Official Web Site for the #BLKDRAGON*Inn!!    |

Date: Tue, 2 Jul 1996 17:56:22 -0400
From: [email protected]
Subject: Re: Gain strength...THEN attack

   The little apple piece looks up to Angel in fear....he watched as his
brother apple was chomped down by the other man in horror and now knew his
time was up.....
  "it wont be so bad...im sure...one little cruch and...*sniff* itll all be
over..."  it thought as he felt the guard place the tray down by Angel...
   Never going to the apple school like his mother tree had always suggested,
he couldnt understand the human speech...he had grown up on a rough branch
and hung out with the bad apples....but now, he knew what was going on, even
without hearing the couples wording....
  The woman seemed pretty mad...like when he found out he had a worm
once...so, in the simple mathematical equation of an apple, he just assumed
Angel had worms...
  The man apparently, was undoubtedly an apple assassin...why else would he
be so cruel to eat one of the others then become intent on making the woman
eat him and the rest of his brethren?
  Its thoughts were interupted when his form whooshed from the plate and into
a cave, surrounded by stalagmites and stalagtites (yeah, so im no geologist
and i cant spell 'em right) and the cave grew darker in a split second....
  "Hey...this aint so bad" he murmered as he felt the warm, damp air around
him...well....it wasnt that bad until Angel's teeth tore him into bits,
mangling his outer skin and swallowing his torn remains into a pool of acid
in her stomach, the apple screaming in agony....
                                              ThE EnD
((sorry for intruding on your story without asking Angel, but i just had this
really strong impulse when i read that one to write a quick little story =)
hope ya didnt mind...))

Date: Tue, 02 Jul 1996 15:01:41 -0700
From: Queen of Arangoth <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: Gain strength...THEN attack

::Mun wipes away her tears of fluffin laughter::..oh my god..my boss
wondered why the hell I was sitting at my computer laughing my ass off..
THAT dear Steve is a keeper!! LOL..It's ok that you jumped into this story
since your character "The lil' Apple piece" died anyway..ROFLMAOPIMPX1000!!!!!!!

>((sorry for intruding on your story without asking Angel, but i just had this
>really strong impulse when i read that one to write a quick little story =)
>hope ya didnt mind...))

Her Royal Majesty                             |
AngelSin                                      |
Queen of Arangoth                             |
@---}---}---------                            |
---------------------------------             |
http://www.blkdragon.com/blkdra~1/blkhome.htm |
Official Web Site for the #BLKDRAGON*Inn!!    |

Date: Wed, 03 Jul 1996 01:24:49 
From: [email protected] (Queen of Arangoth)
Subject: Hell hath no fury..................

::Dellila reapears in her tent..panting heavily::

::She shakes with fear and anger:: "DAMNIT! DAMNIT TO THE HELLS AND BACK!!..
WHY Why didn't I just stick to the original plan?!!?!

::That evening she had gone to the Inn..and met the King Blkdragon...in his
preoccupation she had slipped a potion into his drink and brought him
outside to seduce ...then KILL him::"That potion was strong enough for 20
men! How could he have fought it?!!?"

::She had him outside..she had him in a compromising position..she was ready
to succeed in her diversion and he broke the spell:: "HOW?!.. he's more
powerful than I thought.." ::she shoves the table over breaking the mirror::
"That bastard! damnit..how did he get me with that spell?!"

::He had enchanted her with a truth spell..she let him know that she had his
wife..and sister in law..she even told him they were in the Asyr desert...::
"Damnit!! That witch! I'll kill her! I'll kill them both!!"

::She storms out of her tent::

(Angels Tent)

:: Angel sits trying to break the leg off her cot to use as a
weapon..::"Damnit let loose" She had spent the better of the evening trying
to find something for a weapon...her trusty sword now gone she couldn't just
get away with her fists..she needed something to deliver a fatal blow..

::Then tent suddenly flashes about her and dims....then lights up again. She
looks up.. "hmm.. more lightning"

::she goes back to work..suddenly dellila comes storming into the tent
screaming like a banshee:: "YE BITCH YOUR GOING TO DIE!!!"

::Angel jumps up not able to free the leg of the cot.. She blocks Dellila's
blow:: "I see ye've met my husband" She grins

::Dellila stops dead in her tracks:: "HOW did ye know that?!"

::Angel Grins:: "Ive seen that look before ...though it usually lays upon a
face in death"

::Dellila glares at angel and suddenly backhands her:: Aye..I've met thy
husband...and tasted a bit of his pleasures to... " . growls at Angel

::Angel leans up off the floor wiping a bit of blood from her mouth:::
"Obviously it  left a bitter taste in thy mouth " 

::Dellila glares at angel ready to strike her down dead::

"I thought ye wanted power Dellila..I thought ye needed us to gain such"
Angel trying not to grin and to stall for time..

::Dellila seethes then stops herself from striking angel:: "Aye..your
right...tis time..I'm taking ye two scum to Xandur now!"

::Dellila calls her guard....she NEEDS to get rid of them..Blk and Spectre
will be at this campsite soon...and she cannot fight Blkdragon and Spectre
alone..not even with the power she has:: "Chain her from hand to feet, we
are leaving NOW"

::The Guard, not without a bit of struggle with Angel chains her feet and
wrists and drags her out of the tent::

::Dellila stomping in front of them she mounts her horse..The guard pushes
Angel Forward::

They ride...well Dellila and the guard do for about a mile...

They arrive at a smaller camp where a small tent sits..a guard standing in
front of it..

"Hail mistress" he calls

"yea yea get the little waif and chain her up...we are going to the Asyr
camp tonight"

::The guard nods and slips into the tent..a short time later he comes out
dragging narisa by a chain around her neck....her wrists and legs chained as

::Angel sees Narisa her eyes widen:: "NARISA!!"

::Narisa looks up:: "ALYSIA!!"

::Narisa starts to run towards angel but the guard yanks her chain back and
she falls back coughing::

::Angel growls at the guard:: "YOU'LL DIE FOR THAT ACTION ALONE!!"

::Dellila rolls her eyes, her patience worn thin:: "WE GO NOW! Ye two had
better keep up"

::Dellila and the guards ride off into the night..dragging Angel and Narisa
with them.  They arrive at the Asyr camp at sunrise..Angel and Narisa both
exhausted...the chains ripping into thier skin with each pull..they must
have walked 50 miles thru the night.. They hadn't spoke much..Angel
instructed Narisa to keep quiet..until they were alone..Dellila dismounts
her horse and walks up to the Asyr guard:: "I'm here to see Prefect Xandur"

::The guard nods:: "Aye M'lady he's expecting ye"
::She looks at him curiously:: "he is?" shrugs and slips into Xandur's tent
She sees him standing in his large tent overlooking some maps..his back to her. 
"G'morn M'lord" she purrs.. I come baring gifts"

Her Royal Majesty
AngelSin aka
Alysia Draconoris Muthoris Vostanoth 
Queen of Arangoth
May our souls be blessed and our land be rich with love, peace and prosperity
Irc Channel #BLKDRAGON*Inn  
It's no longer just roleplaying..it's a community with a life of it's own!

Date: Tue, 2 Jul 1996 20:53:14 -0500
From: [email protected] (Cullen Stevenson)
Subject: re: apple story

::looks jealous:: Well, *I* didnt think it was that funny. I thought it was

Cullen Stevenson
"See this? This is a plain, ordinary human liver. But it's mine, you can't
have it!"
                           - The Kids In The Hall

Date: Tue, 2 Jul 1996 23:18:33 -0600
From: [email protected] (OneStab)
Subject: Tyntigal's Revenge

(( A piece from an AOL author :D ))

:::sitting quietly, his anger rising as he listens to Tyn's story of what
happened to the horses.  His eyes lowering when he realizes that her beloved
Pithian was also taken.. Without hesitation, he decides to help her make them
pay for for what they did. A grin crosses his face as he and Tyn discuss
their plan. "tis verra easa fer me t' do Tyn'...an' they t'will nay 'ere be
expectin' this" He reassures her that he wants to help, then stands, kissing
her on the cheek. Tucking the maps provided by Tyn into his pocket he
 "I'll do it right now Tyn." 

:::Shifting to falcon, he flies out the window, soaring high into the sky,
his wings carrying him with all the swiftness of the perigrine falcon that he
is. His flight taking him over the ocean towards the storms his senses tell
him are there. He flies behind the storm, his body glowing as he calls upon
the natural powers of Nature..  of the wind his ancient father gave him.
Taking control of the storm, he redirects the wind pushing the storm clouds
in a zig-zag pattern, creating a confusing path designed to hide the storms
true origin and to conceal the powers that brought it to its destination.:::

  :::Shortly before Nearing the border, he slows his flight, far below the
rains impede the progress of some force of horses.. Tyns? he presses on..
the stress of keeping up with the 100 mile/hr winds showing in his
movements. The blue glow around the falcon, hidden by the colors in the sky,
he continues to push the clouds over the border and stopping it just  inside
the Asri Border..  The torential rains and winds ravage the area, stirring
up the sand, quickly flooding the area turning the sand into a death trap of
quicksand, washing out roads. ::::

  ::: far out of sight, never entering the land of Asryi itself.. staying
away from any mage he senses.. moving from place to place landing only for
brief moments.. safely away from the storm,  he stays through the night
holding the rain clouds over the area. With the dawn's light, he releases
the wind, allowing
it to go as it will; setting the clouds free. Weary, he flies off slowly,
... the morning sun soothing on his sore body as he heads home to Rhydin.:::

Date: Tue, 2 Jul 1996 23:59:13 -0600
From: [email protected] (Xandur)
Subject: Back at camp

Xandur's temper grew shorter and shorter as the maddening rain pounded down
on his tent tarp.  Without the full strength of the Black Covenant, his
mages were barely able to dry the ground enough to keep the siege engines
from sinking.  

"Zantoth!" Xandur bellowed. 

The soaking magelord ducked underneath his Prefect's shelter.  "What,
Xandur?"  Zantoth replied without his usual respect.  Xandur glared at him
silently a split second to remind his subordinate of his manners.  "Prefect,
forgive me.  I live to serve."

Xandur lifted his chin.  "Report.  What, or who, caused this weather.. and
how long until we are underway again."

"The storms are natural by all accounts, My Lord.  Showers are uncommon even
in Arangoth this time of year, but they do happen.  Most our mages busily
aid the soldiers.  By heating the soil, a suitable path is maintained.. the
march continues."

"But slowed impossibly, Zantoth.  I planned to be at the walls of Castle
Black before week's end.  At this rate, we will be lucky to gain SoulDeep
before RangerBlue's troops arrive." Xandur rose from his seat, standing over
his assistant.  "Magelord, this battle will be much less certain if the
Wardens successfully reinforce the Arangothans.  Every moment we waste sunk
in mud is another our enemies have to prepare.  I want the rain stopped.  Now."

Zantoth bowed, seething in private at his commander's unrealistic request.
The triumphant cry of a hawk soaring invisibly overhead mocked them all.

Date: Tue, 2 Jul 1996 23:54:36 -0700 (PDT)
From: Syl <[email protected]>
Subject: While the Ruatha's Away the Mice are Mine
Cc: [email protected]

From: [email protected]
X-Sender: [email protected]
Date: Tue, 02 Jul 1996 23:37:02 -0400
To: [email protected]
Subject: While the Ruatha's Away the Mice are Mine

::::::::::::::::::;During the Night....the following happened while Lord Ruatha was at the BlkDragon Inn::::::::

 From the Shadows, Jul`Kair peers out...spying the royal Guards as they make their rounds thru the castle....he studies their movements easily...and then when the moment presents itself, he steals across the courtyard into the main Hall...

  Jul`Kair, stares blankly into the darkened corridors...moving easily and
silently, the warrior/assassin moves quickly to each door, listening for
the motion and speech of children....

  Soon he finds the nursey and also can hear the speech of what sounds to be
the Princess hereself along with the Nanny....he ponders his luck....and to
ensure no worries over his action, quickly dons the Sunaj Armor he recovered from a fallen brother of his......

......placing the final piece on, he activates his tattoo's to ensure his own safety above all else in this matter....Using his keen eyesight, gifted from a tattoo, easily spots the two guards down the hall....and with silent but quick steps approaches both from behind...ramming a steel rod into the base of both of their heads....easily lifting their dying corspes, and placing them in a nearby

  Jul`Kair sneaks his way up to the door of the nursery and with a simple twist of the handle, the door quickly opens....and shuts as he now is inside of the nursey....the Nanny lets out a brief squeal of shock.....as Jul`Kair releases a dagger directly into her gut, with the flick of his wrist.....the Princess, Menolly stands near her child...her utter disbelief at seeing a Sunaj Assassin standing in her own castle...

  Menolly speaks clearly, "How dare you, do you know who I am!?!?!"

 Jul`Kair removes the helm....and Menolly's eyes fade from anger to complete
shock as she sees it is...............Sun`zen, her own friend......

  Sun, speaks "Do not trouble yourself over the manner of which I am here,
only Know that you and your daughter are now my prisoner till such time as I
will determine"...."Do not attempt and trying to raise an Alarm, fore we
both would not wish to see more of your own guards lie dead tonite, Now do
we?"   Menolly can only shake her head...still finding it hard to believe
what she sees.   "Menolly, This can be easy, or you can die....the choice is
yours...wrap your daughter up, and speak not a single word or you will see
your own daughter die before your own eyes...Understand?"  Again Menolly can
only shake her head in response. and quickly does as Sun tells her so, and
in a matter of moments.....Sun opens a Rift and they are all transported out
of the BlackFens Castle........

::::Sun`zen curses himself lightly about losing the one dagger...damn
shameful, almost feel as a new borne assassin...sheesh::::

  Sun`zen places the Menolly and Myn her daughter  in a secret place till he
can figure as to how he can benefit from this in the long run......Jul`Kair
removes the darken Sunaj armor as the Rift closes behind him....and the
vision of Menolly, and Myn fade from view......

...as he moves again thru the shadows out across the Asyr Desert to
Sun`zen's Pyramid of the Rose that now resides in the Asyr*Desert...there he
regrow another ebony rose dagger and places it in the empty sheath....and
then looks out from one of the balcony of the Pyramid as the Sun begins its
journey up into the sky...just for a moment feeling small compared to the
its brillance...........

:::he ponders for a moment.....shameful to bring Kaejo such bad news......he
chuckles slightly.....just shameful::::::::::
-Sun`zen(former Sunaj)
{I'm am just a Simple Gardner, who enjoys removing a few "weeds" from the Lands}
Champion of BattleFest '96

Reality is a nightmare from which we can only awake from when we are living
our True Lives in Cyberspace.......Long Live the BlkDragon*Inn in all its Glory.

-starcry(aka. Stefhan)
-in life we have only the friendship and respect of out peers, for with out
that we are really alone, and we cry in the night, to see a falling star and
wish to it, that we grow and become better.

Date: Wed, 3 Jul 1996 03:49:12 -0400
From: [email protected]
Subject: Re: Gain strength...THEN attack

**bows and junk**
many thanks for the praise....it only goes to show you, that im in my best
form when i run off of 2 hours of sleep, a box of little debbie snack cakes,
and a 3 liter of Dr. Pepper.....<g>  *sigh*  back just like old times again


Date: Wed, 3 Jul 1996 08:14:41 -0600 (MDT)
From: Stef <[email protected]>
Subject: In the Keep

Rhiannonn smiles as she gazed up at the stormy gray heavens. 

"I wonder how Xandur fares now that his almighty feet are getting soaked"
she mutters to herself with contemptuous amusemement. 

Feeling a healthy kick to her ribs, she quickly glances down and sighs,
placing a hand over her swollen abdomen as if to calm the child within. 

"Soon little one...we are leaving...OneStab's wishes be damned. Your
rightful place is in Asyr. Over my dead body shall you EVER be raised as a
Lorillian...or worse..a sympathizer."

For the thousandth time, Rhiannonn felt the strange emotion of helplessness
more so because her condition made her move awkardly, rendering escape very
difficult...otherwise she would have been gone long ago. What irked her was
that OneStab knew this too and his obvious lavishing upon her and lack of
security only added further insult to her pride. He knew fully well she
could not go anywhere until the child was born. There had to be a way...

Rhiannonn once again glances up at the malevolent clouds and thinks of her
Prefect and the land she had once served so loyally under his thumb.  No
love was lost for Xandur.  If he thought she was easily replaceable..to be
disposed of in such a careless fashion...to resign herself as a mistress of
a Lorillian--Rhiannonn had to wince...such thoughts sickened and infuriated
her.  What mattered now was that the Black Covenant..the source of her power
as with all DarkMages of Asyr..was no longer accessible to Asyr..or to her.
She looked down at her all-too-familiar tak'him and smirked. Xandur no
longer had power of her..through these shackles of ruthless control placed
upon her wrists. But such loss of power also meant escape was much more
difficult..she could not rely on it as she could in the past. If she
could've..OneStab surely would have been dead a hundred times over since he
captured her and placed her in this gilded cell.

This new sense of freedom empowered Rhiannonn...she had an alternative to
regain some of her magic--of course not nearly as strong as that offered
through the Dark One..but it would be enough. If only she could leave here
to reach it.  And oh yes...then she would be back in Asyr. And Xandur WILL
know the full power of a woman scorned..and her greatest triumph will be
hearing his pleas for a quick death and her victory hearing him scream in
pain at her feet as she delivers the final death.

A plot started to form in the back of Rhiannonn's mind...

Hours later, as she rested on the elaborate canopy in the room, she was
smiling to herself once again. 

<w> "All I need to do is escape little one..and we shall be back in
Asyr--and back in business *very* soon...you can count on that.."

And she waited for nightfall.

"We're all mad here..."--Cheshire Cat

Irc Channel #BLKDRAGON*Inn  
It's no longer just roleplaying..it's friggin' "As The World Turns" meets
Captain Kangaroo ;)

Date: Wed, 3 Jul 1996 10:03:24 -0500 (CDT)
From: Kathy Stracener <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: Gain strength...THEN attack

GAWDS Steve... when I read the lil apple thing... *GROAN* sheesh ya know you
should REALLY get some sleep... you are starting to scare me big time.... I
mean SERIOUSLY scare me... adn that bit about you being an alien.... ::runs
and hides::

>**bows and junk**
>many thanks for the praise....it only goes to show you, that im in my best
>form when i run off of 2 hours of sleep, a box of little debbie snack cakes,
>and a 3 liter of Dr. Pepper.....<g>  *sigh*  back just like old times again

Date: Wed, 03 Jul 1996 11:07:44 -0700
From: Queen of Arangoth <[email protected]>
Subject: TO SYLVIA!!!!!!!!!

::The lights dim as the curtain rises...Angel's Mun stands on the stage with
the spotlight on her. ((NO I'm not gonna wear the tight dress for this
one!)) The meistro taps his wand and the orchestra starts to play::

::Angel's mun breaks out in son:: "THERE"S.....NO business like SHOW
business like NO business I know!!! ::Holds out her arms as she dances
accross the stage::

::Suddenly Steve comes running out on stage with a large bullhorn and
directors cap:: "CUT!! NONONONON! Your singing the wrong song!!" ::He
whispers into her ear::

::Andie blushes and nods to Steve:: "Ahem" ::the orchestra starts again::

~/o Happy Birthday to You!! Happy Birthday to You!! Happy Birthday dear
Sylvia, aka Petal aka Chrysalin <sp> aka Chryss aka Menolly, aka godz knows
who elllsssseeeeeeeee...~/o ::Takes a deep breath:: ~/o Happy
Biiiiiirrrrrthdayyyy toooooooooooooooooooo

The stadium is silent..only the chirping of crickets can be heard... "Hello?"
Andie covers her forhead looking into the crowd.."Well, she ain't even there!"

::The orchastra all turn around in unision::

::The miestro aka Kaejo/Mickey speaks up:: "Um...she's off getting drunk
somewhere...I think we started the show early...she won't be here till later"

::Angel fumes and turns to Steve who is coming back out from the side of the
YOU GOT THE WRONG TIME?!!? YOU IDIOT!!" ::She stomps her foot and storms off
to her dressing room::

::STeve shakes his head:: <M>Diva's
Steve then looks at the empty audience and the orchestra.  He gets a sudden
idea..:: "You all stay here, be ready to play!"

::He runs off stage::
::The Orchestra sit in the pit getting restless then finally the spot light
shines onto the center of the stage..Clicking heels are heard on the stage
and suddenly STeve is in the spotlight...He's dressed in a long tight Satin
baby blue dress with a long red feathered boa around his neck..His heels
quite high, the reason him having a bit of difficulty walking...::

::He looks down at Kaejo and whispers for him to have the band play
something. Kaejo Rolls his eyes and nods :: <m>not this again

::The band plays. Steve breaks out in dramatic movments and begins to sing
in a low sultry femalish voice::

"I..wanna be Kissed..by YOU..just YOU..and nobody else but You!" ::Swings
his hips to the left:: "I wanna be kissed by You..alooooone...Booboopydoo!"

::This goes on for several hours as the band is forced to play all kinds of
wierd crap for the director as he preforms. Suddenly word has it Sylvia is
in the theatre..Steve finishes his show and runs off to the side.. and goes
to Andie's dressing room:: "She's here show starts in 3 minutes!"

::Andie opens her door quickly and glares at him:: "ARE YOU SURE?!"

::Steve nods and runs off to get ready. Angel huffs then closes the door,
then opens it again looking in Steves direction as he disapears backstage::
<m>What the hell was he just wearing?!" ::She shrugs and slams the door..the
star on the dressing room drops revealing "Janitor" on the door..

::The curtain closes as Sylvia comes down the isle and takes her seat in front::

::The orchestra begins to play and the curtain is drawn..on the stage is
Angel in the center,
ix,Stagg and the rest of the cast and crew ((Sorry if I missed anyone))

::The all break out in song:: "HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO
YOU!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR SYLVIA!!!" ::Someone is way off key and people
look around:: "HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"::Music real loud
big dramatic ending::

::Everyone takes a bow::

CUT!!!That's a wrap!! ::Steve yells thru his bullhorn..but when he looks
around..everyone is gone.. only the sound of crickets...Steve frowns and
walks off::
Her Royal Majesty                             |
AngelSin                                      |
Queen of Arangoth                             |
@---}---}---------                            |
---------------------------------             |
http://www.blkdragon.com/blkdra~1/blkhome.htm |
Official Web Site for the #BLKDRAGON*Inn!!    |

Date: Wed, 03 Jul 1996 11:13:41 -0700
From: Queen of Arangoth <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: Shared Nightmares and Shattered dreams... (fwd)

FireIce paces about her office expecting Simon any moment.. her pale 
blue eyes reflecting back at her in the mirror as she stops to ponder.. 
she shakes her head annoyed "When do they go away.. when!"  She sighs a 
bit her 
mind going back to the night before.. When she Simon and the other lass 
tried to locate AngelSin, he looking for the Queen.. she the person or 
persons controlling the block against them.. her eyes turn to the 
darkened sky
. she smiles a bit knowing it is bright and balmy above the mist.. 
only she cannot see it.. "Aye.. ye di well ta hide yerself behind a 
curtain of mist.. be warned ye canna hide ferever though".  

She sighs a bit as she continues to pace.. there is something lurking 
behind her mind.. an image.. one that is just barely out of reach, and 
yet.. so close.. Again she closes her eyes and sighs.. trying to reach 
the image
 yet unable to.. She turns from the mirror and walks to her desk hoping 
Simon will be there soon.. maybe he has an understanding about all that 
has happened she has not thought of.  

She coughs softly.. and thinks of another new face.. the wench she met 
in the Inn.. Dallila... her mind recalling all the events.. how the 
woman spoke, what she said.. something not sitting inside Fire quite 
right about the lass.. 


Fire Ice smiles as Simon enters.. 

"Well met Simon.. tis about time ye got here. I thought ye may have 
gotten lost or somethin.. Not like ye dinna kin yer way here well 
enuf.. "  Fire smiles and waves him into the room.. her reproach 
softened by a smile her blue eyes upon him.

*Simon walks over to FireIce...*

"Hmm, Still not feeling well, FireIce?  Anyway, with BlkDragon here now,
we should have a better chance at finding AngelSin.  After all, he is
closer to her than I am, even if I did resurrect her a while back..."

*Simon sits in a nearby chair, pondering with a furrowed brow...*

"FireIce, I'm still uncomfortable with that Dellila person.. She is Way
too close to BlkDragon too soon..."

*FireIce smiles to Simon, smiling..*

"Simon, Ye ken as well as I that she is Nae a Person tae worry about.."

*Simon looks back at Fireice, curiously...*

"Normally, we have agreed on these types of things.. WHy is that now

*Simon again looks into her blue eyes, remembering they are normally
Violet, and wonders if this Color change has anything to do with her
change in behavior?*

FireIce and SimnFenix

Her Royal Majesty                             |
AngelSin                                      |
Queen of Arangoth                             |
@---}---}---------                            |
---------------------------------             |
http://www.blkdragon.com/blkdra~1/blkhome.htm |
Official Web Site for the #BLKDRAGON*Inn!!    |

Date: Wed, 3 Jul 1996 11:34:51 -0700 (PDT)
From: Syl <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: To Syl

Oh god!! thanks!! That gave me the biggest laugh ever...mostly cuz it was soooo much the way I picture you guys!!!~So many characters running through my mind...so little time to play them all.

Date: Wed, 3 Jul 1996 15:30:55 -0400
From: [email protected]
Subject: Re: TO SYLVIA!!!!!!!!!

  Ya know....i always hoped there was noone else in the world that even
slightly resembled me....now that youve copied me with such precision, i see
that i was horribly wrong.... <g> wow queenie....didnt know you had it in
you...of all the people to impersonate me, you actually did a good
job...heheh...but, now that we are on the topic, do you really think blue is
my color?  ive always preferred green, it brings out my eyes
*blinkblinkblinks* heheh...

StEvE -- the now not-so-one-of-a-kind =/

Date: Wed, 3 Jul 1996 12:56:32 -0700
From: [email protected] (Aliastra Gaia Archrelar Amon)
Subject: None



Date: Wed, 3 Jul 1996 13:05:25 -0700 (PDT)
From: RangerBlue <[email protected]>
Subject: Death of OverLord
Cc: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
        [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
        [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
        [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
        [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
        [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
        [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
        [email protected], [email protected]

::He reads again the battle reports from the Asyr incursion, and once
more scans the casualty lists. Long hours he had done this already in
his darkened study at Taigenath. Men and women died, more widows and
orphans in the land. Their arrival in Arangoth was the harbinger of
death and pain for innocent people, as their old enemy dogs them
ever..driving them from land to land.

Blue goes to a another small table in the study, covered with maps,
time tables, TOEs and other instruments. Supplies, caches, regiments
prepositioned, alliances, ships. A year's worth of constant planning.

"Damn", he whispers, "So close, another few months at most. Weeks more

Slowly, he gathers it all up, rolls it together and tosses it in the
fire of his study.

"Forgive me Loreil" he chokes, "You must wait...a little longer."

In the brightening light of the flaming OverLord plans, Blue sharpens
a quill and writes:
Warden Order 37241

  To: All units, Warden/Loreil forces

1. Effective immediately, the plans for OverLord are cancelled.

2. All units not currently engaged, shall transport by the swiftest
   means available to location named "Anvil" in the lands adjacent to

3. Once there, units will fortify and wait further orders concerning
   defense of the Kingdom of Arangoth from Asyri incursion.

4. Dragon Riders of the 12th, shall begin immediate aerial scouting of
   the Arangoth/Asyr border areas. Under no circumstance are hostile
   force engagements authorized.

5. All mystic/mage activity to be restricted only to shield and
   protect the Anvil forces with the exception of the Prometheus
   operation. That shall continue as planned.

6. These orders to be destroyed after reading. May god show us all his
   infinite grace.

RangerBlue            Wrynnet Blue
Sovereign of Loreil   Soverain of Loreil
First Warden          Baroness of Taigenath

:;sealed under the rising Star of Loreil::
Wryn had entered as he wrote, and without a word signed her name to
the orders next to his before the seal applied. She picks them up and
then hands them to Captain Bekus, their adjudant, who had been waiting
by the door. He takes them to be attended to.

Blue looks at Wryn's eyes, and his own start to become quite bright.
His chest heaves in a deep convulsion, to be instantly swallowed back
in that way only men do....when they refuse to weep. His face works
hard while she watches a moment, knowing herself the turmoil within.
The light in the study dims, as the plans for the liberation of
Loreil, turn to ash in the fireplace.

Date: Wed, 3 Jul 1996 18:03:32 -0400 (EDT)
From: "Bryan Hoag (EE)" <[email protected]>
cc: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
Subject: Wedding Final Notice

Tonight at Midnight, EST, Simon Horus Phoenix and Lady Viskaya shall be
United in Holy matrimony.. The Service will be held in #FenixCastle and
Kylus will be presiding.  
This Invitation extends to ALl Citizens of Arangoth, Loreil, Asyr, and All
surrounding realms.  At No time will Any instigation of Combat be allowed.
If Anyonr attemts anything, ((Assasinate a guest, assasinate the Bride or
Groom, Kidnap any guest or Bride or Groom, Etc.)) THey will be Forcively
Ousted from the Castle entirely by the assigned Guards.

Thank you all in Advance, Hope to see you all there.

Simon Horus Phoenix, and Lady Viskaya

Date: Wed, 3 Jul 1996 18:14:15 -0500 (CDT)
From: [email protected] (L.Sawyer)
Subject: okay did it work

earlyer i spoke to angelsin about how the list won't work fo rme so i tried
something angelsin said would work and i wanna see if it works so can at
least somoene mail [email protected] if they see this oh and juts to add
somthing to the list and sence people don't know this stagg was killed by
maznafein even though i didn't expect it  he didn't use any god PC moves or
anything like that so he is dead dead=dead which is why i have been stilling
around as not stagg until i find insperation in a place that is always the
same (my house) and yes my grammor does suck mostly cuz i don't care enough
to bother wich it when writeing stuff like this  

Date: Wed, 3 Jul 1996 16:23:05 -0700 (PDT)
From: Syl <[email protected]>
Subject: Follow-up

From: [email protected]
X-Sender: [email protected]
Date: Wed, 03 Jul 1996 14:59:19 -0400
To: [email protected]
Subject: Follow-up

Jul`kair stalks thru the shadows, till he finally sees the BlackFens Castle
once again....this time he knows what to do....

  During that night, Jul`Kair managed to scale the walls of the Castle,
bypass each of the alarms set up thru out the castle to prevent exactly what
he is trying to do now....

  Jul`Kair encountered each guard seperately from any other, and using the
power of surprise and a sharp dagger slit the throat of each guard he
encountered...leaving a trail of blood and gore behind him....he manages
to see the his final target, one of the Honor Guards to Kaejo Ruatha....and with sudden surprise he manages to take the guard down quietly and quickly...., the Guard merely unconcious at the moment, he steals thru the main hallway with the guard firmly over his shoulder.

  Jul`Kair arrives in the main grand Hall, where the Lord of the Castle
would sit......and it is here, he sets the guard up, in the chair, and
disembowels him completely....using the guards own intestines to tie him to
the chair....and too ensure the guard lingers on for the entire night, sets
three potions of magical healing nearby as they slowly drip their contents
into his wounds, healing them, and then the wounds slowly reopen
again....the guard come in and out of conscious...moaning lightly....

  Jul`Kair, then sets the dagger with the message firmly into the padding on
the other chair, where Menolly would sit...Jul`Kair reads over the message
once more, just to ensure it says what it needs.....

   Lord Ruatha of the BlackFens;

            The Clan of the Sunaj, bid you Good Day....we hope, that your
are Aware that we are now in possession of your Wife and Child....you will
join the Asyr in secret and aid them in any manner that they wish, for if
not....you will recieve the head, brains, and intestines of your child
first, and if you fail again, then your wifes....Do not disappoint us, and
tell no one of this, or we will surely have some fun training ur child and
wife as Sunaj.

                                                          Your New Allies.

 Jul`Kair ponders it for a moment.....hmmmm, sounds good enough, hope he
buys it.....

 Jul`Kair quickly moves back thru the castle and back to the outer walls,
where he once again, scales the walls, landing silently on the outer
walls....he snickers for a moment..."Almost too easy...oh well....back to
the Inn, for the coming Fireworks or the next few nights".....

-Sun`zen(former Sunaj)
{I'm am just a Simple Gardner, who enjoys removing a few "weeds" from the Lands}
Champion of BattleFest '96

Reality is a nightmare from which we can only awake from when we are living
our True Lives in Cyberspace.......Long Live the BlkDragon*Inn in all its Glory.

-starcry(aka. Stefhan)
-in life we have only the friendship and respect of out peers, for with out
that we are really alone, and we cry in the night, to see a falling star and
wish to it, that we grow and become better.

~So many characters running through my mind...so little time to play them all.

Date: Wed, 3 Jul 1996 19:43:35 -0500
From: [email protected] (TRM Pendrake and Mysha)
Subject: Alliances

Unto TRM Arangoth, the Honourable BlackDragon,and AngelSin,and the Good
People of the Realm of Arangoth come greetings and salutations from
Pendrake,Rex Caern Rhia, and Mysha, Regina Caern Rhia:

Noble Cousins:

It has come to Our attention that the borders of Your fair lands, lands
which once We called home,lands to which We still owe an allegiance and
fealty of heart, have come under the attack of the Asyri. It is thus Our
wish at this time to formally declare our alliance,and allegiance to
Arangoth,and to place at your service any and all resources We hold. While
our fighting force remains depleted due to the recent events which brought
Us to the thrones, pray know ye We hereby place them at your beck and call,
as well as make available to you any supplies We hold of which you may have
need. We, Our forces, and Our personal house stand ready to join with you at
your request.

By Our Hands, this day,

Pendrake            Mysha
Rex Caern Rhia      Regina Caern Rhia

Date: Thu, 04 Jul 1996 17:38:08 -0500
From: Jimmie Bragdon <[email protected]>
Subject: Sure is quiet in here...

*The mun sticks his head into the empty mailbox*


*With much difficulty, he manages to get it back out*

Hmmm...it's too quiet in here...what to do...

*Spies an unopened package of Black Cats on the shelf and grins, Grabbing them
he runs out the door.*


*He walks up to a black, metal mailbox with some writing on the side, it reads,
 "LOTTS" Opening it up, he places all 200 firecrackers inside, and lights the
fuse, giggling maniacallly.  He runs off as the firecrackers explode, each
with a loud metallic ring to it.*

Hope he wasn't sleepin' ;)

      // Jimmie Bragdon     |  [email protected]       |      /\    \\ 
      \\ User Administrator |  www.io.com/~jimmie  |     /  \   // 
      // Illuminati Online  |                      |    / () \  \\
      \\ ============================================= /      \ //

Date: Thu, 4 Jul 1996 22:26:43 -0400
From: [email protected]
Subject: Re: Sure is quiet in here...

   StEvE *would* react to the explosions, but he was too busy pouncing
through fireworks and getting the hell burned out of him...now he comes in to
check his mail and to brush off the ashes and charred pieces of his shirt and
shorts....the next morning, he walsk to his mailbox, seening poor Milfred the
Mailbox torn asunder by someones reckless and sick sense of humor....as he
crumples to his knees he looks to the sky, screaming out the only person who
could have dont this...
  "JIM-MMMMIEEEEE!!!!!!  WHY?!?!  WHY?!?!"
  He falls to the ground weeping over Milfreds remains....

Date: Thu, 04 Jul 1996 22:37:44 -0400 (EDT)
From: "Hudson's Petting Zoo" <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: TO SYLVIA!!!!!!!!!

That was me off key..

Eric Hudson, mundane of Sir Raych Kjeldoran IV
[email protected]   
[email protected] - ICACCS
Big Mac, Felafel, and a side of fries.
	-James Taylor, "Slap Leather," 1991

Date: Thu, 4 Jul 1996 22:13:35 -0500
From: [email protected] (TRM Pendrake and Mysha)
Subject: *sigh*


Now that all the fireworks are over, is anyone else as bored as I am???

Wake up people..someone do something! PLEASE!!!! OR I'll be forced to molest
Pendrake! :)


Date: Thu, 4 Jul 1996 22:15:02 -0500
From: [email protected] (TRM Pendrake and Mysha)
Subject: RE:*sigh*

The first person that actually DOES something,and stops her from molesting
me is DEAD MEAT! 8)


Date: Fri, 5 Jul 1996 00:11:24 -0400
From: Dave Crampton <[email protected]>
Subject: RE:*sigh*

>The first person that actually DOES something,and stops her from molesting
>me is DEAD MEAT! 8)
*Dave sits in front of his computer and chugs Dew and types....

Whoops, I did something.  Heheheheh...

*Dave runs for his life....tossing cans of spam behind him....

Dave Crampton AKA Dark Vampyre

"The Blood is the Life"                         - Dracula
"Blood is like wine..."				- Bush
"I don't know how to be bad at being bad."      - The Vampire Lestat
"Call me what you will....."                    - Metallica
"That's just one of my names...."		- Bush

Dave's too cool Web Page    - http://www.msu.edu/user/crampto3/
The #RedFang Bar's Web Page - http://www.msu.edu/user/crampto3/RedFang/

Date: Thu, 4 Jul 1996 21:13:09 -0700 (PDT)
From: Syl <[email protected]>
Subject: RE:*sigh*

At 10:15 PM 7/4/96 -0500, you wrote:
>The first person that actually DOES something,and stops her from molesting
>me is DEAD MEAT! 8)

:::gets out her video camera and heads over to Mysha and Pendrake's apartment to record the ummmm fun :::::::~So many characters running through my mind...so little time to play them all.

Date: Fri, 5 Jul 1996 00:31:46 -0400 (EDT)
From: "Bryan Hoag (EE)" <[email protected]>
cc: [email protected], [email protected]
Subject: Happy Independence Day!

*Staggering from their castle and still Grinning from ear to ear with
their Honeymoon, Simon and Viskaya join Fireice out in the courtyard in
front of the Castle, the ground covered with hundreds of round tubes,
strings extending from them all to one central cord.  As one, they strike
the Biggest Match in the world, and watch as the fuses burn into the
tubes, running for cover in the Castle throne room at the last second.
Suddenly, the Skies of Arangoth, Asyr, and all the surrounding realms (I
can't remember the names of them all) are Blindingly ablase with Multiples
of Every Form of Fireworks Imagunable, and a few Magic types of Simon's
and FireIce's concoction..*

*Simon takes a deep breath, then shouts...*

"Let this Display Serve as an Example of What Independence Day means Not
Only to the Earth Realm, But to All Kingdoms of THis Realm as Well!  We
are All Free to Live As our Own nation.  We Have the Right to Live as
Different People under Different Rulers, And, When Oppressed, We Have the
Right To Rise Up and Fight Back Against Anyone who would Oppress our

*Viskaya smiles to her newlywed husband...*

"Well Spoken, Love..."

*Simon looks towards Asyr...*

"I just hope it did not fall upon deaf ears...."

*FireIce places a reassuring hand on Simon's shoulder.*

"I dinnae believe Any ear was Deaf te thine Words, Simon..."

***Over in Asyr...***

*Xandur and Zantoth see the Asyri skies ablaze with the Fireworks from
Arangoth, then hear the Air Ring with Simon's words...*

***At the Arangoth and Asyr War Camps...***

*Asyri and Arangothian alike look skyward, remembering what it was like to
live as separate, independent Kingdoms, do they yearn for an End to this

***At the Prison camp where AngelSin and Narisa are held...***

*Dellila finds herself caught off-guard by the Fireworks from Arangoth,
then growls deep as Simon's words echo over the realm...*

"Damn!  Doesn't that Stubborn Arse Know when to give up?"

*ANgelSin and Narisa peek ou from their tents, seing the Fireworks as
well, then hearing Sinon's echoing speech.. AngelSIn turns to Dellila*

"Like my Husband, and like Spectre, Simon also does not know the meaning
of the words `Give Up.'  Even if you Kill us, He will Not stop until All
oppressors of Arangoth have been sent back in Defeat, or destroyed."

*Dellila spins Angrily to AngelSin, then stops, wondering if maybe, just
maybe Simon really is more of a threat than she figured?*

((No, this is NOT a Part of the Plot, But, I felt it was appropriate on
this day we Celebrate our Country's Independence to give us all, Asyri,
Arangothian, and all peoples a reminder of what we face, and what we are
fighting for...))

SimnFenix, FireIce, and Viskaya.

((Please don't be mad, Andie, I had to do this.))

((FireIce, Thanks for helping me have an Enjoyable July 4th!))

((Laura, Happy Independence day, to the Mun of my Wife!))

Date: Fri, 5 Jul 1996 00:54:29 -0500
From: [email protected] (Fadi and Rainault)
Subject: RE:*sigh*

>>The first person that actually DOES something,and stops her from molesting
>>me is DEAD MEAT! 8)
>*Dave sits in front of his computer and chugs Dew and types....
>Whoops, I did something.  Heheheheh...
>*Dave runs for his life....tossing cans of spam behind him....
"Hehehe....to late." 
  Pendrake says as he gasps for air.  He walks to the window only to be
pulled down on the bed again.  
  Mysha demands  "NOW!!"
  ((And you thought it was IC  8)  ))

Date: Fri, 5 Jul 1996 02:55:11 -0500 (CDT)
From: [email protected] (Stagg's old mun)
Subject: COWS GONE MAD and a new character


        Now about a character i have been useing lately. Thews yes that one
is me useing a paranoid possesed sometimes character that hears voises.

         Thews looks like he is made of thick grass and his skin is more
like dirt then anything else. He has his reason for being like this his
family owned some money to a mage but never paid this mage was almost as
insane as he is so he decided to burn down his home for the family not
paying. During this burning his whole family burnt down but he was outside
playing. He was found and made into the chia person he is. So he doesn't
like anyone who uses magic and being on his own that long left him a little
damaged sence he was so young when it happened. Also a deamon though his
grass like body was very nice so it possesed him one day but never gained
control due to it being a weak deamon possesing him.  And when i use him i
am IC i don't mean what i do even though i am annoying with him and the only
time i mean something i have a () aorund it (i can't spell what those are today.
        Yes my spelling and punchation proabley suck though this whole
letter but well i don't read this over and am to busy hopeing it goes
through to the list when i send it. Okay there i said alot but not to much
about him.

Stagg's Ex mun and Thews new one twice as anoying ic for half price

"Bad nineteen fiftyies homosexual sterotype."
Kids in the Hall

"This is the second most exciting thing I've ever held in my hand."
Third Rock from the Sun

"The Swiss are invadeing"
The Tick

Date: Fri, 05 Jul 1996 12:11:27 
From: [email protected] (Queen of Arangoth)


working on the million entries I got for the Yellow pages now...one
thing..It is EXTREMELY difficult to do, especcially when I have to put all
the code in myself..so I'm going to have to limit Nickmames to the 3 MAJOR
ones you use...some have sent me 6 nicknames plus! I've got like 40 entries
sent plus multiply that by the number of nicks people have.. This is gonna
take me awhile :/  me and my bright ideas'.. heheheh anyway thanks...

Her Royal Majesty
AngelSin aka
Alysia Draconoris Muthoris Vostanoth 
Queen of Arangoth
May our souls be blessed and our land be rich with love, peace and prosperity
Irc Channel #BLKDRAGON*Inn  
It's no longer just roleplaying..it's a community with a life of it's own!

Date: Fri, 5 Jul 1996 10:30:44 -0500
From: [email protected] (Cullen Stevenson)
Subject: Re: COWS GONE MAD and a new character

::glares at Staggs mun:: HEY! Only *I* can use a kids in the hall sig!!

Cullen Stevenson
"See this? This is a plain, ordinary human liver. But it's mine, you can't
have it!"
                           - The Kids In The Hall

Date: Fri, 5 Jul 1996 13:29:52 -0400 (EDT)
From: "Bryan Hoag (EE)" <[email protected]>
cc: [email protected], [email protected]
Subject: Wedding Logs

	On Wednesday, July 3rd at 12: Midnight, Emperor Simon Horus
Phoenix of Phoenecia, and Lady Viskaya Felina, now Empress Viskaya Felina
Phoenix were united in Holy Matrimony, under the Presiding of FireIce,
Priestess of the Elements.  If Anyone who did attend, or who Missed the
Wedding would care for a Log of the Wedding, Please send an Individual
E-Mail to Me to my Address, Not to the List.  THere are 2 versions of the
Log.  One is the one I'll distribute to whoever asks, which is the trimmed
down Log, showing just the Wedding.  The Other is the Raw Log, the
Behind-the-Scenes Version.  Sorry, but I'm Not gonna send That one out
without the Permission of Fireice and Viskaya, who will each get a copy of
the Raw Log.

	Our Sincerest thanks for all who Attended the Ceremony, and
allowing it to be a Peaceful one.

Emperor Simon Horus Phoenix
Empress Viskaya Felina Phoenix
Lady FireIce

Date: Fri, 05 Jul 1996 14:58:29 -0400
From: Zantoth Dryanthos <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: Back at Camp

Zantoth walked out of the tent, his face in a slight sneer.  It was most
evident to those he passed by that he was in a very bad mood, and seeing
that they stayed out of his way.  He made his way back to his command
post, getting wetter in each passing moment.

After a few moments, he reached the command post.  Sevral soldgers were
stationed there, and they stood at attention as soon as he enter.
Zantoth looked at one of them, and have him a glare from his black eyes.

"You...find me our two most powerful mages...*now*.  The Prefect wants
this dammed rain stopped...and it seems that I have no choice but to do
what he wishes."

The soldger ran out in to the rain....away to the tents of the more
powerful mages.  Zantoth took out a map case, and unrolled it.  The map
was a large map of Arangoth....already divided up in to provences.  He
chuckled, looking at the large chunk of land he had already given
himself.  "Prefect Zantoth..." he said under his breath, "I would no
longer have to put up with Xan-." At that moment, a large drop of water
hit his map, smearing the ink of which he used to divy up Arangoth..and
creating a small hole in the map.

As this happened, he looked at the map, and then he stood up, and began
to rip it up, all the time screaming "Get me someone who can help me
stop this dammed rain!  Right now!!!"

The soldgers looked at him strangly, yet by now knew not to question his
actions.  Only a few moments later, two black robed mages walked in, and
bowed to him.

"Goodevening, Magelord" they said, nealy in unison.

"Goodeve.  Now...tell me.  Can you incompitants stop this dammed rain!?"

"Magelord..." one of them spoke, "we are healing the troops, they must
not be weary for the comming battle"

Zantoth replied quietly. "I care not about the comming battle, *mage*.
I want to know how many it will take to stop this rain.  Tell me...and
tell me *now*."  His pacience, evidently, had ran out.

"Bu-..I-" the mage stammerd for a moment.

"*Now*, mage," Zantoth said.

"Uh...fifteen, sir."

"Fifteen!!!" Zantoth walked up to him, looking down at him.  "This is
your responciblty now, mage.  Your reward for completing this task is
you will not become my slave.  If you fail....you will be wearing the
slave collar."  The mage gulped. "Now, mage....as soon as the spells are
ready to be cast, call me.  You have one hour to prepair them.  I would
not want to leave a casting of this importance to incompatants such as
yourself..." Zantoth spit in the already weting sand before the mage.

Both mages ran out of the tent, one a bit more nervous then the other.
Zantoth walked over to an hourglass, and turned it over, begining to
time the mage.  "<m> One hour..."  As he said that, another drop hit
Zantoth on the head..and then another..and another.....

Date: Fri, 5 Jul 1996 15:33:25 -0500 (CDT)
From: [email protected] (Stagg's old mun)
Subject: Re: COWS GONE MAD and a new character

>::glares at Staggs mun:: HEY! Only *I* can use a kids in the hall sig!!

Oh i never noticed you had one well now that i can send the the list I SHALL
use wanna my faveriote lines even though i don't watch enough TV for a
really long sig the one they said my line was a really good kids in the hall
oh and simnit's okay that he isn't helping you tome simn down i didn't make
a weirdo character to help you anyway
one more thing the topic almost doesn't make sence so
moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo
(mun is still happy that he can finaly add to the list now)

Stagg's used to be mun or should that be used to be Stagg's mun

"Bad ninteen fifties homosexual sterotype"
Kids in the Hall

"This is the second most exciting thing I've ever held in my hand"
Third Rock from the Sun

"The Swiss are invadeing
The Tick

Date: Fri, 5 Jul 1996 15:36:35 -0500 (CDT)
From: [email protected] (Stagg's old mun)

Yea, oh, and my nicks and stuff well they have been through alota changes.
Yea alota changes. how am i supposed to send that stuff to you again?

Stagg's used to be mun or should that be used to be Stagg's mun

"Bad ninteen fifties homosexual sterotype"
Kids in the Hall

"This is the second most exciting thing I've ever held in my hand"
Third Rock from the Sun

"The Swiss are invadeing
The Tick

Date: Fri, 5 Jul 1996 16:04:24 -0600
From: [email protected] (Xandur)
Subject: Re: Hell hath no fury..................

.Dellila dismounts
>her horse and walks up to the Asyr guard:: "I'm here to see Prefect Xandur"
>::The guard nods:: "Aye M'lady he's expecting ye"
>::She looks at him curiously:: "he is?" shrugs and slips into Xandur's tent
>She sees him standing in his large tent overlooking some maps..his back to
>"G'morn M'lord" she purrs.. I come baring gifts"

The Prefect spins quickly hearing the familiar female voice, his cloak
whipping to his shoulder, revealing a shiny adamantite breastplate.  His
eyes meet Dellila's, holding them in a brief battle of ambitious wills.  She
doesn't flinch.  

Grinning as he spies her company, Xandur bellows with laughter.

"Well well well.. if it isn't ~honorable~ Queen AngelSin herself!"  The
Prefect bows sarcastically. "Welcome to my battle tent, your exhalted-ness.
I would offer more comfort, and will, once I sit on your throne."

AngelSin spat, inside her fury exploded in her veins.  As she sucked in her
breath to verbally retaliate, Dellila's backhand smacked her lips sending
her to the dirt. "Silence, bitch.  You listen here."

Xandur couldn't hide his pleasure; it seeped from inside in his twisted
grin.  "I.. underestimated your talents... Dellila.  Queen AngelSin is a
prize I thought not to attain before wrecking Castle Black."  His tongue
raced across his leathery lips in thought. 

"Prefect," Dellila broke in, "the queen is not alone.. this.. younger
wretch.. is the queen's sister, Narisa."  

"Sister?!" Xandur howled, "and I thought you brought her for Magelord
Zantoth... His tastes are more... delicate.. than mine.."  Xandur's eyes
moved over AngelSin, burning with hatred and worse.  Snapping from thoughts
of his fortune, the Prefect stepped closer to Dellila.  Whispering beneath
earshot of the others, he asked, "What do you want for them?  I don't expect
you come to drop them off and ride away.  Your price? lady?"

Date: Fri, 5 Jul 1996 19:45:00 -0400
From: Dave Crampton <[email protected]>
Subject: Family Members

To all of my Kindred:

        I propose a meeting to discuss our positions, ambitions, and power.
Weather this meeting be in Arangoth or in Detroit, I don't care.  Respond to
me in private channels.  It would be to your benifit to attend, my Kindred,
my Brethren.

                                                Eternally Dark,

Dave Crampton AKA Dark Vampyre

"The Blood is the Life"                         - Dracula
"Blood is like wine..."				- Bush
"I don't know how to be bad at being bad."      - The Vampire Lestat
"Call me what you will....."                    - Metallica
"That's just one of my names...."		- Bush

Dave's too cool Web Page    - http://www.msu.edu/user/crampto3/
The #RedFang Bar's Web Page - http://www.msu.edu/user/crampto3/RedFang/

Date: Fri, 5 Jul 1996 20:07:36 -0700
From: [email protected] (Timothy McKee )
Subject: Re: Hell hath no fury..................

Date: Fri, 5 Jul 1996 23:26:44 -0400
From: [email protected]
Subject: Re: Hell hath no fury..................

  **opens the mail from [email protected] (Timothy McKee) only to see that
it is utterly, completely, and especially, empty....he shakes the email
envelope only to see that there is nothing there at all....**

  is this some sort of sick joke?  i get all hyper cause i get to open
another email and *sniff* im....im *tricked* by tsome *sniff*
heartless....*sniffle* i...i cant go on...

  **runs off, weeping between maddened giggles**


Date: Sat, 06 Jul 1996 13:16:51 
From: [email protected] (Queen of Arangoth)
Subject: Ode to ..um..well what just popped in my head...

The heart it wanders searching..
for it's home and joining soul
known now that fate is working
but it's path blurred and not known

The mind it reaches out 
to the other one it knows
the life not sure what this is about
but the love is what it shows

The eyes that only wish to see
the sight in which it dreams
the heart that only wants to be
part of the wish it deems

The hands that ache to feel the touch
of passions hightened hold
The lips that dream to kiss the others'
the story waiting to be told

The hope that stretches into years
The dreams that never end
The answer not to far away
but waiting an eternety to spend

The ears that hear only silence
but the heart that hears the song
The soul awaits it's destiny
The being soon to be where it belongs
Her Royal Majesty
AngelSin aka
Alysia Draconoris Muthoris Vostanoth 
Queen of Arangoth
May our souls be blessed and our land be rich with love, peace and prosperity
Irc Channel #BLKDRAGON*Inn  
It's no longer just roleplaying..it's a community with a life of it's own!

Date: Sat, 6 Jul 1996 09:25:01 -0500
From: [email protected] (Elysiad and ALAQRB)
Subject: Re: Hell hath no fury..................

  Elysiad opens the email of the one called (Timothy McKee). She looks in
the envelope three or four time.  "How Anti-CLIMATIC," as she sighs deeply,
"perhaps is was a PREMATURE EMAILUATION.  So typical of these foolish mortal
men these days."

  ALAQRB shambles in as only he can, "Something of worth pet?"

  Elysiad turns to ALAQRB and smiles as only she can, "No, nothing of
IMPOTENCE.  Just typical mortal INFERTILITY."  Elysiad walks to ALAQRB and
wraps her arms around him seductively.  ALAQRB slides his hands down


  Elysiad walks away smiling at ALAQRB as she puts her clothes back on.  
  ALAQRB turns to the mortal who wrote that email, "Thank you mortal
(Timothy McKee), I enjoyed your letter IMMENSELY. Good day."  

Date: Sat, 6 Jul 1996 12:09:23 -0700 (MST)
From: [email protected] (Stan)
Subject: an oath

        Aystan pulled his hair back and brushed the strands of loose hair
from his face. He glanced up at the great Castle Black that towered in the
distance. He bowed his head and unsheathed his blade. The young paladin then
thrust Lumina, his Holy Avenger, into the ground. He rested his right hand
on her hilt and proceeded to then kneel down and close his eyes. " Your
Majesty, the great king Blkdragon of Arangoth... I know not if you know me,
but I have vowed to protect you and her highness... The Asyrians must pay
for their treachery... The queen will be rescued and return unharmed. I
would vow this to you personally, but I know I'm nay allowed in thy castle..."
        Aystan stands slowly and looks at the castle. " I wish to help ye
m'lord... For I'm sure to fail alone... But, how can a lowly warrior as
myself join up with the elite army of a great king?" Aystan sighed heavily.
" I know I'm unworthy to join you m'leige, but, I have nothing other than my
sword to offer as help... No matter what your general's decision is, whether
to allow me to join the army or not, I'll still fight for the glory of
Arangoth, and for Queen Angelsin..." 
        He then sheathed his blade and gazed at the sunset. " Soon the evils
will leave this land... Arangoth will emerge victorious!" 
        He stood looking onward, his dark hair swaying gently in the wind. A
smile came across his young face when he saw the beauty of the realm from
his high position. " This land is worth dying for... For its people and the
safety of their children... "   
        The paladin turned around and slowly walked away, pondering his next

Date: Sat, 06 Jul 1996 14:36:43 -0500
From: Brad Plumb <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: Post names of the Asri (Long version)

At 09:01 AM 7/2/96 -0700, you wrote:

>        She let the thought trail off, there would be plently of time 
>for thoughts of death as the war
>progresses. She had to think of a way for all this confusion to be 
>avoided. Perhaps a wanted
>poster, printing all of the known Asri names. Quickning stood up and 
>went to Horace, who was
>the bar keep for this eve.
>        "Horace," Quick asked "Do ya have pen and parchment handy?"
>        "Aye." Said Horace. Then he went work cleaning some mugs.
>     Quick sighed loudly "Well can I barrow some?" Horace smirked and 
>retrieved a paper and
>parchment from the behind the bar. Quickning took the pen and parchment. 
>Then blinked. "Uh
>Horace, do ya have any Ink?"
>     Horace gave her a sly smile. "Weeell, there's the rub...Ink will 
>cost ya." Quick rolled her
>eyes and paid Horace a silver. Once Horace had gotten the out the ink 
>she set to work. 
>She wrote: To Warden OneStab
>     Would you please post the Names of know Asri. That may ease some of 
>the tension in the
>city of Arangoth. This will be for the higher good of Arangoth as well 
>as the patrons of the
>                         Arangoth Forever,
>                         Storm Quickning.
>                         (Insert a big flourish here )
>>From the Stolen Pen and Twisted Mind of
 Uhhh well actually the asyri are an entire kingdom, unless you just want
the names of Asyri characters. 
  BrAd PlUmB
  Silvan of Shadowdale
 "Yes sir before joining the Royal Space force I admit to being nowhere at
all." -     Wings of Honnemaise
 "The only thing I fear, is Keyser Soze" - The Usual Suspects
 "The greatest weapon of the fascist is the tolerance of the pacifist" - 
  Suicidal Tendencies
 "Ours is the kingdom of steel" - ManOwar 

Date: Sat, 06 Jul 1996 23:16:32 
From: [email protected] (Queen of Arangoth)
Subject: The Negotiations begin....

::Dellila grins..things didn't go quite as expected in the last few days,
but she was no a step closer to realizing her "Destiny" as she deemed it.
She brushes up against him as she passes by going back over to Angel. She
lightly lifts Angel's chin looking at her only to have Angel damn near bite
her hand off. She frowns shoving Angel to the floor:: "I said be careful
chit, one word from me and your sister's blood covers this tent" She spins
around looking again to Xandur.. "There are a couple prices I wish paid.. A
boon or two if you will.  First thing, I need help in destroying Blkdragon,
he has powers I hadn't anticipating.. Second ..." she walks up to Xandur
leaning in close, standing on her tiptoes to reach his ear with her
lips....she purrs "I want to ye to marry me"

::Angel's eyes widen with disgust leaning up off the ground ..Narisa stands
there silent with her head
looking at her feet..pale and still in shock over Spectre::
::Angel looks at them both:: "Oh, how romantic" her words drip with
sarcasm.  "Shall I make sure that when Blk gets here and destroys every last
one o' ye that ye are both buried side by side?"

Her Royal Majesty
AngelSin aka
Alysia Draconoris Muthoris Vostanoth 
Queen of Arangoth
May our souls be blessed and our land be rich with love, peace and prosperity
Irc Channel #BLKDRAGON*Inn  
It's no longer just roleplaying..it's a community with a life of it's own!

Date: Sat, 6 Jul 1996 21:06:46 -0400
From: [email protected] (Black)
Subject: ::The Batle to come:::

:::A black figure stalks the hall of the castle brooding upon recent
Damn that witch, she will pay for her insolence and her affornt to me, Noone
slaps me in the face and lives to tell tales of it, When my wife is freed
there will be nowhere upon the planes where she is safe or any of her
allies, head will roll and line the ramparts of the Inn and castle, None
shall be spared, i shall decree this in public and all shall know my anger...

::Stalks off to his labratory with a smirk intent upon setting his plan into

Date: Sun, 7 Jul 1996 00:33:54 -0400 (EDT)
From: "Bryan Hoag (EE)" <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: ::The Batle to come:::

*Simon knocks on the Castle Door..*

"Your Highness, King BlkDragon, We need to Speak!"

*Simon, Fireice, and now Empress Viskaya stand outside the castle walls...
Simon, having long been close with BlkDragon, sends him a thought..: "I
can help you find AngelSin, but, I need your help for us to succeed."

*The trio waits outside the Castle, awaiting his Majesty's response.*

SimnFenix, Viskaya, and FireIce

On Sat, 6 Jul 1996, Black wrote:

> :::A black figure stalks the hall of the castle brooding upon recent
> occurances::
> Damn that witch, she will pay for her insolence and her affornt to me, Noone
> slaps me in the face and lives to tell tales of it, When my wife is freed
> there will be nowhere upon the planes where she is safe or any of her
> allies, head will roll and line the ramparts of the Inn and castle, None
> shall be spared, i shall decree this in public and all shall know my anger...
> ::Stalks off to his labratory with a smirk intent upon setting his plan into
> action:::

Date: Sun, 07 Jul 1996 03:46:00 -0400
From: Ash <[email protected]>
Subject: Myn to the rescue..er something..

Myn had kepted quiet the entire time.. she was so scared at seeing her
beloved Nanny killed she had not been able to teleport and a mental message
from Menolly had kept her quiet and still all this time.. now that the bad
man was gone.. she looks around at her surroundings.  The bad mean man who
she thoughts was her freind and her daddy's freind.. who had the pretty
armor.. had taken them here and then hit her mommy.. knocking her out. Myn
had pretended to be asleep so he had not hit her, and now she was awake and
alone.  Walking over to menolly myn shakes her shoulder.

"Mommy?.. Mommy wake up.. Mommy i'm scared"

Looking at Menolly pleadingly Myn starts to cry..

"Mommy.. MOMMY . mommy are you DEAD???"

*Myn shakes harder, Menolly's limp body moving beneath her small hands*

*Menolly coughs but then doesn't move anymore*
Myn satisfyed that mommy isn't dead looks around her area trying to figure
out where she is.. finally she registers all the outside noise and how this
place is the strangest she's ever seen.  Childish wonder taking place of her
fears for a moment she runs through the room ooo'ing at the strange items..
the glowing trees that are only a few feet taller than her, the minisuns in
each room.. standing transfixed for 2 whole minutes staring at one til her
eyes saw spots and she had to look away.  Running into another part of this
large place oddly not seeing any more bad people or any people at all she
stops and peers around. The floor is coverd in square "rocks" and is smooth,
it feeling cold on her bare feet, she pads around the room and looks in the
large circular contianer in the middle, standing up on her tip toes she
peers in wondering what this empty thing is.. 

"Hmmm if you filled it with water you could cook a HUGE stew..almost enough
to feed all the people of the inn! "

The rest of the rooms in the area are all identical to hers she was placed
in.. after a large amount of exploreing and beign scared by the big NOISEY
monster at the end of the hall.. that moaned and shined she ran back to
mommy hearing Menolly letting out a frantic call for her daughter.
~*  Ash  *~

Date: Sun, 7 Jul 1996 03:48:32 -0400 (EDT)
From: "Bryan Hoag (EE)" <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: The Negotiations begin....

*Outside of Castle Black, only Fireice and Simon remain of the party to
see BlkDragon, as Viskaya has returned to Hers and Simon's castle to tend
to her children, now Simon's stepchildren...  For a moment, Simon turns
worried eyes towards his castle...  Since the Wedding, Takhisis no longer
had a curse upon him, and released the Soul of who would have ben his
Empress years ago to Paladine's Paradise.. In return, Simon granted
Takhisis freedom from him, releasing her to whatever whims she has from
this time forth...  Now, the Abyss around his castle is quiet, yet still a
dangerous obstacle into his castle...*

*Fireice watches Simon with concern...*

"Dinnae worry yeself, Simon.  Xandur is after Arangoth, not ye..."

*Simon looks over to Fireice..*

"I still chose to stand in his way of Arangoth...  Hopefully, I've given
him enough reason to be wary of me."

*FireIce shakes her head....*

"Ye done all ye can, Simon... We both have... Now we need others...."

*Simon again looks in the direction of his Castle...*

"If Xandur or any dare set foot there, they'll wish Takhisis was the one
who stopped them.."

*Looks down...*

"Even so, I cannot help but feel helpless in all this...."

*Turns to see if Blkragon has responded?*

SimnFenix and FireIce

Date: Sun, 07 Jul 1996 05:39:25 -0500
From: Jimmie Bragdon <[email protected]>
Subject: The Hunt Begins

::OOC: This covers the past several days of Spectre's activities in Arangoth::

After returning from Castle Black and finding the Queen and Narisa missing, 
Spectre meditates in his room.  He sits on the floor facing the fire, thick 
smoke from the bowl of incense mixed with hashish swirls around him and fills 
the room.  He calms and centers in on himself, focusing his rage then loosing
it, banishing it from his thoughts.  

"Emotion clouds instinct, and is but a hinderance"  He intones this several
times while breathing slowly, eyes closed.  He slowly opens his eyes and looks
into the fire, "It'll have to wait 'til whoever is responisble is at the end
of my blade."

After a short while, he begins to gather his equipment, pausing as he reaches
a long, wooden case.  He shakes his head, and finishes gathering his equipment.

When he goes downstairs to the Inn, he hears that the King has returned, and
heads back towards the castle to speak with him.  After much searching and 
many questions, he traces the king back to the Inn, where they speak.

Afterwards, Spectre heads out the door, heading north, towards the desert.
"Now that is my kind of monarch.  Just as I had heard, strong-willed and 
vengeful.  If we both locate them at the same time, there shall be little left
of the poor sods."

He sets upon an even, steady pace and begins to try and figure out who 
committed the deed.  "The Asyri are the obvoius choice, since there was a raid
the night of the ball, but that was far on the border.  Which means it was
likely someone already within the borders.  A scout, or a spy.  I know that
annoying Trigon has his hand in this, he even told me he was a spy for them,
and I have his insignia to prove it.  He couldn't have Narisa here, so he's
had her kidnapped along with the queen.  The Queen for ransom, and Narisa for
himself.  But who did he get to do it?"  He ponders as he crosses the dark
landscape, a shadow in the night.

"Who else?" He tries to remember faces from the Inn in the past week.  "Hmm..
maybe.  I wonder what she's up to?  What was her name?  Delina? Dellila..yes.
She headed out for Rhy'Dhin last night..what was she doing there tonight?
Passing through...bah...I knew she was up to something, but is it any more
than robbery?  I'll have to watch her as well."

He continues on, the landscape slipping by him, as he enters the cold desert.

      // Jimmie Bragdon     |  [email protected]       |      /\    \\ 
      \\ User Administrator |  www.io.com/~jimmie  |     /  \   // 
      // Illuminati Online  |                      |    / () \  \\
      \\ ============================================= /      \ //

Date: Sun, 07 Jul 1996 10:41:31 
From: [email protected] (Queen of Arangoth)
Subject: A Bargain is struck...

:Angel's eyes widen with disgust..Narisa stands there silent with her head
looking at her feet..pale and still in shock over Spectre::
::Angel looks at them both:: "Oh, how romantic" her words drip with
sarcasm."Shall I make sure that when Blk gets here and destroys every last
one o' ye that ye are both buried side by side?"

Shifting his ebony eyes, peering over Dellila's shoulder at AngelSin, an icy
reply bites at the Queen.  "Too bad I cannot offer to bury you beside your
King.  BLKDRAGON will not be interred, but left as crow bait upon the field.
You, on the other hand, will likely die pleasing one of my dutiful warriors,
forthwith be cremated, and your ashes spread over Asyr's infinite sand ocean.
 Save your breaths, Exhalted-ness.  They are numbered."

::Angel's eyes widen as her mouth is covered.. Her stomache drops..**Blk
please..hurry..I shall take my own life and that of this child before I let
one of those swines take my body** she thinks

::Narisa doesn't fight her guard..instead she stares off into seemingly no
where..a single tear making it's way down her cheek::

Finishing his rebuke, Xandur nodded to his guard.  Two massive Asyri stepped
forward, grabbing Angel and Narisa by the arm, then slapping gloved hands
over their mouths.

"I agree, Prefect." Dellila scoffs.  "The Queen babbles her idle threats
incessantly.  And  we have agreements to....."

Xandur cuts her off, raising his own gauntlet to her mouth. "BLKDRAGON is a
threat, but Asyr is not without weapons to cope.  He will die as the rest,
when we are ready."  Xandur's grip tightened around Dellila, his palm pinning
her lips to her teeth just painfully.  "As for marriage," the Prefect grins
wryly, hiding truths about Asyri culture obviously unknown to this
wonderfully talented and naive prey, "I accept.  But only ~after~ the
Arangoth campaign successfully complete.  Until then, my betrothed, the Queen
and her sister need escorts to Avandil.  They will be secure there."
 Lowering his hand from her lips, he concludes, "I bid you accompany our
'guests' to my city.  The guards," he signals two restraining Angel and
Narisa, "go as well.  Make haste, Dellila, our enemies will be searching for
their Queen."

::Dellila smiles, estatic she bows low to Xandur:: "As you wish M'lord"
::Inside she reels with delight..**Your Destiny is coming Dellila...soon ye
will have all the power ye so deserve.**her mind whirls :.She spins around
on her heel and leads the guards out of the tent..:

::As Angel is moved she manages to free her mouth from the guards glove and
screams over her shoulder:: "Xandur! I'll see you in Hell!!!!"

Her Royal Majesty
AngelSin aka
Alysia Draconoris Muthoris Vostanoth 
Queen of Arangoth
May our souls be blessed and our land be rich with love, peace and prosperity
Irc Channel #BLKDRAGON*Inn  
It's no longer just roleplaying..it's a community with a life of it's own!

Date: Mon, 08 Jul 1996 00:23:48 
From: [email protected] (Queen of Arangoth)
Subject: Back at Castle Black....

::The guards lower the drawbridge and march out:: "Oh" one says "Ye ain't an
Asry..good eve Sir Simon...da king ain't here..he's off searchin for da
Queen and da princess...now tain't safe round these parts for ye and the
lady" nods to Fireice.

::The guards turn and march back into the castle bringing the drawbridge
back up::
Her Royal Majesty
AngelSin aka
Alysia Draconoris Muthoris Vostanoth 
Queen of Arangoth
May our souls be blessed and our land be rich with love, peace and prosperity
Irc Channel #BLKDRAGON*Inn  
It's no longer just roleplaying..it's a community with a life of it's own!

Date: Sun, 7 Jul 1996 19:20:48 -0700 (MST)
From: [email protected] (Stan)
Subject: Castle

 Aystan stood for awhile in the distance of Castle Black, undecided whether
to dare approuch the great castle. He sighed and shake his head, " If I'm to
be of any help to his majesty, I'll need to visit his estate and hold an
audiance with him..."
        The paladin nodded and begin his journey to the castle. As he
approuched the walls of the castle, he spotted two figures in the distance.
Unaware of who they were, he stepped forward catiously. He could distinguish
that one was a male and the other a female. Aystan moved silently forward,
watching the two carefully. He then recognized the male to be Simnfenix, but
he could not recognize the woman.
        He then smiled and approuched the two. As he approuched them, he
noticed that Simon lowered his head and spoke to the woman. He said, "Even
so, I cannot help but feel helpless in all this..."
        Aystan walked up to the two and smiled. "Well Met Simon! I'm unsure
if you remember me, but I was at thy wedding... I'm here to see if I can be
of any help to the king..." 
        He then turned to face the door, wondering how he would be allowed
to enter the great castle. " I'm afraid I'm nay royal enough to enter. But,
I hope the king will allow me to assist him..." turns to face Simon and
asks," So, what brings you here m'lord?" 

Date: Sun, 7 Jul 1996 20:17:58 -0700 (PDT)
From: StevE <[email protected]>
Subject: changed my addy and etc...

  Well...anyone who thought, at one time or another, to write me or
whatever, ive changed email addys...so if you need to get a hold of me (or
warn me that someone else is trying to get a hold of me and give me some
time to get away) write me here...blah d`fragging blah =) 

o/~ Can you imagine
for a second
doing anything
you ever wanted to?
Well thats just what i do,
so hooray for me,
and fluff you! o/~

Date: Mon, 8 Jul 1996 00:17:09 -0400 (EDT)
From: "Bryan Hoag (EE)" <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: Castle

*Simon looks to Aystan, a light smile crrossing his face...*

"Good to see you too, Aysttan, Like you, I too have come to assist his
Majesty, following a Vow I made to BlkDragon And AngelSin long before
Arangoth was founded, back when we were residents in RhyDin..."

*Simon turns to FireIce...* "FireIce, this is Aystan, I believe you may
remember him geing at the Wedding?"

*FireIce looks to Aystan, seeming to gaze into him for a few moments...*

"Aye, Simon, I do recognize the lad."

*Simon turns back to Aystan...*  "You seek Entry with us?  I doubt you
need our Escort to gain admittance, though I admit it seems to take quite
an amount to gain his Majesty's attantion nowadays.. Not surprising as his
mind is preoccupied, and... cluttered...."

"What do ye see, Simon?" *FireIce asks...*

"I see the Power needed to bring down the Asyri once and for all, the
Strength to face Xandur and his minions, yet, it is raw and untamed from
fear and worry...  He needs some confidence, some sign that there is a
chance for Arangoth..."

"Aye, and we have..." *Fireice begins, but is interrupted by Simon's
gently finger on her lips...*

"We have a duty to their Majesties to assure their safety..."

*Simon finishes her statement, unsure as to the presence of other ears...*

*Simon turns again to the Castle....*

"Simon Horus Phoenix, and Lady FireIce to See His majesty, King

*Simon turns to Aystan...*  "Have faith, show faith, and Blk will show
faith in you."

SimnFenix and FireIce

Date: Sun, 7 Jul 1996 22:41:41 -0700 (MST)
From: [email protected] (Stan)
Subject: Entrance?

        Aystan smiles slightly at Simon's words. " You have great wisdom
m'lord... As for faith, I know we will be victorious... After all, good
always truimphs over evil in the end... Tis fate you know!"
        Turns to face Fireice and bows " A pleasure to meet you m'lady...
Forgive m'rudeness for not introducing m'self. I'm Aystan Silveron...
Paladin of Tyr."
        Stands up and glances towards the door, waiting and hoping it would
open soon. "hmm... I wonder what is taking the guards so long..."

Date: Mon, 8 Jul 1996 02:40:14 -0400 (EDT)
From: "Bryan Hoag (EE)" <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: Entrance?

*Simon turns as the Guards finally depart the Castle heading for him....*

"Simon Horus Phoenix," *THe guard captain shouts* "You are Under Arrest!"

*Simon turns quickly to Fireice and Aystan...*

"If you two value your lives, and Value the safety of Arangoth, Leave

*Fireice stands Adamant.*

"I will Nae allow them to take ye without Proper Reason."

*A deep voice bellows from the Castle...*

"The Reason For his Arrest is Not your Concern!"

*BlkDragon steps forth from the Castle to oversee Simon's capture...*

*Simon turns again to Fireice and Aystan....*

"Go... You two are still needed in Arangoth, Alive...  If my time is over,
so be it."

*FireIce hesitates...*

"But, What of Viskaya, your Wife?"

*Simon ponders for a moment...*

"She should be allowed visiting rights.. Watch over her, please..."

*Fireice and Aystan hastily depart as the guards click the chackles over
Simon's wrists, ankles, and wings....*

SimnFenix, Fireice, and Aystan.

Date: Mon, 8 Jul 1996 06:21:29 -0400 (EDT)
From: "Bryan Hoag (EE)" <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: Entrance?


	Please Disregard the E-Mail concerning Simon's arrest until  
Further notice.  ((Yeah yeah, I know a lot of you would have Loved it.))
Until Blk, Mathis, and I have a few things straightened out OOC...


Date: Mon, 08 Jul 1996 08:05:37 -0700
From: Quickning <[email protected]>
CC: Rhiannonn <[email protected]>, CedKnight <[email protected]>
Subject: Quicks Planning

((For give the lateness of this I didn't check my mail over the weekend 
Big Mistake. Any way here's my attemped at writing. ))

::Quickning's Beach on the shores of Arangoth::

Storm [Quickie's first name] Quickning returns home after her meeting 
with her Guild Commander CedKnight. As soon as she opens the door, to 
her cliffside home she is greeted by the fluttering of bronze wings. She 
smirks to he little roommate. "Good eve' Mav, how was your day." Quick 
said non chalantly."
	"D- Hang My day!,-D" exclaimed the firedrake in DragonSpeak, 
"How did it go!" The little firedrake flew the lenght of the room to one 
to a chair. He perched there nervously. Flapping his wings in 
anticapation it looked like he would take off with the chair in his 
claws.	Quickningh chuckled at her friend as she sat in the chair across 
from little dragon. "It went well. The Commander is assymbleling a team, 
and your map proved most usefull." A satified look crossed Mav's 
draconic face. He seemed to calmed down a bit, but he stiil shifted his 
wight from one clawed foot to the other. "We shall be famous over night 
should this work.", Quickning continued, "We'll have allies...and 
power.."She paused think on what she would do with...power.
	"D- Don't wonder go off on that power trip again Quick... once 
you have power you won't want it anymore, trust me... the important 
think is the gold... did you get paid?-d" Quickning smiled and placed on 
the table between them a bag of gold. Mav smiled, in the way dragons do 
when the see gold. A dragon sigh escaped his maw. 
	"Hey, now some of this is for me you know, i won't all go into 
you horde." Quickning reminded him.
	"D- If not for my powers you would have never known about the 
Mind Message Rhiannonn sent, -D" Mav growled in his native tounge, "And 
if not for my traceing that message to it source you would not have the 
map." Quickning smiled at seeing the high and mighty Mav scraping for 
credit. Mav seeing he had been had tried to clean up his story. "D- You 
know i need that gold for my horde the Sheding will be on me soon. -D" 
Mav looks down at the gold, then back to Quickning. She just smiled at 
him, shakeing your head. 
	She gave him a mocking frown saying under her breath "Hmph...as 
bad as a human." Unable to hold back laughter any longer, she snickerd 
at the poor beast. She looked to the gold and back at the dragon so 
see..could it be... Mav the firedrake ...Blushing.! Quickning Laughed 
hard and long. Soon her giggles were joined by the *SqueakaSqueaka* of 
Mav's own laughter. Quick gaining control over herself once more said 
"Any how... I need to iron out a few more.. detail with the guilds 
contact Kestern. Then we can get about to the rescue. He said he would 
contact us."
	Mav looked at her questionaly, "D- You have a.. contact... how? 
Who?" -D"
	"He's some asry millitar man. He knew who and where i was. He 
has his own, " she paused thinging, "Business to take care of I want to 
make sure that our plans collaborate with one another." She looked shyly 
at Mav, "Plus i forgot to ask about payment." Mav looked at her with 
wide eyes. Then they softend and the squeaky laughter returned. 
	"Some merc you are!"

Date: Mon, 8 Jul 1996 14:44:23 -0400 (EDT)
From: Syl <[email protected]>
Subject: The Saga of the Ruatha
Cc: [email protected]

From: [email protected]
X-Sender: [email protected]
Date: Mon, 08 Jul 1996 13:10:41 -0400
To: [email protected]
Subject: The Saga of the Ruatha

::::::::::::::During the earlier morning hours as the moon was slowly
descending into the horizon, and the sun was beginning to peek out from over
the Mountains of Arangoth.....::::::::

 Inside of the Blackfens Castle, a rip in the very air, appeared inside of
the main hallway of the castle, stepping out of this rip, was a being
dressed in armor much like that of demon skin, and head, this strange being
moved cautiousily to the throne of the Castle, and set a small box on its
plush cushion, along with a note, attached to it....the being read over the
note to ensure its quality, before leaving as it had arrived...........

 Greetings Lord Ruatha;

        Our ppl have noticed that you are attempting to try and recover your
wife and child, by not following our instructions.....this is not a wise
choice by you.  Inside the box you will find a reminder as too why you are
to seek out Xandur the Perfect of the Asyr, and become an Ally to the Asyr.
If you try anything other than this, you will receive another package, and
we guarantee, you will not like what it will contain.  Remember we are
watching, do not try to decieve us, nor try to influence others in manners
destructive to the Asyr. For now, you are an agent of the Sunaj, and you are
liable for anything we deem as traitorous too us. Join Xandur, and offer him
your services, and your entire Lands, castle, and status in Arangoth, so
that he will have a foothold in Arangoth.
       Accept this minor gift as a reminder.

(Inside the box, is red curly hair, Menolly's hair, along with a piece of
skin, freshly removed, with tinges of meat still attached, and (if you had
one) her wedding ring)

     Do not fail us, Ruatha......Fore we are sure the Splynn would greatly
enjoy your wife becoming a Blind warrior woman.....will allow you to dream
as what your child will be trained as if you try to decieve us again in any

                                            Sunaj Clan of Atlantis

Satifyied that the message reads clearly the strange warrior, steps back
into the rip in the air, and vanishes from the castle....leaving behind only
the box, the message....

{{{KO you will notice that the message is written on a stationery, with the
titlement of Hilton Towers, Atlanta...no date...and no address or such, just
the title}}}}}}}

-Sun`zen(former Sunaj)
{I'm am just a Simple Gardner, who enjoys removing a few "weeds" from the Lands}
Champion of BattleFest '96

Reality is a nightmare from which we can only awake from when we are living
our True Lives in Cyberspace.......Long Live the BlkDragon*Inn in all its glory.

-starcry(aka. Stefhan)
-in life we have only the friendship and respect of out peers, for with out
that we are really alone, and we cry in the night, to see a falling star and
wish to it, that we grow and become better.

~So many characters running through my mind...so little time to play them all.

Date: Mon, 08 Jul 1996 14:44:46 -0500
From: Brad Plumb <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: general

At 06:22 PM 7/8/96 -0700, you wrote:
>        Aystan turned to face Simon after the guards had left. " Sir... It
>appears we are too late to do anything here at the castle... perhaps we best
>visit Lady Lysira? she is a General afterall..."
>        He turned to face the castle and sighed heavily. He then spoke, "
>I'm nay sure where to find her... could you help me out sir? We are needed
>and must help out the king..."
>        " The guards are right... too many dangers lies waiting around
>here... we best be leaving... where are you two heading?" He asked with a
 Silvan overhearing jumps from a tree overhead. I can take ye to Lysira. We
Gaiscioch reside with her in Arankeep, if ye wish to meet her follow me.
  BrAd PlUmB
  Silvan of Shadowdale
 "Yes sir before joining the Royal Space force I admit to being nowhere at
all." -     Wings of Honnemaise
 "The only thing I fear, is Keyser Soze" - The Usual Suspects
 "The greatest weapon of the fascist is the tolerance of the pacifist" - 
  Suicidal Tendencies
 "Ours is the kingdom of steel" - ManOwar 

Date: Mon, 08 Jul 1996 16:55:20 -0400
From: Zantoth Dryanthos <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: Back at Camp

About an hour later, a soldier ran in to the command post.  "Sir!" he
yelled, "The mages are prepaired to try to stop the rain, and they
respectifully request your assistance as you so ordered."

Zantoth grinned.  "Escort me there."  The soldier nodded, and escorted
the MageLord across the soaked desert.  After about ten minuets of
walking, Zantoth was at the outer edge of a circle of mages.  He looked
at the mage whom, about an hour ago, he threatned to take as a slave.
The mage gulped seeing Zantoth's sneering gaze fall upon him.  A moment
later, tho, Zantoth looked away.

"Are we prepaired?" he yelled.  The answer he got was 'yes' from the
mage he put in charge.  Zantoth nodded, and began changing.

His chant was quickly picked up by the others in the Circle.  Scrolls
were taken out of their cloaks, and held before them.  In a low tone,
they spoke the words "Caelum Administra."  The winds picked up, and a
black aura began to emit from the middle of the circle.  They spoke
again, louder this time: "Caelum Administra!"

A large clap of thunder rolled through the desert...making all look up.
Then, the black aura in the middle of the circle became visible to the
naked eye...and shot up as if a pillar of black energy.  All the mages
in the area felt a strange sensation as the black energy hit the clouds,
and sent a shockwave through the overcast sky above them.  At that
moment, the clouds dissipated, leaving sunny skies as the rain stopped.
The mages then read another spell to make this effect last as long as
they could, hoping that it might be able to divert other storm fronts as
they used to be able to do when the Black Covenant was active.

Zantoth laughed, and nodded to the mage who he had threatned before.
The mage sighed in releaf, noting now that his life was no longer
forefit.  Zantoth, slighly tired, walked swiftly to Xandur's tent.  As
he reached it, he pulled apart the flaps, and spoke.  "My lord! We have
dispelled the wea-"  Zantoth got cut off by the sight of Angel and
Narisa being held by guards...the sight of Xandur holding his palm
Dellila's mouth....and mostly by his own confusion of the situation.

Date: Mon, 8 Jul 1996 15:06:41 -0600
From: [email protected] (Xandur)
Subject: Re: Back at Camp

heh heh heh.. I love it.. and it is posted in the Redstone folder :D


Date: Mon, 8 Jul 1996 17:32:35 -0500
From: Mickey <[email protected]>
Subject: BlackFens: Under new ownership

::the sound of vials clinking and paper rustling is heard as Kaejo packages
the last of his "personal items"....Kaejo then looks to the walls around him
and sighs:: Oh well....wasn't much of a place anyways

::That day a messenger arrives in Asyr's capitol and seeks out Xandur::
  The Message States...:

 You now have ownership of the Castle Blackfens.
The sceptre in the courtyard will signify you as Lord of the Blackfens.
Keep the place clean, ok?

Date: Mon, 8 Jul 1996 18:22:19 -0700 (MST)
From: [email protected] (Stan)
Subject: general

        Aystan turned to face Simon after the guards had left. " Sir... It
appears we are too late to do anything here at the castle... perhaps we best
visit Lady Lysira? she is a General afterall..."
        He turned to face the castle and sighed heavily. He then spoke, "
I'm nay sure where to find her... could you help me out sir? We are needed
and must help out the king..."
        " The guards are right... too many dangers lies waiting around
here... we best be leaving... where are you two heading?" He asked with a smile.

Date: Tue, 9 Jul 1996 00:59:12 -0400 (EDT)
From: "Bryan Hoag (EE)" <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: general

*Simon turned to Aystan...*

	"I'm sure Lysira would greatly appreciate the assistance of a
Paladin Knight.  As for FireIce and myself, Our business with assisting
His majesty is, well, personal...."

*Simon gazes towards Asyr, then turns to FireIce...*

"If his Majesty is on his way to Asyr, it may be best to Follow him...."

*Simon gazes skyward, chanting one of his many spells, wincing a bit, as
he no longer posesses the massive amounts of Poer he had before... Slowly,
his form begins to change...*


Date: Tue, 9 Jul 1996 09:24:38 -0600
From: [email protected] (OneStab)
Subject: ((Permission to play))


Dear fellow gamers,

There seems to be a little confusion about permission to play in the
Asyr/Arangoth line.  It is true, copywrite issues require permission for an
Asyri character and Angelsin asked players to get permission before entering
her AngelSin captured line.. These are the only items that require permission.

Players are welcome and free to join Arangoth's struggle against the Asyri.
No permission required to join the defense forces.  Any sidelines resulting
from the conflict are also welcome and encouraged.. no written permission

I wish to clairfy the ONLY reason permission is needed it to maintain the
line's integrity for the orginal authors.  This is not some means to exclude
specific persons nor screen RP ablility.  

Also, I have heard small grumbling from certain quarters that the "war SL"
is annoying at best, damaging to the inn at worst.  First, let me allay some
fears, the line will NOT last forever.. a few more weeks and it will be at
its conclusion.  If the line bothers you, ignore me and the other players.
Over 30 people are participating (either in the war itsself or in other
sidelines), I think it unfair to ask that many give up a line because others
find it distasteful.  This is a free form RP channel, those of us wishing to
participate in the line would appreciate the right to continue to play under
the FREE FORM guidelines.    

Thanks all, have a great day!

Date: Tue, 9 Jul 1996 10:21:53 -0700 (PDT)
From: StevE <[email protected]>
Subject: ScarecroW's Demands

(ok, you people know the drill....NOONE and i mean *NOONE* joins in any part
of this plot without permission from myself or Kylus...so you cant save
Daedil and Skylar, you cant fight Scarecrow and Erica, you cant even HELP
Kylus without permission...thanks =) ))

   As the sun rises over Arangoth, its rays slip over the front of the
Arangothian Church...there, posted with a rusty spike, flutters a piece of
yellowed parchment, addressed as such...

  To Kylus Dragonsbane, or messenger thereof,

  Priest, as you know, i have the drow girl and the jester...You know what i
am after, so deliver the contents of the Vault, including the Eye, to me at
my appointed time that will be set soon, or their bodies will be seen as
usable after death as a part of the undead army that will storm over you and
whatever "forces" you may think to stop me...Have no doubts that i will see
this threat through...

                                           Zhurilnir the Scarecrow

o/~ Can you imagine
for a second
doing anything
you ever wanted to?
Well thats just what i do,
so hooray for me,
and fluff you! o/~

Date: Tue, 9 Jul 1996 10:35:08 -0700 (PDT)
From: StevE <[email protected]>
Subject: kwestyon

just for my personal mental stability, i have been *trying* so sort out all
pc's i ever played in here...heres my list and current whereabouts, but
PLEASE, if you remember ANY others that i played (and that doesnt count for
little skits i did where i changed my nick for a sec to play around =) )
then please share with me so i wont feel i am forgetting something....thank
you =)

Daedil (RandoM) -- paladin-magi, and jester of Angelsin, currently held by
De`Witten -- huldrefolk shadow-elementalist and son of Daedil Shadowhisper,
wandering about with his wife, Fallon...
Rhayne De`Witten -- Darius's insane mother, killed by Daedil to save his son...
Squash -- frost giant, killed by Trivia 
Trivia -- magically created "son" of Raistlin and Daedil, killed by his
"fathers" after his rampage...
Scarecrow -- Lich Lord, currently bent on beating Kylus and winning the
contents of the Church's Vault...
Static -- white mage who is facinated with electricity, never worked his way
into any serious plot so hes pretty flexible right now...
Ellis -- Elementalist, recently killed accidentally in a sparring match with
Lazarus -- sea-elven explorer, currently residing in Arangoth
Figment -- just arrived so i have alot to do with him just yet >=)
Haight -- vampire hunter, also currently hiding in Arangoth and mending his
wounds from an earlier battle....
Flechette -- time-tossed Shadowrun planed PC, working with Raistlin on a
deal to help him kill a dragon enemy for his ticket back home...

does anyone remember anyone else? =/

o/~ Can you imagine
for a second
doing anything
you ever wanted to?
Well thats just what i do,
so hooray for me,
and fluff you! o/~

Date: Tue, 09 Jul 1996 14:08:08 -0500
From: Isea Nightfall <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: Sure is quiet in here...

I know that this is a late response, but I take it that you were 
kinda hyper, Jimmie... I have NEVER EVER EVER seen you act ANYTHING like 
Steve! To finish my letter - ARE YOU OKAY?!

Jimmie Bragdon wrote:
> *The mun sticks his head into the empty mailbox*
> Hello?...ello?...lo?...lo?....?
> Hmm..mm.....mm
> *With much difficulty, he manages to get it back out*
> Hmmm...it's too quiet in here...what to do...
> *Spies an unopened package of Black Cats on the shelf and grins, Grabbing them
> he runs out the door.*
> Later....
> *He walks up to a black, metal mailbox with some writing on the side, it reads,
>  "LOTTS" Opening it up, he places all 200 firecrackers inside, and lights the
> fuse, giggling maniacallly.  He runs off as the firecrackers explode, each
> with a loud metallic ring to it.*
> Hope he wasn't sleepin' ;)
> -- 

Keep Sailor Moon alive!! SOS(Support our Sailors)!!

Date: Tue, 09 Jul 1996 14:13:25 -0500
From: Isea Nightfall <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: Happy Independence Day!

Bryan Hoag wrote:
> "Let this Display Serve as an Example of What Independence Day means Not
> Only to the Earth Realm, But to All Kingdoms of THis Realm as Well!  We
> are All Free to Live As our Own nation.  We Have the Right to Live as
> Different People under Different Rulers, And, When Oppressed, We Have the
> Right To Rise Up and Fight Back Against Anyone who would Oppress our
> Nations!"

	Is it just me, or has he seen too much ID4? <G> 

Keep Sailor Moon alive!! SOS(Support our Sailors)!!

Date: Tue, 9 Jul 1996 15:20:15 -0500
From: [email protected] (Cullen Stevenson)
Subject: Re: ScarecroW's Demands

Connor jumps in with his long sword, beating Scarecrow brutally about the head.

Cullen Stevenson
"See this? This is a plain, ordinary human liver. But it's mine, you can't
have it!"
                           - The Kids In The Hall

Date: Tue, 09 Jul 1996 16:23:27 -0400
From: Ash <[email protected]>
Subject: Captives & Captures

((What Steve said, no no *NO* invovlement without permission))

        Even though she was in a hurry, Erica took a few more minutes than
needed in toying with the preist, but after all, she could afford them.  She
had tricked Daedil into being her captive as well, tricked him into  going
peacefully, minus most of his clothes albeit, but peacefully into his prison
with the airy thoughts of his love being set free. 
        Nearly laughing at the thoughts that he _trusted_ her, or scarecrow,
Erica finished up the last of her nightly tasks and began her spell to take
her to the prisoners.
        Resurfacing in a grave tower on another plane Erica frowns seeing
how her aim in her spell casting was a bit off sending her on the outside of
the cell, not the inside. Looking into the dimly lit cell Erica blinked not
believing her eyes. 

"DAMNIT how in the hell did that Drow get out of her bonds"
Muttering a longer string of curses after viewing the condition of the
jester, who she had many plans for this night, she finally got herself under
enough control to get the spells together to go through the bars inside.

((okay where they are being held was steve's idea and i'm not entirly sure
on how it looks so i'm not going to go into description :) ))

*Inside the Cell*

Hearing the other drow's curses, understanding what they meant since spoken
in her native tounge Skylar jerks awake from her restless sleep. Having held
Daedil's broken body all night her muscels scream as she tries to ease  him
out of her arms back onto the stone floor, fearing she must battle for thier
lives, defensless and naked. 

Erica has to give Skylar a little grudging respect for even managing to
totter to her feet and attempt to face her after her ordeals last night.
Noticing how her lips are moving Erica is furthermore shocked knowing she
had no components with which to cast any spells, with a sigh she grabs her
shoulder and slings her across the room into the wall.

Skylar moans as her head thumps against the wall, the chains eargerly
snaking from the walls wrapping around her wrist and ankles. Undaunted
though she continues to pray to Solinari, not for herself, but for Daedil,
knowing what the other perverse drow had in mind for him.

*Daedil's body lays there still unconscous from the wounds ScarecroW dealt him*

Erica looks down at Daedil, his face having a gaping hole, his ribs busted,
and of course her own dagger blow to his stomach. Glancing over at Skylar
she smirks, knowing the drow had managed to use some healing abilities on
him or he would have died sooner. Her anger rising out of the dust of her
shattered plans Erica gives daedil's injured body a kick and melts into the
floor again.

Skylar sighs with relief, knowing the Banshee will not be back for her love,
but then shudders, wondering if ScarecroW will come for her...

**ScarecroWs Base of Operations**

Erica's angered form appears in the mainroom and quickly does a search of
the place, finding scarecrow (if he's there of course) She stops, anger
lighting her cobalt eyes and nearly lets out a wail in her rage. 

"Damn you SC, you _KNEW_ what I had planned, you  had your fun with the drow
why can't i with the jester??" 

"YOU roughed him up to much on purpose didn't you! "

Erica practically fumes with anger waiting her reply. 

(( :) Have a lovely day folks! :) ))

~*  Ash  *~

Date: Tue, 9 Jul 1996 16:09:25 -0600
From: [email protected] (Xandur)
Subject: Battle at SoulDeep

Dawn breaks over the shores of SoulDeep, Arangoth knights, flanked by
General Lysira's army and a group of volunteer citizens ready their weapons
for the coming Asyri onslaught. 

A shout echos in the distance, a charge mounted.  From over the hills, Asyri
rain down with fury upon Arangoth's finest... The second battle of Arangoth
is joined..

((Hi all... The second engagement of the NETWAR is scheduled for this friday
at 9pm pacific, midnight EDT.  Sorry to all those who requested an earlier
time.. I promise the next will address that concern.. Again:

NETWAR2: Battle at SoulDeep
Time: Friday, July 12 @ 9pm pacific, midnight eastern
Where: BLKDRAGON*arena

Note: you do NOT need permission to participate in the NETWARs.. all present
may play. Also, the last war lasted just over an hour.. including
organizational time.. participation will not hinder you for the entire

See ya there! Arangoth fools ::wink:: )) 

Date: Tue, 9 Jul 1996 18:34:35 -0400 (EDT)
From: "Bryan Hoag (EE)" <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: Battle at SoulDeep

Xandur, I'll do my Darndest to be there, And, You won't need any beasts of
Burden to carry you, cause I have Every intention of Kicking your Arse All
the way back to Asyr!

*Simon summons his helpers, preparing to Rock the Asyr once and for


Date: Tue, 09 Jul 1996 15:36:06 -0700
From: Queen of Arangoth <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: Battle at SoulDeep

Xandur can you make sure that people RSVP to YOU only and not the list?


Her Royal Majesty                             |
AngelSin                                      |
Queen of Arangoth                             |
@---}---}---------                            |
---------------------------------             |
http://www.blkdragon.com/blkdra~1/blkhome.htm |
Official Web Site for the #BLKDRAGON*Inn!!    |

Date: Tue, 09 Jul 1996 19:56:57 -0500
From: Isea Nightfall <[email protected]>
Subject: School Schedual

Okay... I will most like be on quite often, like usual, but I now obviously have 
school. I'm going to put my class hours up because I had a couple of people who wanted 
to know about them... Give 30 minutes to an hour grace time before and after because of 

MONDAY - Fundamentals of Drawing = 3pm - 6pm 
TUESDAY - Fundamentals of Design = 3pm - 6pm
WEDNESDAY - Computer Literacy = 1pm - 5pm
THURSDAY - Survey of Animation = 1pm - 5pm
FRIDAY - College Success = 11:30am - 1:30pm

There ya go!

Keep Sailor Moon alive!! SOS(Support our Sailors)!!

Date: Tue, 9 Jul 1996 18:54:23 -0700 (PDT)
From: StevE <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: Captives & Captures

   Scarecrow looks to her with an irritated sigh... ~^*Erica, you were
foolish enough to let the mage stay conscious..for this alone i should
punish *you* ... and then you have the arrogance to come back to me and
state a threat?  i seriously think it is time for us to have a
"discussion".... *^~ 
  His empty eyesockets glow as the little blkdragon*inn camera that lets
people read this (heheh) starts to run low on batteries, the only thing it
catches is him moving towards her and jerking her from the floor by her
hair, throwing her into a wall...

(good nuff reply ash? =) cause im starving and my mac and cheese is just
*screaming* for me heheh)
o/~ Can you imagine
for a second
doing anything
you ever wanted to?
Well thats just what i do,
so hooray for me,
and fluff you! o/~

Date: Tue, 9 Jul 1996 19:03:27 -0700 (PDT)
From: RangerBlue <[email protected]>
Subject: The Dragon Spires Expedition
Cc: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
        [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
        [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
        [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
        [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
        [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
        [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
        [email protected]

To the beleagured citizens of Arangoth:

Loreil has come into possession of some intelligence concerning a possible
supply/weapon cache in the abandoned tunnels and mine shafts of the Dragon
Spires, north of Arangoth. Asyri forces, hampered by the continuous rains in
your country, have not yet been able to get to the Dragon Spires to retrieve
possible supplies located there.

We are asking all available Wardens and any interested citizens to come with
us on a scouting expedition to the Dragon Spires this Saturday night, July
13, at 9:30 ((EDT)). We will meet at an encampment north of the Castle
((meet in Channel #castle*camp)) to organize, and then leave for the Dragon
Spires at 10 ((EDT.))

Please be warned, friends, that this expedition, though not close to known
Asyri troops, could be dangerous. The Dragon Spires tunnels are not mapped.
It is possible that the Asyri have placed traps to protect any army
supplies. In addition, it is known that the tunnels and abandoned mine
shafts have often provided shelter for dragons and other creatures best left

However, if we are successful, we can handicap the entire Asyri army by
destroying supplies which they might well have counted on to continue the war. 

Think carefully before signing on for this expedition. But if you are able
to serve Arangoth in this way, it will do you honor and the Wardens will be
grateful for your aid. 

Please write to me by Friday if you would like to participate. Thank you.

With respect,
Sovereign of Loreil
First Warden

Date: Tue, 9 Jul 1996 22:24:08 -0400
From: [email protected] (Dave Soltys)
Subject: Here to stay... (for awhile at least)

        Some people have seen me from time to time in the Inn and wondering
around, but for now my mun has found some time to stay awhile and so I'll be
trying to bring some of my old characters back to play. 
        I got to give Angel (aka Andie) credit. She has done wonders since
last Fall and this place has had some great turnout compared to the small
band of brave IRC freeformers last summer.
        So off to OOCLand for now and watch out for new players in the plots...
****/-*********__***** A Master of the "Point",             *
***/  \*******/******* A Player with Shadow and Light,      *
**/__ /REAM***\******* Royal Magi to the Crown of Arangoth. *

************__/HADE*** A Dreamweaver of the Northern Plains *
((Oh and the mun is Dave, Royal Pain in the Rear to his friends.))
  "To see a world in a grain of sand, and a heaven in a wildflower."
                                                -William Blake
  "Reality is what you make of it." - Unknown
  "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder." -Some wise old sage

Date: Tue, 9 Jul 1996 23:30:39 -0400
From: [email protected] (Dave Soltys)
Subject: The Northern Plains...

        Void... Darkness... A silent whisper of air... A faint sloosh of
        A dancing wisp of vaperous branches radiating brilliant oranges,
greens, and blues reaching into the watery reflection illuminated below and
fingering the white-speckled caps floating in the reflection.
        A rolling beat of mountains crashing as the air gave to the flash of
plasmatic prismatic. lightening in the distance.

        The clouds roll swift under many bright hues as the shiny ice-strewn
sea of dark hues stretches before the eye to meet the horizen. The
lightening splitting the ice like a knife through butter as the air glows
under the energy of its heat.
        DreamShade stares out upon the ocean before him admiring the
fireworks with an almost childish wonder. He looks down upon the small
ice-strewn rocky beach far below as the rocky cliffs ascend to unknowable
heights. He turns from the scene to stare into a small sparce room whose
crystalline walls reflect the many flashes from the outside scene. Laughs
for a second staring to a dark corner.
        "Sh'Lou why are thou so afraid... I have nay seen a feline filled
with so much fear... especially one of your ability and talent. Tis nay but
the seasonal wonder of the Firy Monsoons..."
        The four-legged figure shrouded in darkness looks up slowly with a
green penetrating stare and glaring at DreamShade for a brief moment. 
        "Hey... you came up of your freewill my friend... I did not trick thee
at all... I told you tis would be brilliant is it not. The most brilliant
work of nature yee will see..."
        A crash rumbles through the room shaking the rocky foundations...
        The panther leaps up and pads swiftly across the room and past Dream
fading under a faint aurora of bluishgray and giving its form to the shadows...
        "Well go hide than and nay come back..."
        DreamShade turns to the armageddon at his back, and stares.
        Speaks his thoughts.
        "Tis I feel it is time... I sense it has worsened..."
        DreamShade turns from the armageddon at his back and heads for a
small faintly lit rounded doorway.
        Shadows play of a dark wall shelved with many mysterious items as a
firy light cast form to the darkness...
        DreamShade looks up from a small plush chair set in a small quaint
set of tables and chairs...
        DreamShade approaches the dark wall and searches the shelves until
he stops.
        He smiles slyly. "Tis yee are still here... To think I almost forgot..."
        He pulls a small ebony box from the shelf with a highy detailed
geometric design across the top and sets it on the table...
        DreamShade taps the side of the box and pushes at the top causing
movement in the pattern that shifts and moves to form a square...
        He watches the box slowly open as a faint red aurora grabs at his
sly grin...
        He reaches........

****/-*********__***** A Master of the "Point",             *
***/  \*******/******* A Player with Shadow and Light,      *
**/__ /REAM***\******* Royal Magi to the Crown of Arangoth. *

************__/HADE*** A Dreamweaver of the Northern Plains *
((Oh and the mun is Dave, Royal Pain in the Rear to his friends.))
  "To see a world in a grain of sand, and a heaven in a wildflower."
                                                -William Blake
  "Reality is what you make of it." - Unknown
  "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder." -Some wise old sage

Date: Tue, 9 Jul 1996 23:44:39 -0400
From: Kylus Dragonsbane <[email protected]>

((Just as a note I would like to let everyone know that I'll be on vacation
from July 13th to the 26th---any weddings already set of this week I'll be
happy to do but I can't really set anymore for now :) I'll be happy to
schedule any for after the 30th of the month...the other option is to find
another priest/priestess ;) Sorry if this messes things up, folks. ))

Kylus' Mun

Date: Tue, 09 Jul 1996 20:51:46 -0700
From: [email protected]
Subject: Re: kwestyon

[email protected] wrote:
> just for my personal mental stability, i have been *trying* so sort out all
> pc's i ever played in here...heres my list and current whereabouts, but
> PLEASE, if you remember ANY others that i played (and that doesnt count for
> little skits i did where i changed my nick for a sec to play around =) )
> then please share with me so i wont feel i am forgetting something....thank
> you =)
>  What about Hellion?

Date: Wed, 10 Jul 1996 00:18:32 -0400
From: Kylus Dragonsbane <[email protected]>
Subject: Preparations....

>Date: Tue, 09 Jul 1996 23:46:18
>To: [email protected]
>From: Kylus Dragonsbane <[email protected]>
>Subject: Preparations....
>Kylus stares at the door the to the Church, his face devoid of expression,
his white eyes gazing at the withered parchment on its rusted spike...a lich
wants the contents of the Vault--a dark and evil treasure trove of cursed
and malignant objects placed in there so they would NEVER be able to be used
again by the Dark Powers...
>And now a leader steeped in those powers wants the contents of the
Vault...and he's taken Skylar and Daedil to get them.
>The blue-green jewel in Kingarhn, Kylus' smart-ass holy sword, flickers
rapidly, and Kylus pats the blade lightly.
>"No, old friend," he says quietly, his eyes still on the door to the
Church, "We can't go jumping into this one alone...we already made that
mistake...the first time hurt bad..the second time almost killed." He shifts
his weight onto his left leg, and grits his teeth a little as pain shoots
through his knee--his payment for being foolish and engaging the lich alone.
>~* Then what DO we do? *~ Kingarhn's voice came into his head.
>"I do not know...but first we'd best make sure the Vault is secure." With
that, the paladin ripped the withered parchment off the door and tossed the
stake to the ground, then went inside.
>The interior of the Church was quiet, but that was normal. The morning sun
was leaking through some of the stained-glass windows on the east side.
Kylus walked in, stepping across the Great Seal in the ground, and heading
into the back room of the Church. Inside that room was another door, to
which only he had the key. Speaking a few words and unlocking the door,
Kylus walked down a cramped flight of stairs and coughed as dust flew up
when he stepped on the ground. 
>Before him, a massive set of stone doors stands strong and almost blend in
with the wall. They have no markings on them, save for a large infinity sign
that divides in half were the doors to open.
>Kylus sighs, and places a hand on the door. He begins to chant in low,
gutteral symbols, the expression on his face showing that he obviously does
NOT like opening this stone portal.
>He speaks the last word, and the doors give a great heave, as if they too
were reluctant to move. The stones begin to slide, and slowly they creak
open. A great THUD announces that the doors have opened completely, and
Kylus braces himself for what he knows is about to come....almost
immediately, a wave a nausea hits him as the evil of the items in the Vault
washes over him--so thick its almost tangible--like a stream of polluted
water. Kylus rubs his temples and makes his way over to the only spot in
this sea of evil that he can stand--the place where he gathered the items of
good that somehow found their way into the Vault. Once there, he looks at
the meager amount of items he has that could be used against the lich--if he
had people to wield them, and if he dared strike while his daughter and her
love are his captives...and then something that he didn't notice before
catches Kylus' eye. A scroll case, and next to it on the floor, a small
round pebble-like object that looked like an unpolished agate--not an
ordinary stone though, for the evil it radiated made all the other objects
in here look like mere trinkets. Kylus shuddered and took the scroll case
quickly, then left the vault before another wave of malignance could turn
his stomach more.
>Once outside, the paladin murmured some words and the doors to the Vault
groaned and shut, quickly and without the drama of their opening. Kylus
checked to make sure the wards were in place then ascended the staircase and
locked the door. Once things were sealed properly, Kylus opened the scroll
case and blinked as he saw various wizard and clerical spells...spells of
protection, designed to defend the items they were cast upon. Some of them,
Kylus knew, but he wasn't sure if he could cast them.
>Kingarhn flickered again, and Kylus smiled a little.
>"If I had my way Kingarhn, _I_ wouldn't go back in there....I'll make sure
not to take you there again...come on, we have a lot of work to do."
>Kylus locked the back room, and kneeled before the altar for a few moments,
lost in a silent and pleading prayer to his God that no matter what happens,
Paladine does all He can to allow the semblance of a family he has here in
Arangoth come out of it alive....
>After which, Kylus locks the Church and walks down the path to his cabin on
the edge of the forest, he walks in quietly and takes a moment to examine
the new, flat piece of slate he put in front of his door, with the runes of
a blessing upon it.
>"Maybe THAT will keep that soul-damned drow away from here," he mutters to
himself, knowing it doesn't really matter. The paladin walks inside and
heads for his bedroom in the back, taking a minute to look at the empty room
across from his that belongs to Skylar. Kingarhn flickers again, this time,
the jewel seems annoyed.
>~* If you keep that up, you'll NEVER get through this, Kylus! Sheesh! You
mortal humanoids! Always so dramatic!*~
>Kylus smiles a little and goes into his room. He looks on the table and
spies two more reminders of the friends--the family--that he prays are safe:
a small pendant that he made for Skylar, of the Night of the Eye on Krynn,
when the three moons aligned in an eclipse; and a small red leather-bound
book with words of magic written in it for Daedil--something else he found
in the Vault. Kylus takes these objects, and places them in his pouch. He
sees the blood on the pendant he had given Sky a few days ago, and his mouth
and eyes harden. He turns to a large wooden cabinet, built into the wall,
and unlocks a small lock on it. Inside, a battle shield and gleaming suit of
full plate hangs on a stand,  both bearing the crest of the Ghosthunters-a
broken scythe in a circle of blue. Kylus looks at the scroll case, and the
armor and sighs.
>"Once a Ghosthunter, always a Ghosthunter," he whispers to himself, "Come
on Kingarhn, old friend. We do it one last time..."
>((Sorry for the length, but I have a problem with short =) If anyone has a
question about Kylus' past as a Ghosthunter, more of it is explained in his
bio on the web page ;) ))

Date: Wed, 10 Jul 1996 07:28:24 -0700
From: Quickning <[email protected]>
Subject: Dont read this.

(( It's a joke you've all heard so it you must read...you've been 
warned! Just like i've been warned no to post oneliners))

	 One Day a piecie of string walks in the The BlkDragon inn, and 
takes a seat at the bar. Horace, who is always bitter, twists up his 
face saying. "Hey you string! We don't serve you kind in here! Get Out!" 
The string pouted for a moment and then left. 
	The string sat on a bench across from the inn. He watched the 
patrons enter and exit. He saw humans, elves, vampires, werewolves, 
dragons, faries, kenders, kobolds, chia men and other asorted creatures. 
Granted, he saw no other strings but he wondered why only he would not 
be allowed. He gatherd up his corage and re-entered the inn.
	Horace say him immedatly and glared. "I thought i told you to 
Get OUT!" The string freaked out and ran out. He retuned to his bench. 
The string thought for a while. A small light bulb flashed above his 
head. He twisted himself into a not and messed up his hair, then walked 
triumphantly into the inn.
	Horace gave him a double take and said. "Hey, are you a string?"
	"Fraid knot." he replied.

((Remember you were warned i was just testing my email sig. Thanks.))

>From the Stolen Pen and Twisted Mind of,
	  Storm Quicking,
      Guild Vice Commander of
@}--}--The DarkRose Legion--{--{@

Date: Wed, 10 Jul 1996 07:37:23 -0700
From: Quickning <[email protected]>
CC: Rhiannonn <[email protected]>
Subject: We await the call...

Quickning strolled into the BLKDragon inn with Mav the little 
firedrake perched on her
shoulder. She scanned room and when she found a seculded booth she sat. 
Mav then hopped
down to the table. "So," Quickning said in mindspeak, "do you think you 
can make the
connecntion with Rhinnon from here." Mav looked up at her and nodded.
     "Here is where I made contact with her last time... I should be 
able to raise her again."
Mav closed his draconic eyes for a moment, then half openned them. His 
now blank eyes stared of
into space as his mind search for any sign of Rhiannon's. Quickning then 
closed her eyes using the
impression between her and Mav to project her thoughts."
     "Rhiannon" She called mentally, "my team is ready...for your 
rescue.....Rhiannon? You
need only give the word."

((OOC time!: Were'er ready when you are you guys...any night after 9pm 
is fine by me! Mail me
back or tell me when you see me in the inn.  I got everybody ready 
pretty much.))

From the Stolen Pen and Twisted Mind of,
	  Storm Quicking,
      Guild Vice Commander of
@}--}--The DarkRose Legion--{--{@

Date: Wed, 10 Jul 1996 09:54:30 -0500
From: [email protected] (Cindy Lou)
Cc: [email protected]


That being said, on with the tale...

AdooDormay,AdooDormay, Christmas, Christmas, don't be late, hands clasped in
joyful Who Song...Delicious Who  Pudding and Who Roast Beast...the tiny
tinkle of a stray Christmas ornament as it rolled into her room..The visions
rushed thru Cindy Lou's mind, as she tossed and turned in her
sleep...Sugarplums dancing merrily...Then suddenly, crushing,and covering
her with a icky gooey purple gak...

With a start,and a scream,Cindy Lou awoke,and looked around, orienting her
sleepy head with her surroundings..."DAMN HIM!", she cried.."DAMN THAT GRINCH!"
She rose from her bed, her long pink nightie now fitting her much like a
mini-skirt, those two cute little ponytails on either side of her head now
long enough to brush along her waist, and made her way to the rather old
looking dog with a large horn tied to his head, like a reindeer..."It's been
15 years now since that horrible night,puppy...15 long years of
nightmares...and terror...But we're gunna find that grinch,and we're gunna
make him pay...Yes,we are..." A cold smile crossed her lips, as she reached
over to pet the pup..."So,he returned the toys...And so, he fed me roast
that just because he turned nice,he could just walk away and never be
punished for his misdeeds! Well,I'll show him, I will...CindyLou Who Will
never quit til she gets her Grinch...He's gonna pay,and he's gonna pay
dearly, for all he did to me,and all he did to you,too, pup..making you pull
that fake sleigh like that...Poor puppy"

With a final small pet to the pup,Cindy Lou stood,and made her way to a
table near her bed,and belted her mini-pink nightgown,and strapped on her
boots...no stockings...she hadn't worn stockings since that fateful night 15
years ago that THAT CREATURE,THAT AWFUL GRINCH, had stolen hers...a constant
reminder of his evil deeds,those deeds that had changed her life forever.
Cindy Lou cast a glance at a calendar near the table..."5 months, Pup..5
months til Christmas...5 months to find that damnable Grinch,bring him to
justice,and make him pay for all his deeds" Cindy Lou pointed at a map lying
on the table,   "Arangoth...YES...that's a likely place for him to
strike...Arangoth..I think we'll have to pay the good people of Arangoth a
visit...and of  course, the doctors aren't very likely to find me
there,either...Psycho? Post-traumatic stress order? ME? HAH! Little do they
know...if the Grinch had tried to ruin THEIR whoville, they might want
vengeance too!"

Cindy Lou strapped on her sword,and headed to the door,beckoning for her
pup..."Off to Arangoth,little pup...CindyLou Who, Grinch Exterminator
extraordinaire never stops still she gets her Grinch!"

*NOTE: My sincere apologies to Dr.Seuss..:)

Date: Wed, 10 Jul 1996 10:18:24 -0500 (CDT)
From: Kathy Stracener <[email protected]>
Subject: The Search for the Child

((once again people, this is a pre-set plot, so don't jump in whether you
ask or not because it starts and ends right here))

        *Tarma sighs as yet another missed day passes.  She rises from a
restless slumber and pulls her robe on.  "Yet another favor for that...
*sigh* large pain in the ass."  She runs her fingers through her tangled
hair and heads for the shower.*

        *several minutes later*

        *She steps out of the steamy water and towels herself off, grumbling
to herself.  "How many times to I have to do this shit for him? And for
_her_ before they stop asking and leave me the hell alone?!"  She walks
through the hallways of the dark cavern back to her room.  While there she
dresses and combs out her hair, pulling it back into a thick ponytail.  She
takes one last look around her stone-walled room and turns toward the main
chamber of the cavern.  "I just hope to hell I see this place again. For
their sakes... I had better."  She walks through the main chamber and out
the oak door set into the once gaping maw of the cave.  She turns toward the
RedFang bar and starts walking toward it.*

        *Inside RedFang*

        *Tarma shoves the door to the bar open and strides to the back of
the main room, toward DV's table.  She stops just in front of the table and
closes her eyes.  A huge blackportal begins to open in front of her.
"Well... here goes nothing...."  She steps through the black portal and it
snaps shut behind her with an electric glare.*
        *Walking the shadows*

        *She steps through and looks around, sniffing the black shadowed air
cautiously.  Shadows of no form and all forms at once cartwheel and streak
past her face, some laughing, some wailing, some on missions for cruel
masters.  She concentrates and her skin darkens to black, placing her in and
among the shades.  "Better to not be seen here...."  Walking further, she
hears the sound of a child crying, and she turns her nose up to sniff for
its scent.  She makes a disgusted face as she smells Chryss on the child.
She nods and walks toward the sound, stepping over and ducking under the
mindless shades.  One jagged shadow darts toward her face, scraping soft
shadow claws at her eyes.  She gasps in shock and ducks, spinning to watch
the shadow bobbing away, laughing.  She glares at it shortly and turns to
continue toward the child.  After walking nearly a mile, she spots a small
glimmer of light... a beacon in all the darkness.  "That would be it... I'd
recognize the fae glow anywhere..."  She walks toward the child, noticing
how all the shades shriek and run when they get too close.  She walks
closer, and gradually makes her way to the child.  The baby cries and swats
at the shades that get too close, screaming everytie they try to touch her
((I don't know if the child is a bot or a girl, so for all general purposes
in here, I'll make her a girl)).  Tarma looks down at the wailing infant and
her face softens.  "Poor girl... scared aren't you?"  She picks the child up
and cradles her close.  The baby stops screaming and gurgles softly into
Tarma's neck.  Tarma turns with the child and walks back toward the entrance
she came from, rocking the child gently in her arms............*

((here's where it stops until I can finish up in an actual RP thingie with
Stalker and Chryss.... FYI, the child is theirs))

Date: Wed, 10 Jul 1996 10:28:30 -0500
From: [email protected] (Dee and Rich)
Subject: A message from Ori..


Ori asked me to let you know that she's having probs receiving the mailing list!

Thanks,Sorry to take up Bandwidth for this...

Dee :)

Date: Wed, 10 Jul 1996 11:23:04 -0500
From: Rue <[email protected]>
Subject: A Little Treat

If any of you know my character Aylaishia and have heard the ayla.wav for her 
entrance wav, you'll probably see how much it fits her. But it's just not that part that 
fits her, the whole song does... So, out of a little random thought, I decided to post 
the lyrics up here, for those of you who know her, to tell me what you think about them. 
And the song is pretty freaky, I have people who tell me that... <G> It is the song 
"Home" by Erasure. It can be found on track 10 of their "Chorus" CD, which is, at this 
moment, my personal favorite. That and "Abba-esque." <G> Well... Here ya go!

I ain't never going home
'Cause I'm having a good time
I ain't never going home
'Cause my time is come

I'll wait for the winter
To lie at my door
White stretches out before me
Leads me to the hall 

White circles play within my mind
Ices over and freezes life
Time will come, time will come, time will fall
Bringing the world to it's feet
Bringing the world to it's feet

I ain't never turning back
'Cause I've come this far
And I'm lost within my tracks
I will follow the north star

I'll wait till the springtime
Is breathing at my door
The wilderness before me
Heeds the lion's roar

White circles play within my mind
Ices over and freezes life
Time will come, time will come, time will fall
Bringing the world to it's feet
Bringing the world to her hands and her knees

I'll wait till the winter 
Is lying at my door
Time stretches out before me
A stone's throw from the door

White circles play within my mind
Ices over and freezes life
Time will come, time will come, time will fall
Bringing the world to it's feet
Bringing the world to her hands and her feet

Bringing the world to her feet

Enjoy! <G>

Keep Sailor Moon alive!! SOS(Support our Sailors)!!

"Go ahead with your schemin' 
And shop at home
You'll find treasure
While cookin' up bones
But the knife is sharp
You'd better watch that you don't cut your hands."
			Chorus ~ Erasure (Chorus)

Date: Wed, 10 Jul 1996 19:12:29 -0400
From: [email protected] (Black)
Subject: Re: Battle at SoulDeep

::Smiles wickedly:::

You can count on me being there to destroy your utterly foolish army.....

::chuckles and strides off::

Date: Wed, 10 Jul 1996 16:16:03 -0700 (PDT)
From: StevE <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: kwestyon

YAY!  i *knew* i had a few more out there!

Hellion -- tanar`ri-angel mercenary, practician of necromancy, now in the employ of Scarecrow due to knowledge of Kylus and Arangoth...

thanks Stagg and Silvan =)

o/~ Can you imagine
for a second
doing anything
you ever wanted to?
Well thats just what i do,
so hooray for me,
and fluff you! o/~

Date: Wed, 10 Jul 1996 16:16:06 -0700 (PDT)
From: StevE <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: Preparations....

(WOOHOOYEAH!  Kylus finally gets down without getting funky...so pattie, with you leaving, do you want to put this whole thing on hold till you get back?  cause the way this thing is looking, it would be a waste to end it really quickly...)

o/~ Can you imagine
for a second
doing anything
you ever wanted to?
Well thats just what i do,
so hooray for me,
and fluff you! o/~

Date: Wed, 10 Jul 1996 17:11:49 -0700 (PDT)
From: Syl <[email protected]>
Subject: The Ruatha, A New Lineage

From: [email protected]
X-Sender: [email protected]
Date: Wed, 10 Jul 1996 18:37:51 -0400
To: [email protected]
Subject: The Ruatha, A New Lineage

::::As the air cooled within the room, where Menolly and Myn slept, three
figures watched from the shadows...semingly dicussing what was to be done
with them, thru their ability of telepathy....as the hours passed by...:::::

 As the single ray of sunlight filtered into the room, Myn was awoken with
the thought that she was at home, but quickly realized it was just another
dream...as she looked from the bed where her and her mother had slepted, she
immediately noticed three individuals standing in the joining room,
seemingly talking to one another in a very strange and unknown language.
Myn rosed from the bed...landing softly onto the plush carpet and moved
across the floor to the doorway, as to get a better look at her and her
mother's captors....Myn quickly noticed each was dressed just like the bad
man, that was thought to be daddy's and momma's friend, but these ppl were
women, not men....her eyes studied them each closely....really wishing daddy
was here to rescue her and momma from these bad ppl.  But no sooner had she
thought this that one of them turned and looked straight into her
eyes....Myn could not resist any of it....it felts as if her mind, was being
ripped open....she screamed out loud, as she became very dizzy, and her ears
began to ring real loud, her vision blurred...and the last thought in her
mind was..."Where's daddy...."

   Menolly woke from her slumber in an instant at hearing her child scream
in sheer horror and pain...Menolly gasp with rage and shock, as she saw one
of those evil person's looming over her child..as Myn just continued to have
seizures on the floor...as drool and tears of blood oozed from her tightly
closed eyes.....Menolly rushed out of the bed...tackling the female captor
in an instant.  As they both fell too the floor, Menolly begin slamming her
fist into the helmet of the captor..as bruises, and blood began to seep from
Menolly's fists, as she continued to cry, and scream, "Leave my child
alone!!! You evil creatures, I will kill you ALL!!!!!"   Another of the
captors moved slowly over the Menolly, and snatched her up and off of the
one she was beating up, and tossed her heavily and hard into a nearby wall,
Menolly was tossed with such force that she smashed thru the wall into
joining bathroom in the next room, where she landed in the shower stall,
with a loud and body shattering *THUD*.....Menolly, still in a fury, tried
to raise from her new position...but only found that her left arm, and
several ribs had been broken severely from the impact of being thrown thru a
wall. Menolly..just sat there and began to weep even more........

   One of the captors, stepped thru the hole in the wall, and snatched
Menolly upright by the her remaining hair, and carried her into the nearby
bedroom, where she was tossed onto the bed like a sack of potatoes...the
captor looked at Menolly, and then spoke, "Listen up, Female, we are in
control, if you value they life of your child, you will make no more
trouble, Understand!"  Menolly just sighed softly, then spoke even though
its was slightly hard, "Harm my child again, and it take a 100 of you to
stop me from killing you!"  The captor, chuckled slight, "My, you do have
some fire left in you after all, well let us open you husband does as he is
told, if Not.....well, how would you like it, if your child joined
us...hmmm....I think that would just make everything much better, dont
you...brother...", she turns to the shadows of the room, as Sun`zen steps
out of the shadows....

   Sun`zen turns his eyes from Menolly to his sister, "Perhaps,
sister....you have a problem now".  Sun's sister turns to him, "What do you
mean problem?"  "Lord Ruatha, is trying to seek out the whereabouts of his
family...the pyramid gave him enough information to locate, it seems. "
Sister replies, "And now did he find the pyramid...Are you aiding him
Sun...because if you are, I am sure, your soon-to be wife would make a fine
addition as my slave!"  "Leave her out of this, you promised!   And i am not
aiding him, I have done everything as you have asked, but he is dedicated to
his wife and child, I am sure he will do as you order."   "Well you better
make sure, take this scroll, on it, it explains what he is to do, in the
upcoming battle in Arangoth between the Asyri...explain to him, if he fails
us, then his child will be ours forever....and Oh yes, so he knows we arent
playing around, Sun`zen...."  Sun's sister, turns back to Menolly...who is
slightly in shocked at learning about Sun, getting married, and can only
wonder as too who that might be...Sun's sister, graps, Menolly's left hand,
and pulls out a very sharp  knife...and has the other two, female warriors
there, hold Menolly down, as two more warriors walk in and one of them lifts
Myn's coma like body up into her arms, and the other places a dagger to the
childs throat....Sun's sister speaks, "Menolly take one last look at your
child!"  Menolly looks up...with tears in her eyes...as she seemingly pleads
with Sun`zen to do something anything, but he remains standing there at the
foot of the bed...looking at the floor....then Sun's sister, takes the
knife....and with a two quick and simple strokes....Menolly screams...as her
visions blurs in an instant, then darkness, falls over her...Sun allows a
single tear to drop from his eyes...at hearing Menolly scream, he looks to
see, that his sister has removed Menolly's eyes, and places them in a box,
and gives the box and the scroll to Sun.

  "Brother, you best hurry along, I am sure her hubby, really wish to set
his eyes on Menolly's eyes again, really soon.....HHAHAHAHAHA!!!!"

Sun`zen steps into the shadows....and a crackle of blue energy seeps
outwardly...and he is gone...Sun's sisters, has the others clean the room
up, and then, in an instant two more Rifts in the Air form, and they all
disappear, with Menolly, and Myn again....

((just as note from menolly's mun: Aww Stephen did you have to remove her
eyes? Ewww! well ok Nolly is now without eyes))
-Sun`zen(former Sunaj)
{I'm am just a Simple Gardner, who enjoys removing a few "weeds" from the Lands}
Champion of BattleFest '96

Reality is a nightmare from which we can only awake from when we are living
our True Lives in Cyberspace.......Long Live the BlkDragon*Inn in all its Glory.

-starcry(aka. Stefhan)
-in life we have only the friendship and respect of out peers, for with out
that we are really alone, and we cry in the night, to see a falling star and
wish to it, that we grow and become better.

~So many characters running through my mind...so little time to play them all.

Date: Wed, 10 Jul 1996 22:43:03 -0500 (CDT)
From: [email protected] (lsawyer)
Subject: Re: Dont read this.

>kobolds, chia men and other asorted creatures.

*stagg and thews mun gets out a magazine scissors paper and some glue then
begins adding to the list* 

Why you pluraling those just me and i never put a clone on at the same time
fer some reason oh well i really just felt like saying something in the list
so here it is ME saying something in the list it wasn't ment to pick on your


okay if i didn't add my head would explode and there would be a very dealy
nuclear war around the planet so be thankfull for this cuz i had time but
didn't have nothing smart to say left with somethign stupid

Date: Thu, 11 Jul 1996 01:04:05 -0400 (EDT)
From: "Bryan Hoag (EE)" <[email protected]>
cc: [email protected], [email protected]
Subject: New Beginnings...

*In Phoenix Castle, the portal to Phoenecia opens, and a troop of the most
powerful Phoenixes on Simon's homeworld enter...*

*One phoenix, a gleaming bird seemingly made of Onyx steps forward to
Simon and Empress Viskaya...*

"Your Majesties, We, the Lone of Phoenecia wish to Expand our Services to
our Kin, and stand at your side here in Arangoth.."

*Simon looks down to the Phoenix...*

"Arrowfeather, You know you never need ask to come and help..."

*Arrowfeather nods to the Phoenixes with him, and they bring forth a
rolled bundle of scrolls...*

"Your Majesties..."  *Arrowfeather continued...*  "It is not whether we
serve for which we ask permission.. Rather, it is our format of

*Viskaya looks to the Phoenixes, then to Simon....*

"What do they mean, Love?"

*Simon unrolls the scrolls, revealing sets of complex blueprints and
unusual spells....  He peruses over them silently, then looks to

"You all designd this, and wish to Commit yourselves to it?  I must admit,
it is rather.. Unorthodox..."

*Arrowfeather bows...*

"Unorthodox, yes, your Highness, But, it is the manner of Service we have
chosen, and developed."

*Simon raises an eyebrow in surprise...*

"Developed?  One of these is already active?"

*In answer to his question, a titanic Dragon enters through the portal, 60
feet long, with huge feathery wings, rather than the usual Leathery wings,
the Head having an elongated, serrated beak, the eyes a gleaming orange...
The scales covering the body with a feathery grain, and dark gold sheen
similar to Titanium....*

*Simon and Viskaya gaze agape at the impressice creature which approaches
the throne, and bows humbly, a deep voice rumbling...* "I live to Serve
thee, your Majesties..."

*Simon looks down to Arrowfeather...*

"You all have Outdone yourselves... Tell me, what do they have as a breath

*Arrowfeather smiles...*

"Your Highness, That is their best distinction... For a breath weapon,
rather than standard flame, they shoot masses of a chemical weapon from
the Earth realm, I believe it is called ummm,, Napalm...."

*Simon ponders for a few minutes...*

"Make sure only you Phoenixes can control them, and put them into
Production on Phoenecia...  I do not want Any made here, for security

*Arrowfeather bows..*

"The precautions have been Taken, my Lord... Titanus here shall remain for
your assistance..."

*Simon smiles...*

"Well Done, Arrowfeather, You and your group have pulled off a Miracle.
Do return soon."

*Arowfeather, the Phoenixes, and Titanis all bow and respond in unison...*

"As you Command, Lord Simon."

((Yup, a new PC ANd a new being to add to the Menagerie of Monsters in
Arangoth.  THe Phoenix dragons are Biomechanical beings.. Not true
dragons, but made to resemble them.))


Date: Thu, 11 Jul 1996 00:27:07 -0600 (MDT)
From: [email protected]
Subject: Descriptions (Honer's)

((OCC:  Ok all I have never posted anything here before so as a test I am
going to post the descriptions of my characters))


        Honer is the last living mage of a far off country called Fay.  the
mages of Fay were Fire mages and Honer is no exception.  Honer is 6' 2",
black hair, and gray eyes.  He regularly wears a deep red robe with many
pockets containing spell components, magical scrolls, darts, small daggers,
and potions (this is a Robe of Holding for all you D$D players).  He wears
around his neck his most prized posession a small gold amulet with a picture
of his love, Aylissa.  He caries around his magical quarter staff "NOVA"
which when evoked can produce power full fire spells.  He keeps all of his
other possessions in a pocket demension supported by his life force.


        Renoh is Honer's brother that he found in Rydin last week.  When
Renoh was born he was seperated from his parents and pressed into service by
a black mage.  The mage enhanced his strength so that he would be as strong
as ten men.
He later escaped from the mage.  Renoh has long black hair tied back, blue
eyes, and a short beard.  He wears well polished chain mail that comes to
his shoulders.  He also wears two thick (magic defensivve bracers) with a
lock pick hidden under the right one.  On the lower half of his body he
wears black leather breeches with black dragon leather boots.  Out of the
tops of the boots poke the hilts of two perfectly ballanced throwing
daggers.  he is equiped with a long sword that rests on his left hip and a
heavy dagger on the right, a two handed sword is slung across one shoulder
with a long bow and a quiver full of arows on the other.  On his waist right
obove the dagger is a coiled whip.  He carries around a backpack with a
medium shield and all of the lute that he took when fleeing from his former
master which consists of several healing potions and some protection scrolls.  

((sorry if this was long but I have been meening to do this for a long time

Honer of Fay the last of the great Red Mages and keeper of the secrets of
Fire Magic

Date: Thu, 11 Jul 1996 14:33:10 -0400
From: Dave Crampton <[email protected]>
Subject: Kenokk & Trici (please post this, Dave)

>Date: Wed, 10 Jul 1996 23:19:34 -0400
>X-Sender: [email protected]
>To: crampto3
>From: Adam Pigeon <[email protected]>
>Subject: Kenokk & Trici (please post this, Dave)
>A Continuation of Kenokk and Trici's story
>by: Adam Pigeon, Mun of the Many(over 40 pc's and growing!) and Defender of
>the Sig!
>***The scene***
>On the way back to the Seilwood, Kenokk has met an old friend named Malek
>who is then killed
>by an unknown assailant.  Now Ken races through the forest to try to find
>Trici and possibly save
>her from any attack.
>Kenokk races along the trail, cursing himself for leaving Trici behind all
>by herself.  Ken looks all
>around for any signs in the ley lines that might tell him where she is.  Ken
>spots a few converging
>blue and green lines, surrounded by several black lines.  He runs as fast as
>he can, following the
>lines, until he breaks into a clearing.  There, he see Trici fighting
>against 3 elves, all much bigger
>than she is, with another lying on the ground in a bloody mess.  "Trici!!"
>he shouts running into
>the clearing, his sword flashing into his hand.  Trici looks up. "Kenokk!"
>she shouts.  As she looks
>away one of the attackers hits her in the back of the head with a club and
>she slumps to the
>ground.  "No!" Ken shouts and dives at the closest attacker, ramming his
>sword of sharpness
>completely through his body.  Ken winces in pain as he feels the elf's life
>force drain from his
>body but he bears through it, pulling out his blood-covered sword and faces
>the remaining two
>attackers.  "Kenokk Moonglow," he hears a voice off to the side say, "Please
>put down your
>weapon, we have been expecting you for quite some time now.  In the name of
>Rube Manslayer
>I bring you greetings."  "What does The Manslayer want with us?" Ken growls.
>"Us? Oh, you
>must mean the girl.  Is she with you?  I'm terribly sorry, we had thought
>her to be another one of
>Malek Starchild's whores.  We are terribly sorry."  Ken glances over at
>Trici and sees her waking
>up and looking around groggily.  "She is under my protection, and the
>protection of King Isin
>Brightdale.  If you harm either her or I then not even The Manslayer shall
>be protected from his
>wrath."  "Manslayer..." Trici whispers silently, a look of fear spreading
>over her face.  "Harm you?
>Oh no, we have no intention of doing that"  The elf waves the remaining two
>attackers off and
>they drag the bodies away.  "I am here because The Manslayer wishes to make
>you an offer."  "I
>will have nothing to do with him, the war between the humans and elves is at
>an end."  "The
>Manslayer knows how underappreciated in King Brightdale's court, but even
>with all the power
>the crown imparts on him, he will not live forever.  And when that time
>comes, The Manslayer
>will ascend to the throne.  And he wants you to come to him, and become his
>heir."  Ken looks at
>the elf dumbfounded.  "Yes, it is true," he continues, "The Manslayer knows
>of the powers of the
>ley lines that you hold within you.  In time you could become as powerful as
>him."  "No, I will
>never follow him," Ken says calmly.  Trici stands up and moves to Kenokk's
>side.  "That is a pity,
>I shall convey your answer to The Manslayer.  Perhaps in time you will
>change your mind."  The
>elf then turns and disappears into the forest.  "Ken," Trici says quietly,
>"What was he talking
>about?  Why would Rube Manslayer be interested in you?"  "I'll.. I'll tell
>you about it later.  Right
>now I want to get out of here and try to find somewhere safe."  "Ok, I want
>to leave as fast as
>possible too."  Trici takes a few steps and wavers and almost falls but Ken
>catches her in time.
>"That was a bad hit you took, we'll have to wait here a few minutes while I
>heal that."  "Must we?"
>"Yes, I'm afraid so.  I'll try to hurry it as fast as I can."  Ken helps
>Trici sit on the soft, moist grass
>and then sits in front of her.  "This won't hurt," Ken says softly as he
>lays his hands on the large
>bump on her head.  Ken hums quietly to himself, his mind reaching out and
>grasping onto the
>flow of life in the forest.  He becomes acutely aware of every living thing
>around him.  The grass,
>the trees, the birds, Trici, himself.  He feels the excess force of life
>flowing around them.  He
>grasps onto it with his thoughts, diverts the flow, transforming himsel into
>a conduit for the forces
>to flow through.  He feels the life energy force itself into Trici's wound
>and heal it, and then he
>lets it go, allowing the force to flow where it will.  Ken opens his eyes
>and smiles.  "How do you
>feel now?" he asks quietly.  "I.. I feel wonderful.  Thank you Ken."  Trici
>smiles and gives him a
>hug.  "Now let's leave, quickly.  I don't like this place."  "Neither do I."
>Ken stands and helps Trici
>up and they walk hurridly away.
>Kenokk and Trici travel for many silent hours on foot, resting little, until
>at last they reach the
>borders of the Seilwood.
>"Halt!  State your name and buisness here!" a border guard's voice booms.
>"Sidhe Kenokk
>Moonglow." Kenokk answers immediately.  "My companion and I travel to
>Callistilae to attend
>the wedding of King Isin Brightdale."  The guard seems rather surprised by
>this response.  "I'll
>need to see your papers, sir."  "Of course.  Here you are."  Ken reaches in
>his pack and hands
>the guard a few pieces of paper.  "I'm terribly sorry to have inconvienenced
>you m'lord," the
>guard says in a much softer tone as he hands back the papers.  "Is there
>anything you require?"
>"Yes, we would like horses to ride and a small armed escort to the royal
>palace."  Trici looks at
>Ken, surprised at the authority he is commanding.  "Yes sir, right away" the
>guard says and
>hurries off to follow Ken's orders.  "The royal wedding?  We're going to the
>royal wedding?"  Trici
>asks in a hushed but excited voice.  "Yes we are, that's the 'urgent
>business'.  I wanted to
>surprise you," Ken says quietly, a broad smile on his face.  "Well i'm
>really surprised!  Oooh!  I'm
>so excited!  Thank you!"  Trici wraps Ken in a tight hug and Ken laughs and
>hugs her back.
>More ramblings from a bored and lonely mun:
>Well, I hope you enjoyed this installment of Trici and Kenokk's story, more
>parts to come!  If you
>have any questions, comments or general spamming about the story please send
>whatever you
>want to me at [email protected]  If any comments are posted on the
>mailing list I won't
>see them, because I'm not on the mailing list. :(
>Now on to another subject, I haven't gotten very much mail lately.  I'm
>lonely out here.  If you
>haven't written to me lately please do.
>Now on to another subject, I may be getting local access by the end of the
>month.  Keep your
>fingers crossed!
Dave Crampton AKA Dark Vampyre

"The Blood is the Life"                         - Dracula
"Blood is like wine..."				- Bush
"I don't know how to be bad at being bad."      - The Vampire Lestat
"Call me what you will....."                    - Metallica
"That's just one of my names...."		- Bush

Dave's too cool Web Page    - http://www.msu.edu/user/crampto3/
The #RedFang Bar's Web Page - http://www.msu.edu/user/crampto3/RedFang/

Date: Thu, 11 Jul 1996 16:12:12 -0700 (PDT)
From: Syl <[email protected]>
Subject: Continue of the Ruatha New Lineage

From: [email protected]
X-Sender: [email protected]
Date: Thu, 11 Jul 1996 17:51:39 -0400
To: [email protected]
Subject: Continue of the Ruatha New Lineage

:::::As darkness once again, fall over the lands of Arangoth, a shadow moved
effortless across the landscape, nearing the dark and quiet castle of

Jul`Kair peered from out of a nearby small bushes shadow...using his ability
to meld with the shadows...he looked around the area...being careful as too,
not set off any alarms, incase the castle was still being watched....

  He moved in and out of the shadows across the landscape, till finally
reaching the outer walls of the castle...he touched the stone...feeling its
life force, as the crystal inside is armor hummed slighty..this told him,
that magiks were still in use within the castle....he pondered..."yess,
kaejo...you left behind some nice traps...funny man....".    Jul`Kair
reached his hands to the wall, feeling for the simple cracks in the wall,
and this time used his non-magical talents to scale the wall..sensing that
some of the traps would be alert with the use of magiks....as his muscles
strained under the use..he thought "damn, been too long since doing it the
old way, must remember to practice more, later of course".   Finally
reaching the top of the wall, he rolled over the top of the wall, landing
softly and quietly onto the floor, his eyes scanned thru the darkness,
trying to perceive any threats....finding none...he moved slowly, and low to
the floor, but stopping every ten feet just to check his surroundings.

  Finally reaching the main hallways from where the bedrooms are located,
and after disarming a total of twelve non-magikal traps, and four magikal
traps...rubbing his left shin slightly...seeing the flesh as it still hasnt
healed completly yet...he looks at the blood soaked make-shift bandage, he
curses silentily under his breath, "curse you Kaejo..damn sneaky trap..damn
sneaky!" He continue to creep forward slowly down the hallway...till finally
reaching Menolly and Kaejo's bedroom chamber...he thru some dust over the
entrance and at the door....there he noticed, as the dust showed, the sigil
of a strange symbol...knowing time was important, he choose not to try and
disarm this, figuring it would take too much time....so Jul`kair, lifted a
shield of an armored suit in the hallway, and rammed the door with his full
wieght and strenght...still this wasnt enough, as the sigil flares, and a
magical force slams him into the wall across the hall, the shield mangeld
around his arm...."Alright....", he bends the shield off his arm, feeling
the arm bone is broken, he winces from the pain...reaching into the side
pouch, lifts out some blue & red sand, and tosses it at the sigil, it flares
then disappears...he then rushes the door again...***CRASH***....falling
thru the timbers of the door, he rolls to a stop by hitting a wall, real
hard...feeling another  rib break from the impact....Jul`Kair groans, as he
looks back at the shattered doorway, he sees the sigil flare back to life

  Jul`Kair begins to search the room carefully...after several minutes, he
finally finds the piece of jewelry, Menolly's bracelet...he grins slightly,
and places the item inside his armor for safe keeping....he then tosses out
several handfulls of colored sands across the floor...hoping this will be
enough, he summons a small amount of raw mystical energies, and gestures a
few times as the colored sands begin to glow, and in a flash of
light...Jul`Kair is transported......directly in the middle of the courtyard
of Castle Black..."damn...shit...piss...u sneaky little bastard!"

  Jul`Kair looks around at all the startled Guards around him..."Hiya
fellas, Know where the nearest outhouse is?"  The Guards draws their swords
and shields, and charge him, saying "Capture the intruder!!"  Jul`Kair, "Oh
shit...guess not!" Jul`Kair uses all of his talents of leaping and dodge the
best he can, with three broken ribs, a broken arm, and slightly damage
leg...he rolls to the side, flips over a number of grounds, only to land on
his face....he rolls to the side, to see and count close to eight swords
leveled at his throat..."Guess we cant talk about this, huh?"


Menolly awakes slowly...now fully realizing that she is now blind...she
tries to cry, and now realizes that crying only brings her more pain...he
calls out for her child..."Myn, are you there??"

:::silence follows...then a voice breaks the silence::::::

"No my dear, your child is not here."  Menolly replies with a tremble in her
speech, "Who...who are you??"  "I am called by some as the father, but
others know me as the Caretaker."  Menolly, puzzles the
name..."Caretaker??...are you one of those evil women that took me and my
"No, i am not with them, i am a prisoner just like you...your child you
speak of was taken from here, while you were asleep....I sensed that they
are going begin training her to join them, my dear."   Menolly, "Train
her???, where are we???"  "My dear, we are in Atlantis, well actually we are
beneath Atlantis, in the Sunaj Training and Prison Halls...and yes, they
plan to train her as one of them....i am so sorry to tell you this, you need
to rest, calm yourself."
 Menolly, can only begin to cry regardless of the pain it causes her, as she
continues to call for Kaejo in her mind..."KAEJO!!!!!!!!!!, Where ARE


-Sun`zen(former Sunaj)
{I'm am just a Simple Gardner, who enjoys removing a few "weeds" from the Lands}
Champion of BattleFest '96

Reality is a nightmare from which we can only awake from when we are living
our True Lives in Cyberspace.......Long Live the BlkDragon*Inn in all its Glory.

-starcry(aka. Stefhan)
-in life we have only the friendship and respect of out peers, for with out
that we are really alone, and we cry in the night, to see a falling star and
wish to it, that we grow and become better.

~So many characters running through my mind...so little time to play them all.

Date: Thu, 11 Jul 1996 23:57:02 -0400
From: [email protected] (Dave Soltys)
Subject: Re: The Northern Plains...

((I guess this is part II of this post... I cut it into installments since
hate large post... or maybe not... its just what I here... DreamShade's mun))

>        He watches the box slowly open as a faint red aurora grabs at his
>sly grin...
>        He reaches into the ebony holder of the red mystery as a crash
rumbles through the shadowy room startling even the likes of DreamShade.
DreamShade looks up as he senses the presence of his feline friend.
         "Tis I see you have returned... I think the weather may be getting
to me too...". DreamShade looks down at the two large emeralds reflecting
the firelight and searching her magi companion's innerself.
         Forgetting the box, DreamShade closes the black, patterened lid on
the red enimga and sets the black box upon the small wooden table beside him
as shadows take it and its contents to a safe haven. He speaks watching it
leave his presence, and turns to the large cat. "Till later..."
        He sits back into his plush chair and reaches to scratch the
panther's ear.
        "Tis I think its time for a move... Don't yee... A return to an old
haunt for maybe...a long visit...."
        The panther looks up at Dreamshade peircing him with another one of
her quizzical emerald stares.
        "Well... if thats the way yee feel, but yee will never understand...
for now, at least... I know you are comfortable, but times change and I
think I owe them a favor..."
        The feline stares back again with an almost human expression.
        "What do you mean!!" Dreamshade raises his voice glaring at the cat
and starts to stand.. "You are fool of many misconceptions my friend...
Speak no more... You act as if you are queen of this place..." Dreamshade
shouts at the panther with a slight anger upon his voice. The panther stands
alert with a low growl. "GO THEN... Let your instincts fill your primal lust
and blind what intellegance was granted to such an... ODD... PESKY CAT!!"
The cat leaps up at Dream growling with a flaring green stare jumping toward
him. Dream flinches back as shadow and light play off his retina's and
reflect from the wall and the feline passes through him into the
darkness."Damn... infernal beast that you are... play your shadowy tricks on
me... AYE!!" Turns around in fury... "Yee were but an ODD BEAST... till I
lay my hand on thee... AND NOW YOU ACT AS QUEEN!!! WHY NOT...." Dream fumes
from within as a footstep breaks his wraith turning with bluish flaring
iris's to a small shadowy figure standing in the half-lit doorway...
        A small, short stalky figure half-cast in shadow speaks with a faint
frightful tongue of high-pitched syllables. "Tis I nay wi.. wii.. wish... to
Anggeerr... Sirrr ... I mean... Lor... Tis I mea.." The small figure steps
forward with a height of under 4 ft and a small round face with a slightly
large nose and a very pale complextion with golden hazel eyes. The gnomish
character shifts in his pale white speckled gray fury shirt and wool pant.
        "SPEAK UP...!!!", barks Dreamshade with a flaring tempor...
        "Master... Master Rhaellon... I bring..."
        DreamShade's tempermant changes suddenly as he hears his birthname,
something deeply held by him and strangely given to few but his most trusted
aquintances, and stoops down to meet the small gnome. "I am sorry..
Farlow... Tis the pesky... shadowy beast as you call her was acting up
again...". The gnome shakes his head and his eyes grow small at the mention
of the cat. "Aye... The big mean sh'dow... I never will know why you are so
to taking a liking of such a big be'st... And she almost ATE me!" Farlow
shudders at the thought. "She is gone for now, " DreamShade turns around
looking into the shadows, "Hopefully." "Tis I bring you news..." The gnome
shift in the large fur northern clothing as the heat of the fire beats at
him. "And so how did thee come to find passage here so quickly... I nay hope
you trudged here across that god-forsaken sun and sand ridden wasteland of
those desert dwellers, through the snowy passes, and across the ice-strewn
tundra... Is..." The gnome opens his lil mouth to speak... "Wait.. it isn't
ready that early... HOW DID YOU... its been so long since I've seen you!"
The lil gnome interrupts with a mouth of high pitched gabber... "Tis not
M'lord as you say... We are near some semblence of  completeness but still
far off... Although... as to me passage... the circle and seal are complete
and so gave me passage... it will now permit passage to Arangoth for the
rest of us without your future worry and things will move quicker to
completion with the fast route of magic... also I have other news... its of
the state of affairs in the realm. The dese.. " Dreamshade smiles at the
news and than interrupts suddenly... " I know of thee desert dwellers
conflict with our fair friends of the south..." The gnome gabbers on. "But..
M'Lord the Queen has..." Dreamshade again smiles, but with a concerned look.
"I know Farlow. She is in the hands of a desert mistress, but as that is as
far as I have been able to inquire though... " Farlow looks confused. "But
how... Yee are always on top of the most smallest bit before I even see the
light." Dreamshade laughs. "You know of my ways... And I have been on an
occasional visit to that happy inn of the realm and my usual haunts of the
castle grounds, etc..." Farlow smiles knowing things that others know not
of. DreamShade stands back up. "Now I have news for you... I am returning as
of today... and.... Follow me." Dreamshade turns to the doorway and exits
into a polished marble passage. Farlow follows behind with curiousity...

****/-*********__***** A Master of the "Point",             *
***/  \*******/******* A Player with Shadow and Light,      *
**/__ /REAM***\******* Royal Magi to the Crown of Arangoth. *

************__/HADE*** A Dreamweaver of the Northern Plains *
((Oh and the mun is Dave, Royal Pain in the Rear to his friends.))
  "To see a world in a grain of sand, and a heaven in a wildflower."
                                                -William Blake
  "Reality is what you make of it." - Unknown
  "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder." -Some wise old sage

Date: Thu, 11 Jul 1996 21:32:23 -0700 (PDT)
From: Syl <[email protected]>
Subject: Continue Saga of the Ruatha Lineage
Cc: [email protected]

From: [email protected]
X-Sender: [email protected]
Date: Thu, 11 Jul 1996 22:40:10 -0400
To: [email protected]
Subject: Continue Saga of the Ruatha Lineage

:::::As the Sun rose to meet the great Pyramid of Asylum, its glare flashing
off the teirs around the pyramid...the rays flirted down into a small hole
into a large chamber that is set off to the side, protected on the outside
by a number of stone statutes, and a number of roving guards, mostly being
Sunaj warriors...::::::

  The female Sunaj warriors introduced themselves to Myn, you sat infront of
them...."Greetings child, I am called Dwen`zen first daughter of the Aerihza
clan, and to my right is, Tazmir, my second, and on my left is Moquir, my
advisor and third...We are the true lords of the Inner Guardiens of the
Sunaj."  Myn looked blankily at them and then spoke, "Where's momma and
daddy??" Dwen spoke slowly to Myn, "My dear child, her mother died...I am
sorry, there was nothing we could do, she had thought you were dead, when
she awoke a few days ago, and we could not calm her, and she managed to
injury one of my sisters, and my sister accidentally killed her, We are all
sorry for this."  Myn looked into the eyes of Dwen, and could not see if she
lied or was telling the truth...and when Myn sought to feel the link between
her and her mother, she couldnt feel it...so Myn collasped onto the floor,
crying and shaking....

  Dwen spoke, "Myn, dear little one, do not cry, for me and my sisters have
decided to take you into our little family, and bring you up
correctly....Moquir please help Myn, remember the truth..."

Moquir bowed slightly to Dwen, and then moved close to Myn....Myn still
crying, lifted her head slowly and with tearful eyes, sniff a few times,
wiping her nose on a tattered sleeve, and looked into Moquir
eyes...."Can....can...you...help me?!?"  Moquir merely nodded, then Myn felt
inside her mind as if someone was pulling at it...Myn cried in pain, and
then relaxed suddenly...as she looked with pain into Moquir eyes, then
looked again with understanding....Myn saw memories fade away...slowly then
quickily.  What seemed to be days, was a mere few hours, as the small hole
in the ceiling change from day to night....Myn rose up from the floor,
shaking a little bit, she looked up to Dwen, "Dwen, my sister, we can i
begin my teachnings?"  Dwen replied, "Soon my child, soon...but now you need
sleep, Moquir, please take our little sister to her sleeping chambers.."
Moquir bowed slightly, as she lead Myn away from the chamber...Myn looked to
Moquir, "Moquir...can you tell me anything about my mother and father..i can
seem to remember them?"  After reaching Myn's sleeping chambers, Moquir,
knelt down to Myn, as a tear streaked across her face...Myn reached to touch
the tear, "Moquir, why do you cry?"   Moquir looked into Myn's eyes, still
as the tears slowly streaked down her face, "Myn, my love...you dont
remember me, do you?"  Myn shaked her head. Moquir began to cry some
more...then spoke, "Myn, you were taken from me when you were still young by
some dimensional demons...it wasnt tell a few days ago, that me and my other
sisters finally found you and brought you back home, Myn you are my only
daughter, your really name is Myn`lea, daughter of Daoir Laz`jud, second to
the order of the Sunaj."  Myn looked blankily at Moquir....then suddenly her
face sprang with a renewed glow as she shouted and hugged Moquir, "MOMMA!!!!!!!"

*****Meanwhile in a cell underneath Asylum Menolly is telling her 'cellmate'
the story of her capture and how much she wants to just go home to her
husband and family**********
Caretaker sympathizes with her plight, and so tells her, "My dear child,
calm yourself, and i will try to open a doorway to your home."  Caretaker
begans to summon the energy from the nearby pyramid that lies several
hundred meters above them ever so slowly so that he will have the power to
open the Rift back to Arangoth for Menolly. Caretaker begans to pulse with
the energy, and then funnels the power into the air near the wall, a sudden
rush of air springs up, then the bluish vortex of the Rifts springs into
life..."My child, your path home is now open, walk straight ahead, and do
not stop."  Menolly nods.  But as soon as Menolly reaches the threshold, a
sudden explosion rocks her body...she drops to floor as she feels the life
begin to drain from her...Menolly lunges forward as she can feel her spine
shatter, her ribs splayed to the near walls, her mouth and throat fill
instantly with blood, as her mind screams out, ~*KAEJO*~, she falls into the
Rift along with the few remains of her body..her lower torso remains behind
in the cellroom...the Rift closes.

-Sun`zen(aka. Jul`Kair, aka.Sun`Dragn, aka. Sunaj)
Champion of BattleFest '96

Reality is a nightmare from which we can only awake from when we are living
our True Lives in Cyberspace.......Long Live the BlkDragon*Inn in all its Glory.

-starcry(aka. Stefhan)

((personal note frokm Sylvia...YES I know Nolly is dead...and Simon just
leave her there ok?))
~So many characters running through my mind...so little time to play them all.

Date: Thu, 11 Jul 1996 23:55:30 -0600 (MDT)
From: [email protected]
Subject: Hints for Recycling AOL Disks

>Return-Path: [email protected]
>Date: Thu, 11 Jul 1996 21:36:54 -0600 (MDT)
>X-Sender: [email protected]
>To: [email protected]
>From: Jim Essinger <[email protected]>
>Subject: Hints for Recycling AOL Disks
>>Return-Path: [email protected]
>>Date:         Mon, 8 Jul 1996 16:56:42 UT
>>Reply-To: Methodist discussion group <[email protected]>
>>Sender: Methodist discussion group <[email protected]>
>>From: KudzuKid <[email protected]>
>>Subject:      Hints for Recycling AOL Disks
>>X-To:         [email protected]
>>To: Multiple recipients of list UM-LIST
>>              <[email protected]>
>>        Time to lighten up a bit.  The following are suggestions for
>dealing with the
>>ubiquitous America Online "free" disks that seem to come in every magazine, in
>>the mail, and everywhere else.  Many people simply erase them and use them to
>>store more worthy files. Here are some other options I found on the Internet.
>>        1. Attach to a ruler and presto, you've got a fly-swatter.
>>        2. At a restaurant, shove one under a wobbly table leg
>>        3. Re-entry tiles on the space shuttle (donate them to NASA)
>>        4. Room dividers for your hamster
>>        5. Drink coasters
>>        6. Bathroom tile
>>        7. Sturdy case for under your bicycle/motorcycle kick stand on soft
>>        8. Mini Frisbee
>>        9. Grill scraper
>>        10. wrist slicer - after receiving first AOL bill (use metal door)
>>        11. Once collection reaches 52, use for playing cards
>>        12. Toe tags for mortuaries (great for identifying dead computer
>>        13. Fence  (may need a few thousands, but that should only take a
>year to
>>        14. Halloween treat (give them away all night long)
>>        15. Hidden/spare key holder  (crack open one side, insert key,
>place near
>>door -          completely safe, 'cause who'd want an AOL disk?)
>>[email protected], of course  :)
>>                        [email protected]
>>                  "Hate is not a family value."
>Jim Essinger
>[email protected]
>John 3:16

Honer of Fay the last of the great Red Mages and keeper of the secrets of
Fire Magic

Date: Fri, 12 Jul 1996 04:00:44 -0400
From: Ash <[email protected]>
Subject: Kylus's Trick?

**** Outside the inn back into the forest a little ways****

Erica cackled with glee as she held the ornamentally carved box which
contained the Eye of Vecna. The foolish bastard elf (aka Kylus) she would
show him who was damned.

As she faded out of side she allowed kylus to glimpse at his "darling"
foster daughter Skylar.

***** A image appears first faded then comes into view infront of kylus**

Skylar slumped against the wall of the small cell, the stone walls looking
rough compared to her chaffed bare body, and Daedil's broken form in chain
but unconscous on the floor blood pooled around his head and only shallow
breathes escaping him.

Kylus places a hand over his mouth, and whispers a prayer to paladine for
them both as Erica fades back in, her ceremonial drow robes decorated with
fine spider webbing make her truly look like one of the dead.

"Like how your "child" looks preist? I'm sure she would look better missing
some limbs, you better hurry with the rest of your demands, time is ticking!"

Kylus turns to her his face hard again. "Go damned one....take it back to
your master....<qm> may you both choke on it..."

Erica considering she had down enough to the priest for today walks through
the portal a smile on her face.

 Kylus smiles faintly and draws Kingarhn....
Kylus sticks it int he ground and DUCKS

*A HUGE Explosion Rocks the Country Side, Birds squawk and take to the air,
the people of the inn look around quickly wondering if the earth was
splitting apart, everywhere everything pauses for a moment, then lets out a
collective sigh as the sound does not continue*

Kylus smiles, knowing he just activated the trap on the box he had given
Erica, sealing her and ScarecroW in thier lair for the time being, til they
can find a way to get free.

Kingarth flashes as Kylus pulls him out of the ground.

"Yes old freind, we do have much to do, come lets go prepare.."

And with that Kylus leaves heading off in the direction of Church...

=) Questions, comments, general BLAH, mail it to me! :)

~*  Ash  *~

"Perhaps this is a situation where excessive honesty can be detrimental." --
Data, Star Trek: The Next Generation

Date: Fri, 12 Jul 1996 14:37:10 -0700 (PDT)
From: Syl <[email protected]>
Subject: Saga of Myn with the Sunaj

>From: [email protected]
>X-Sender: [email protected]
>Date: Fri, 12 Jul 1996 16:08:24 -0400
>To: [email protected]
>Subject: Saga of Myn with the Sunaj
>[[[[[Please send to the Mailing List...Thanx :) ]]]]]]]
>::Morning came quickly to Myn, who awoke to find her mother, sitting to the
>side of the bed, loooking out a window...:::
> Myn, rubbed the sleep from her eyes, and then asked, "Momma, is everything
>okay?"  Moquir turned and looked at her innocent and sweet child, "Yes,
>Myn`lea everything is better since your home...also, Dwen, has argeed to
>begin your training in the arts of the Stone Mages, a very proud art within
>the Sunaj...only the best ever achieve the teachings of becoming Stone Mages."
>  Myn looks with excitment on her face, and looks to Moquir, "When do i
>start learning...cuze I want to make you and daddy proud of me."  Moquir
>speaks, "Myn`lea, you have already made us happy, and maybe your daddy, will
>visit us soon."  "Where is daddy, momma?" Myn asks. "His on a secret mission
>for the Sunaj lords in another dimension, and soon will be home." Moquir
>replies.  Myn smiles...and rushes to get dressed....after nearly an hour
>with Moquir, they both finally leave the bedroom chamber and walk quickly to
>dining hall, where she, her mother, and several others eat an amazing feast
>of foods set out before them...Myn is amazed by the number of servants, and
>how they treat her, as she was royalty, Moquir explains that she is of
>royalty, she is the daughter of the third High Lord of Inner Guards of the
>Sunaj..Moquir points to herself with that statement...Myn smiles and hugs
>her mother.....
>......directly after breakfast, Moquir, and Myn`lea moved to the training
>halls, this is where Myn sees Dwen and another strange person dressed in all
>in robes, where bandaged hands...and when it speaks...its "s" is drawn out,
>like when it says, "yes" it comes out as "yesssss". Myn looks to her mother,
>Moquir leans down and explains that that being is a Rifter, a being capable
>of opening doorways to almost any dimension and world across the
>cosmos...Myn looks blankily at the explanation, then just shrugs...thinking
>he must be a bigshot.  The Rifter turns its attention to Myn and
>Moquir...and then walks away to the side....Dwen speaks up, "Good day to you
>Myn`lea, and Moquir...Myn`lea, you will begin your training outside of this
>place, the Rifter will take you and your mother, to another place, along
>with a dozen other Sunaj to watch over you both while you begin your
>training over the next 19 years...."  Myn looks to her mother..."19
>years....thats a long time???"  "Hush, my little one...it really isnt that
>long, for the Rifter can have us back here in a couple of days as if we had
>just left..." Moquir replies, and notices the confused look of her
>daughter..."Trust me, everything will be okay."  Myn shrugs, then smiles
>hugging her mother...as they both along with a number of Sunaj, the Rifter,
>and several servants, and packages on a hover slide, move thru the Rift into
>the unknown....Myn slightly shaking, but tries to remain brave beside her
>mother thru the entire event.......The Rift closes.
>-Sun`zen(aka. Jul`Kair, aka.Sun`Dragn, aka. Sunaj)
>Champion of BattleFest '96
>Reality is a nightmare from which we can only awake from when we are living
>our True Lives in Cyberspace.......Long Live the BlkDragon*Inn in all its
>-starcry(aka. Stefhan)
~So many characters running through my mind...so little time to play them all.

Date: Fri, 12 Jul 1996 19:04:37 -0700 (MST)
From: [email protected] (Stan)
Subject: forgive

I'm sorry all, but I fear I may not be able to join ye at SoulDeep.. My mun
has something very important to do at the time. If I can, I'll join ye...
but, if not, I beg for all of your forgiveness... 
                                                ~Aystan Silveron~

Date: Sat, 13 Jul 1996 00:39:21 -0400
From: Kylus Dragonsbane <[email protected]>
Subject: Kylus' retreat...

Kylus opens the door to his cabin and walks in quietly (or as quietly as he
can in full plate). He looks around his empty house and sighs wearily. He
managed to trick the banshee into closing the gate temporarily...that will
allow them to act without being spied upon by the lich...at least for a
little while..
Kylus mutters to himself, praying that Skylar and Daedil do not suffer for
his actions.
He gets out an odd metal frame from his armor chest and leans it against the
bed. The paladin then begins to remove his armor, lashing each piece to the
frame, and tossing the padding in a small satchel at the bottom of a frame.

"There," he says quietly, "that should fit on me don't you think?"

~* Don't you think that will break your back, oh brainy paladin?*~ Kingarhn
snickers, the blue-green jewel flickering in the dim light of the cabin.

"How soon they forget," he smiles slightly, "It has a spell on it to lighten
the load, oh barb-tongued holy sword."

~* Must we go do this? *~ Kingarhn sighs.

"Yes," he replies softly, "I've forgotten what it is to be a Ghosthunter,
Kingarhn.....I think both of us have forgotten, old friend. Best we go away,
and relearn what that means."

~* I don't want to go the mountains! *~ the sword whines, ~* They're BORING. *~

"How would you know? You were asleep in the box when I crossed them from
RhyDin." Kylus asks, looking at the sword as he dresses in a plain pair of
worn traveling pants and a patched up brown shirt. He places his holy symbol
around his neck.

~* Oh yeah......heheheheheehhehee...silly me. *~ Kingarhn laughs
mischievously, and Kylus sighs, knowing the whole point of this conversation
was to drive him nuts.

"How much more is there to you that I don't know about, Kingarhn?" he asks,
turning serious for a moment.

~*Hehehehehehhehehehehehehehe, now I can't just TELL you, Kylus....that
wouldn't be any fun at all would it? *~

Kylus sighs again, and pulls out a bedroll, then lashes it to the frame.
Kingarhn he sticks in a sheath on the side and nods.

~* A little tight....do you have anything one size bigger maybe? *~ Kylus
doesn't even bother to respond at this point and Kingarhn laughs mindlessly.

The paladin sighs and wraps a faded grey cloak, the one that Skylar gave
him, and goes around the house, closing the doors and the shutters on the
windows. He takes his pack, which feels only slightly heavy, despite the
armor, and walks out the front door, then shuts and locks it. Kylus traces a
symbol on the door and mutters a blessing to keep theives away.

~* Ready? *~ Kingarhn asks.

"Not quite," Kylus replies quielty, "One more thing needs to be done.." he
sets the pack down and pulls out his flute, a small, hand carved thing.
Kingarhn falls silent, knowing he doesn't like to be toyed with while he
does this. Kylus puts the flute to his lips, and faces the mountains that he
will soon venture into--the ones that lead to RhyDin. He plays a soft,
wordless elven love song and all the life seems to stop for a while to
listen to the notes as they travel up to the moon, and to the one they are
meant for.

Kylus lets the notes trail off as the song ends and looks up to the red star
that points the way to RhyDin and hopes his wife is there, looking at it as
he does from Arangoth. He turns then, and lets out a whistle. Its answered
by a grey horse galloping out of the woods. Kylus smiles and rubs his head.

"Aeryc," he smiles, "You ready for a little ride? Its been a while." Aeryc
gives the paladin what he can of an affirmative and Kylus smiles and saddles
him. Hefting his pack on his shoulders he climbs up and settles himself in
the saddle.

"It _has_ been a while." he mumbles, and Kingarhn snickers. Kylus smiles a
little and turns to face his cabin, now lightless and closed up...empty.

"Gods watch over my friends, whereever they may be," he whispers, "keep them
safe and at peace until the threats have passed...."

With that, he spurs Aeryc on eastward, towards the mountains of Arangoth's
border and the place of spiritual retreat where he hopes he will relearn the
skills of the Ghosthunters....to battle like he used to one last time.

((Well all I'll be talking to you when I get back from vacation! See you all
then! :D ))


Date: Sat, 13 Jul 1996 00:21:45 -0600
From: [email protected] (OneStab)
Subject: NETWAR


Dear players,

I am very sorry the NETWAR had to be postponed at the last minute.. I thank
all of you for understanding a personal emergency.

The NETWAR will be rescheduled for next week.  I will send the exact time
and day by sunday... and I will try to make it earlier for those of the
eastern US persuasion..


Date: Sat, 13 Jul 1996 10:17:45 -0400
From: Dave Crampton <[email protected]>
Subject: Cursed Blessings chapter 2 - The New Blessing

>Date: Sat, 13 Jul 1996 00:04:34 -0400
>X-Sender: [email protected] (Unverified)
>To: crampto3
>From: Adam Pigeon <[email protected]>
>Subject: Cursed Blessings chapter 2 - The New Blessing
>Book 2 in the Deth Trilogy
>by Adam Pigeon, Mun of the Many and Defender of The Sig!
>This story has been given a voluntary rating of PG-13.  May not be suitable
>for children
>"You'll learn to love this pain you feel, like father like son" -Garbage
>"Bow down before the one you serve, you're going to get what you deserve" 
>-/\/ | \/\ "Head Like A Hole"
>	Deth fled through the ancient catacombs, trying desperately to remember
his way
>out.  His sword was covered in blood.  Many guards had given chase. It was
>impossible to make it as far as he had, and there was surely much farther to
>go.  Deth
>rounded a corner.  A guard stood at an ambush, ready to shoot on sight.
>Deth drops into
>the shadows, a split-second before the machine gun fires.  Deth runs blindly
>through the
>walls, drops down through the floor, and up through the ceiling, trying to
>lose anyone
>who might be tracking him.
>	"Breathing too heavy.. remember your training.. must keep silent.." Deth
>to himself as he re-appeared in the normal world.  He looks around and finds
>himself in a
>tool closet.  "Perfect.. now if I can get the right tools.."  Deth grabs a
>loose nail and a pair of needlenose pliers and starts to pick at the
>psi-collar around his throat.  "C'mon.. just a
>little more and then I'll show them some pain..." Muffled voices come from
>outside, "...got
>a lock... ...find him... ...closet 6J.."  "Damn!" Deth growls to himself.
>The doors burst
>open as automatic weapons fire sprays into the room, but too late, as Deth
>dodges into the
>shadows just in time.	
>	Deth runs quickly and silently through the complex network of metallic
>tunnels and
>rough stone caverns.  He sees a guard standing behind a door waiting with
>gun pointed at
>the door, waiting to ambush.  "This is too easy," Deth chuckles silently to
>himself.  He
>sneaks up behind the guard and snaps his neck in one quick motion.  He picks
>up the gun
>and examines it quickly.  "9mm.. full auto.. It'll do fine." Deth mutters to
>himself.  He
>checks the ammo and then takes off down the next hallway.
>	Lucas taps his foot impatiently as the elevator speeds upward.  "I have to
>Deth before he escapes or Karma Burn is gonna kill me," he quietly says to
>himself.  The
>elevator jolts to a stop and the doors open.  Lucas hurries down the stone
>corridor, a quiet
>pinging noise coming from a box in his hand.  "Hmmm.. he went this way, all
>Lucas runs faster down the hallway and comes to a horrible sight....
>	Deth steps around a corner and looks for danger.  He lets out a slight
>exhale of
>relief, the exit is at the end of the corridor.  A chill wind blows.  Deth
>starts to turn but is stopped by a strong hand wrapping around his neck form
>behind.  "You are not leaving
>alive, Derrik," Karma Burn's evil voice laughs.  "Now your powers will kill
>you."  Deth
>screams as a purple glow surrounds him and begins to invade his body, his
>mind, his soul...
>	Lucas rounds the corner and sees Karma Burn with his hand on Deth, imparting
>the final blessing, that of death.  Lucas sickens at the sight and collapses
>against the wall.  Deth's screams slowly die away as Lucas runs, losing
>himself in the catacombs.
>    /\     |-\      /\     |\  /|     |--\ |  /--\  |----  /--\  |\  |
>   /  \    |  \    /  \    | \/ |     |  | | |      |     |    | | \ |
>  /----\   |  |   /----\   |    |     |--/ | |  ___ |--   |    | |  \|
> /      \  |  /  /      \  |    |     |    | |   |  |     |    | |   |
>/        \ |_/  /        \ |    |     |    |  \__/  |----  \__/  |   |
>-The Mun of the Many and Defender of the Sig!
Dave Crampton AKA Dark Vampyre

"The Blood is the Life"                         - Dracula
"Blood is like wine..."				- Bush
"I don't know how to be bad at being bad."      - The Vampire Lestat
"Call me what you will....."                    - Metallica
"That's just one of my names...."		- Bush

Dave's too cool Web Page    - http://www.msu.edu/user/crampto3/
The #RedFang Bar's Web Page - http://www.msu.edu/user/crampto3/RedFang/

Date: Sat, 13 Jul 1996 07:52:03 -0700
From: Quickning <[email protected]>
Subject: Rummi's Magic and Pawn

Announcing the Grand Opening of Rummi Gumy's (yes she's a gummi bear) 
Magic and Pawn
Shop! conveniently located across the street form the Blkdragon Inn, 
with a second location on
the Isle of Mysts.  
     Have old armor that doesn't fit anymore? Is that rusty sword beyond 
repair? Or do you
just need to get rid of a pendant you just stole! Come to Rummi's. Cash 
for Junk! I buy
everything. Gold Gold Gold!
     Assorted magic spells, potions, and Items. Wand recharges for a 
reasonable price. Spells
for every occasion. Have need of a cruel spell? See Rummi's Practical 
Joke Magic! Everything
from itching powder to Instant HangOver spells. Lowest price in the 
kingdom for Scrying Spheres
and Mirrors.
     Various Potions also available from Strength potions, to help you 
win a spar, To Angel's
ulcer Medicine (Only available in extra strength)   

Come on in to RUMMI'S MAGIC and PAWN!

This Weeks Special:
     Bye a Sober Scroll get a Coupon for a free drink at the 
DragonMyst*Inn (you choice) ABSOLUTELY FREE!
From the Stolen Pen and Twisted Mind of,
	Rummi Gumy

Date: Sat, 13 Jul 1996 07:53:42 -0700
From: Quickning <[email protected]>
Subject: PC tolerance and Lack there of

Hail and Welmet Fellow Role players,
     I'm writing just tell some of you guys to LIGHTEN UP!!! I 
understand most of the role
players play for intense drama My pc, Quickning is basically comedic in 
nature. She steal things
from PC, and not always with their Muns permission. I'm starting to 
worry im going to get kicked
or banned for this. I know that a certain pc was banned for being too 
annoying, and maybe he
might have had it coming. But I got kicked from Inn for tipping a kick 
in the arse to Dulcy. Yes I
was warned that Dulcina would fight back. I thought it would be some 
smart aleky remark or
maybe have the boot the butt returned. But being kicked out of the inn 
is a little bit extreme isn't
it? I wouldn't have done it if I had know that I would be kicked.
     I took it with a smile and returned with Quick rubbing her but 
after being kicked out. I just
wanted to remind all you dramatic Muns that not all the PC's are 
serious. Not all are nice. Some
aren't even sane. The variety of types of pc's, not just in 
personalties, but in role playing styles  is
what makes the BLKDRAGON*Inn fun for me. 
     Quickning is a thief. She almost always tries to get the big 
tippers, and she almost never
give a straight tip for the drinks she orders. Its not because I'm not 
trying to be annoying or trying
to make every one else miserable. I'm being true to my pc. If you want 
me to stop just MSG me. I
hope some of you will have the good humor to go along with it. And I 
will always play the
consequences of my actions.  Just don't check you sense of humor at the 

     Thanks for letting me Rant and Rave,

>From the Stolen Pen and Twisted Mind of,
	  Storm Quicking,
      Guild Vice Commander of
@}--}--The DarkRose Legion--{--{@
And her Mun Crystal


Date: Sat, 13 Jul 1996 19:52:11 -0700
From: [email protected]
Subject: None

Date: Sun, 14 Jul 1996 10:38:16 -0500
From: [email protected] (Dee and Rich)
Subject: Re: None

  Elysiad stands looking out from her window, which over looks what seems to
be an ocean.  She knows better. There is a knowck at her dor and a zombie
opens the door and shambles to her.

  "What is it...Ah....mail from the BlackDragon Inn. So let's see what they
have to say."

  Elysiad takes the scroll and the zombie turns to leave. She turns back to
the window looking out into the distance and begins to open the seal.  A
light touch on her shoulder stops her.

  "Mail from an admirer Elysiad,"  AlAqrb asks sacasiticly from behind her.
  "Possibly, but then why would you care," she replies as she continues and
opens the scroll.

  AlAqrb laughes a very hollow, evil laugh, looking at the empty scroll,
"Perhaps, but this one can't write it seems."  He takes the scroll as it
bursts into flame and it's ashes float out the window on an unseen and
unfelt wind.  "I believe I am admirer enough for you Elysiad."
  Elysiad gets a small smile on her face that AlAqrb cannot see and as she
turns it vanishes, "Ah, but is any man enough for me."  She begins to walk
towards the door, but is abrutly halted by an unseen force.  Then AlAqrb
stands before her.

  "That is yet to be discovered is it....Then I guess I should explore..."

  AlAqrb leans down as Elysiads clothes are ripped from her body by another
unseen force. He slides his tongue...

****The following has been edited for those minors that get these mails  8) ****

  Elysiad stands looking out her window once again. And looks at the ocean
and watches AlAqrb walk along the shore.  "Perhaps....."

Date: Sun, 14 Jul 1996 10:22:18 -0700 (PDT)
From: Syl <[email protected]>
Subject: The Birth Of Granis The Sunaj (part one)

Please Post to the Mailing List, Thank you

:::As the Sun began to Rise thru the sky..its rays, just beginning to touch
the fragile lands underneath its graces...deep within the Asyr Desert the
sands began to move....as anyone on the sands out there could feel the
slight tremors....as suddenly there was an explosion of light as several
hundread Rainbow's sprang forth into the sky and across the Desert...as the
Pyramid shudder into existances slowly...then finally coming to fully appear
in the glow of the Morning Sun::::

Granis awoke from his slumber rather early this day, and quicklily donned
his armor and gear, snatching up the amulet he was giving by Sun`zen...he
studied the item closely, and could see nothing special about it.....just
outside his window the first rays of the morning began to glide into his
room.  Granis holding the amulet walked to the window....then suddenly the
amulet was hit by ray of the sun....Granis stopped in  his movement as he
quickily spinned around, as he found himself suddenly in the Desert and
standing shin deep in sand, there just to his left stood a Pyramid glowing
in the light of the morning sun...Granis looked to the amulet and noticed it
glowed for a mere second...then sudddenly Granis found himself standing
inside the Pyramid..as the amulet vanished from his grip...his hand slightly
numbed by the feeling of the amulet leaving him.

  Granis looked around, and could clearily see the large pillars of stone
and statues that rose beyond his vision high into the ceiling...and wrapping
around the pillars, statues, along the walls, and across some parts of the
floor...were these beautiful roses...each seemingly looked just like the
rainbow..and as he looked closely, he could slowly see the patterns of color
shift within the petals of each rose...he leaned close to touch
one..."Stop!!!"  Granis nearly fell over from the sudden voice, but
didnt...Granis turned to see who commanded him, and grined slightly at
seeing Sun`zen wearing tattered clothes, but they seemed rather strong in an
odd way. "Good Morning, Sun!", Granis replied. "Morning, Granis...and please
do not touch the flowers, ok?", Sun asked.  Granis nodded.   "So when do we
begin the training?", he asked.  Sun looked to the into air towards the
ceiling.....as ripples of energy and light began to flare...thunder and
lightning flashed outside of the Pyramid...then Sun looked to Granis, and
smiled..."It begins now", Sun replies, and with a gesture of his hand,
Granis awakes to find himself spreaded eagle on a table,  with his arms
outstretched, and as he looked with only his eyes to the right, he could see
all of his gear and equipment laid upon a far away table, and to the left
Sun, smiling at him, seemingily playing with a bunch of strange metal
instruments...."Sun..care to explain this???", Granis asked. "Not much to
explain...you are now my prisoner...HAHAHA...NOT...sorry just always wanted
to say that", "But really, i merely transported you to the preparation room,
since this is where you will be spending the next 8 years of your life, plus
the additional 2 years it will take to train you correctly in the use of the
Tattoo's...so just relax, and try and not think about the pain, that makes
the "Dead" glad they arent alive...ok?", Sun explains and tells him.
Granis tries to grin, but inside his mind his brain is screaming at
him...""I told you this was a BADDDDD idea..didnt I...but NOOOOO, we dont
listen..noooo, we want revenge for being made a fool of by the Sunaj...well
buddy look at you now...no..no..dont say it...'Shut up'..""...Granis sweats
a little...waiting for the beginning.

  Sun...walked around Granis..rubbing an oilish film all over his
body..."Granis this will numb some of the pain, alright...blink once for
yes..twice for no!"  Granis blinked once.  Sun finished with the oil...and
stepped back as he saw Granis muscle tighten real fast, then suddenly
relax...Quickily, Sun drew out the magical grafting rods...as he clapped one
to his to each of his ankle, touched the small ruby at the top of them...as
a glow pulsed from each of them....the clasps, slap the sides of each of his
ankles as blood and bits of flesh were splayed across the run...slowly the
clasp twisted and turn..as they slowly dug their way into his flesh and into
the granite slap that Granis, rested on...finally the clasp, reached
bone...and with a grinding sound, then with a sudden screeching sound, each
clasp, stopped , as the wound was magically sealed by the clasps, binding
each of the clasps directly to Granis's bone of each ankle, preventing
escape....Sun walked over, and with two more clasps, he placed each one
directly above Granis's wrists, and again after touching the ruby, the
clasps, splayed open his wrists, sending blood and bits of flesh into the
area...muscle, liagments, cartilage being cut in two as the magical clasps
each slowly twisted and turned grinding its way down into the bloody mess of
his wrist(both left and right)...blood shooting out from the artery that is
cut open...slowly, the clasp, grinded into the bones...screeching to a halt
deep into the bones(imagine the sound the drill at the Dentist office
makes)...then once again..the wound is magical sealed and healed...leaving
the clasp bonded to the bone and table....Sun moved to Granis neck and
head...doing the same to both of them as he did with ankles and
wrist...placing the clasps, one over his neck, and the other on top of his
head.....after a few seconds...the blood, brain, muscle, skin/flesh and
pieces of bone stop being splayed into the area, and the wounds on both the
neck and head are sealed and healed...Sun then brings to set out the magical
tools to etch the tattoo's into Granis's body...~*Relax Granis, you are
about to become a new Man!*~

::::On the outside of the Pyramid the day slowly creeps by at the speed of a
trapped snail:::

:::Inside the Pyramid...weeks and months move past...Sun, shaves Granis, of
his beard nearly 17 times the first year, then only 15 the second, then on
the third 16 times...then finally gives up, and lets the damned thing
grow....as he looks over Granis's body...as he begins to count the number of
etched and powered tattoo's that glisten on Granis's
body...1...2..3..4......7..., Sun realizes he must place more on Granis body
just to make sure he is ready for just about anything...and so more years,
pass by...Granis hair, begins to grey in certain areas..balding slightly on
his head...his muscles slowly deteriote to almost nothing...his muscle tone,
is nearly all go by the 6th year of the process....now Sun counts the number
again...1....4....8....12...18..., "Yes, this is enough, this amount should
give him a fighting chance against them, and plus he has two tattoo's of my
own creation, something the Sunaj will not expect!", Sun laughs out loud,
heavily and strong, breathing in the musk of an aged human, and dried smell
of urine, dung, blood, and sweat, Sun sneezes, and shakes his head...he
looks at Granis...then Sun gestures as a loud *CLANG*   rings out...as all
the clasps within Granis body, magical reappear out of his body, and back
onto  the etching table to the side. 

((This ends part one...I had to cut what Stephen wrote into tweo parts
because I did not want to send something 14 [pages long to the list))
~So many characters running through my mind...so little time to play them all.

Date: Sun, 14 Jul 1996 10:24:51 -0700 (PDT)
From: Syl <[email protected]>
Subject: The Birth of Granis the Sunaj (part two)

((this part is very graphic ...if you have a weak stomach skip to the end))

:::This here description will explain the full details of what Granis went
thru for each tattoo, that was implemented into his body, except that the
two super monster ones, inflicted four times the amount of pain and twice
the amount of damage to his body:::::

Slowly as the magical etching tools slice into the flesh, blood, and muscles
of Granis's body, a cold sweat seeps across his body as the body becomes
coldly numb, then a throbbing numbeness springs out around the area of where
the tattoo is slowly being drawn into the very flesh, blood, muscles, and is
also being g directly linked into the very soul of Granis...headaches begin
to course and throb deep inside his mind...a terrible and hard hitting
shooting pain runs down his spine..his legs shudder suddenly, muscles
tighten and relax many times over...Granis can feel his body begin to tingle
from the power it slowly gains from the tattoo...he muscles and very fibers
of his nerve endings beging to throb and ache...even the muscles he has
never used before in his entire life...suddenly...a moment of calm, then
Granis body lunges forward, the magical clasps grinding against his bones,
from the sudden burst of his body in every direction...his body begins to
convulse with stabbing pains..as he feels his very soul screaming out for
relief..as he spews forth his own stomach acids from his stomach, the acids
spews forth up into the air, only to splash down unto his face, and in his
hair...his body becomes racked by continual bursts of constant fits of
nausea and weakness...his entire fiber of his body and soul screams out for
"DEATH!!!!"...even there are moments inbetween conciousness and
unconciousness, that Granis screams out in a hellish scream with a voice
from deep within the bowels of his own soul, as cries out, with tears
running down his face as he pleads in his voice, saying, "KILL ME...PLEASE
ME...KILL Me....PLLEASE..pleasssseeeeeeeeeeeee...
..cry..cry....wimper...>... <----all of the above last for four days and
nights), but slowly the pain lessens down to just the occassionally stabbing
pain...nausea..and fits of convulsing....then two days later...the pain is
gone, and only the memory of the pain, torture, and the desire for immediate
death lingers in the front of his mind...along with mild headaches....then
on the twentyenth day, after Granis has fully recoveredit begins all over
again....this continues for each of the 18 tattoo's that are placed on and
in Granis's body....but if you can bring your imagination forward deeper,
just a little more....imagine that pain if you can five times worse of each
of the two super monster tattoo's that were placed into his body and
soul...imagine that amount of torture...think clearfully...and open your
soul to the pain and death of that kind of pain, and torture over four days
and night...:::::::::

   Five years, ten months, and nine days later, Granis slowly begins to
recover his muscle tone from the process of placing of the eighteen magical
tattoo's into his body...the process of recovery takes the next  the two
years to recover from...then once he has fully recovered, Sun begins
training him on each of the uses, and the different implementations of each
of the tattoo's given too him, this training taking on another two years of
Granis life, after this amount time, is Granis finally allowed to drink down
the four potions that Sun has made from Wyldcard's elven blood and a number
of other magical ingredients, the potions are two potions of youth, and two
potions of longevity....Granis drinks one slowly..coughing abit at the taste
of the potion...then after about twenty minutes drinks another one...after
finishing each potion, Granis grins as he looks into a polished mirror in
the room of the training hall, and now sees his new body covered with
several tattoo's and his younger body stronger and tougher than ever
before...Sun explains to him, "Granis, the number of tattoos, that I placed
on your body, now makes you a supernatural being, your strength is mightier,
your quickness is faster, and your skin more resistance to normal and
magical damage, also know that only your magical tattoo death touch can heal
your wounds, or another being from my world such as myself, Taeylea, and
Kaejo can heal you fully if you were to take more damage than you could
recover from....Also the Sunaj will test you, but I have used the gifts of
the Pyramid to place into your mind as much information and knowledge that
we both figured that you could handle, so that you could infliterate the
Sunaj more easily without to many problems...Welcome to the family of the
Sunaj, Assassin Granis." Sun sets out the Sunaj formal armor, and equipment
for Granis, to wear when he leaves for Atlantis. 

::::For those who like rolls, I personally rolled each roll for the potions:
Potion Youth #1: 2 years restored;  Potion of Youth #2: 3 years restored;
Potion of Longevity #1: 7 years restored;  Potion of Longevity #2: 8
years....bring Granis down to the age of 21 years old. :::::

:::Sunaj then gestures and Granis suddenly finds himself and all of his
gear, including the Sunaj formal armor, and equipment, inside his room...as
he finds himself staring out across the landscape of Arangoth as a new
morning begins to rise thru the lands....~*Granis, friend, only 1 day has
passed outside of the Pyramid, enjoy!*~

-Sun`zen(aka. Jul`Kair, aka.Sun`Dragn, aka. Sunaj)
Champion of BattleFest '96
....Long Live the BlkDragon*Inn in all its Glory.
-starcry(aka. Stefhan, the mun)

~So many characters running through my mind...so little time to play them all.

Date: Sun, 14 Jul 1996 11:26:41 -0700 (PDT)
From: StevE <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: PC tolerance and Lack there of

**Gasps and looks at Quick's letter in innocent wonder**

oh no!  you mean....people actually dont *like* other people??  no!  say it isnt true!  my entire vision of a perfect utopia of Arangoth has been irrepairably shattered!  what about me??  i love everyone!  i shelter everyone from harms path and take them under my wing to care and treat them lovingly!  

**nearly gags then rolls his eyes**

please...i dont think i really need to go into the humor thing anymore than i have the past couple of nights where i say a joke or something *meant* as a joke and people spend the next half hour pulling their underwear out of their rears...so, quick, i can tell you now....it wont stop....there are always people who refuse to play humorously, whether its ic or ooc...so all ya can do is just shrug it off, mark it down as another loss, then add the persons name to a nifty list **points to a pen and half filled piece of notebook paper beside his monitor** to mark down the people with whom *not* to rp with....so far, its working for me <g>....the past week, all ive tried limiting myself to was playing with people i didnt know, and ive had more fun in this small time than in the months ive tried to work my way into playing with my "friends"....

k, off like a dirty shirt....


Date: Sun, 14 Jul 1996 15:08:55 -0600 (MDT)
From: Stef <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: PC tolerance and Lack there of

Speaking for myself, I lie Quick's role...diversity is great and a
pickpocket was always one of my favorite types of characters to see played. :)

"We're all mad here..."--Cheshire Cat

Irc Channel #BLKDRAGON*Inn  
It's no longer just roleplaying..it's friggin' "As The World Turns" meets
Captain Kangaroo ;)

Date: Sun, 14 Jul 1996 20:01:55 -0400
From: Ash <[email protected]>
Subject: Rating Code?
Cc: [email protected]

Due to the Graphic, voilent nature of some of the recent posts, and from
Adam Pigeons example on his own "stories", I pose the question, "Should we
have a rating code for the posts on the mailing lists, as in the story post?"

Okay before you down me on censorship, that is not what i meant, i mean a
_VOLUNTARY_ Rating given by the author if that is what they wish to do.
Granted this may cause some waves, but i think it would be benificial.
Perhaps some of the younger roleplayers and some of the sensitive ones of us
thought the cutting out of someone eyes and their gorey death was a bit to
much in detail or maybe i just have too explicite of an imagination. I am
merely suggesting a system not so much as like theatres, but like
Cable/Sattelite ratings, like "V" for excessive voilent content, or L for
language??? Does anyone else feel the same or do you think this is a
horrible idea, i would love some feedback. As in someone would post the
rating they give it at the beginning and it might warn some of us that this
might not be something we wish to read. I would like to state that i am NOT
WHINING about the latests post, i really enjoyed the Ruatha saga which my
example came from and i complimented the author, that is his writing style,
i am not criticizing the more violently motivated, just suggesting this in
light of the more sensitive readers out there.

Thank you for your time and May you have a WONDERFUL day/eve.

A proud @ of BDI and a fellow rp'er :)

~*  Ashley  *~

"Perhaps this is a situation where excessive honesty can be detrimental." --
Data, Star Trek: The Next Generation

Date: Sun, 14 Jul 1996 19:30:03 -0500
From: [email protected] (Dee and Rich)
Subject: Re: PC tolerance and Lack there of


As a channel op, I'm sorry to hear that you feel that your character is at
risk of being banned from the inn simply because of her nature.One of the
beauties of #blkdragon*inn is the wide-diversity of characters there. From
what I have observed of the way you play Quickening, I have really seen
nothing that I would consider to be offensive...she's just a good theif!
:)...And to be honest, I have yet to see a character banned merely because
other muns didn't like the char...*grin* If that were the case, poor Random
would be banned for life! :) I would ask you this,Quickening, are you
certain the person banned from the channel was banned merely because the
character he played was "annoying" or was there perhaps an underlying reason
of which you might not be aware. If you are speaking of the case of Stagg,
which I suspect you might be, I must admit I was not there at the time the
ban was put into place,and I do not know all the reasonings behind the ban,
but I will state this...the reason listed with the ban, as Stagg was kicked,
was "Refuses to comply with ops"...The reason for his ban may have been due
to much more than an op simply finding him "annoying"...Perhaps if you wish
to know the reason for the ban,you should speak directly to the op who made
the ban, or Angel and Blk,as they pretty well know everything that goes on.

As for the incident with the bot,while I can in no way speak for the owners
of Horace or Dulcina, as a bot-owner myself (Pendrake and I own a bot on
#Camarilla), perhaps I can shed a little light from the point of view of
someone who owns a channel bot. Putting a bot together is not an easy
thing..it does take time and tender care to get a bot configured,and
maintained and updated properly. Bots are placed on a channel to ASSIST, to
make the lives of channel users easier,and add to the overall atmosphere of
the inn. To watch your bot, a "creation" upon which you have lavished time
and personal investment, continually abused is a VERY frustrating
experience.I, personally have witnessed MANY occasions of late of people
abusing the bots. Quite frankly folks, the people who gave us the use of
their bots have done so out of the kindness of their own hearts, in an
attempt to allow us to have a better experience on #bdi, and such treatment
is, I think,highly disrespectful to them, and ourselves as well. Try to
imagine the inn without a Horace or a Dulcy...:(  As to your being kicked
for the incident, I am sorry that you feel that you were more harshly
punished than you should have been...however, I do not see the kick as
"unjust" for a number of reasons...#1) There have been notes posted, as well
as channel topics, over the past few days plainly stating "Please don't
abuse the bots!" #2) You were merely kicked, and immediately allowed to
return...the kick was merely to get your attention, and #3) You were, by
your own words, warned that Dulcy might kick back..this,in my opinion,
constitutes a warning, one that you obviously didn't pay attention to,
therefore the next step to get your attention was a kick...

I'm sorry if this offends anyone, but it is merely my opinion, and mine alone!

Dee :)
Mysha/Raenthrea/Elysiad and Anemone..:)

Date: Sun, 14 Jul 1996 21:45:24 -0500
From: Pyrona <[email protected]>
Subject: Pyrona the professional licensed firestarter

   "Hi! Here's my card:"

                 |                                                                            |                       
	     |	^^^ Professional Licensed Firestarter ^^^         | 
	     |		    Pyrona Luminare                       |  
                       |                                                                                                     | 
	       |		           Free Estimates                                          |
                       |             *Approved and certifed by the Guild of Firestarters          |
                       |                                                                                                     |  
                       | __________________________________________________|

Date: Sun, 14 Jul 1996 22:10:51 -0500
From: Pyrona <[email protected]>
Subject: RE: Pyrona the professional licensed firestarter

From: 	Pyrona[SMTP:[email protected]]
Sent: 	Sunday, July 14, 1996 9:45 PM
To: 	Multiple recipients of list BlackDragon
Subject: 	Pyrona the professional licensed firestarter

   The first one turned into a big mess, and didn't look at all like I had planned, so I made another one.

        |                                                                                 |    
        |            ^^^ Professional Licensed Firestarter ^^^            |
        |                                                                                 |
        |                             Pyrona Luminare                            |  
        |                                                                                 |
        |                             free estimates                                | 
        |       *approved and certified by the Guild of Firestarters  | 
        |                                                                                 | 

Date: Mon, 15 Jul 1996 06:20:21 -0700
From: Adam <[email protected]>
Subject: I'm back!

Hey guys!  IT's me!  I'm finally back, and I have good reason for being 
gone so long!  First off, my computer was attacked by a virus and Windows 
was knocked out, so I cleaned the virus and got Win 95 Cd-Rom.  Then, I 
found out both my 5 1/4 floppy drive and my cd-rom drive were bad, so I 
had to get them replaced.  So, here I am finally back with a new 4 speed 
cd-rom, a new foppy drive, win 95, and a lot of catching up to do!
One day more!
Another day, another destiny.
This never-ending road to calvary
These men who seem to know my crime 
Will surely come a second time.
One day more!

Date: Mon, 15 Jul 1996 10:22:02 -0600
From: [email protected] (OneStab)
Subject: Time Away
Cc: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
        [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
        [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
        [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], @bnbcomp.net,
        [email protected], [email protected]

Dear Friends,

Duty has many facets.  For over a year now, me time has been dedicated,
almost exclusively, to the defense of Arangoth and Loreil.  This service has
been at times tedious, but for the most part, fulfilling and rewarding.  I
have enjoyed me time serving as both a Warden and First Knight in Arangoth.

However, duty also includes one's family.  Since me wife's death and
TirAimee's disappearance, me daughter, Elise, has been essentially
parentless.  Her rearing accomplished by an old friend and mentor of mine
from me homeland.  Time has come for me to leave the duties of these lands
and focus on me primary responsibility, fatherhood.

In time, perhaps, I will return to service with the Knights and the Wardens.
For now, I will be taking an extended leave of absense.

I wish ye all well, and entrust ye to the guardian hands of the Goddess.

In Faith,
Warden OneStab
First Knight of Arangoth 

Date: Mon, 15 Jul 1996 19:47:57 -0400 (EDT)
From: Galliard <[email protected]>
Cc: BlackDragon <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: I'm back!

> cd-rom, a new foppy drive, win 95, and a lot of catching up to do!
> -Adam

A FOPPY drive?  Now wonder you've had problems connecting!  Your drive's 
a total FOP!!!

Wolfie`s PUN-ishing mun *grin*

Date: Mon, 15 Jul 1996 18:28:40 -0600 (MDT)
From: Stef <[email protected]>
Subject: Great Aspirations
Cc: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

Once again looking out of the spire's solitary window, the woman in black
gazes out into the starless night, the moon obscured by clouds, tantalizing
her of the upcoming battles in this land.

"Soon...oh so very soon..." Dark eyes scan the grounds of Verdant Keep,
viligant for any sign of movement of her rescuers, Storm Quickning and her
Dark Rose legion. The message sent by raven said they would come...where
were they? The opportunities were growing fewer...as were the days before
she would give birth to her first and only son.

The faint sound of activity outside her guarded doors announced the coming
of her one and only visitor. Rhiannonn sighs as she turns, seeing her captor
and father of her child stride into the room with little ado as the guards
swiftly swing the oak door closed behind him and locked it down.

"What brings me the honor of a nocturnal visit from you?" Rhiannonn gazes at
the Warden with a mixture of weariness and of wariness. OneStab pauses in
the shadows, watching his imprisoned mistress, his expression reflecting the
same emotions as hers. Sighing heavily, he approaches her and motions with
his hand. "I need to search you, Rhia....please do nae make this any more
difficult than last time, eh?"

A silent smile quickly passes Rhiannonn's lips, remembering the last time
she was searched for concealment of weapons..wondering if he recovered
nicely from the nasty bite she cast on his hand. The searching was a mere
formality by now...routine and mundane...they both knew that she had no
weaponry upon her, and since the capture of the Black Covenant, her magical
properties were no longer a threat to anyone's safebeing. Yet all the same,
he had taken her pendant. Running his hands down her sides then to her front
beneath her black robe, OneStab paused, startled by an awakening
sensation..the feel of a tiny rebellious kick upon the palm of his hand from
her abdomen.  His expression softening for a moment, he paused in wonder,
forgetting for the moment who this woman was or their circumstances.

Holding her breath, Rhiannonn's face softened momentarily and
unseen...touched by the awe on her enemy's face. Then it passed...and as One
raises his eyes to meet hers, they are met by two hardened orbs, cold as
onyx. Abruptly, he turns away and rakes a hand swiftly through his hair.

 "Your time is almost due, Rhia", OneStab replied in a gruff and strained
voice, "There are some things we need to discuss after the child has come." 

Rhiannonn sets her jaw stubbornly, her dark eyes boring into his back.
"Oh...really. Seems to me that since my capture, *you've* been doing all the
talking around here...this is *my* child...you cannot be certain you are the
father." Then she laughed.

His cheeks reddening angrily, OneStab swung around, grabbing her shoulders,
losing his characteristic cool demeanor, and instantly shocking her into
"Woman...I have had enough..do you hear me?! ENOUGH of you...if I were any
less an honorable man-"  OneStab bit off the rest of the sentence. He had
reached his end with her...he would have to change his plans regarding her
after the child came.

Rhiannonn assesses him with a critical eye, seeing the obvious strain this
war was taking on the Warden. Many nights he was away, planning...his life
revolved around it and was virtually non-existent at his keep. And the
nights he was here...ah, here was the soul of a tortured man that few others
had seen. Occasionally through the mortar and brick, she could envision
glimpses of his most private thoughts. She could sense them best of all on
nights she would watch him take long walks through the overgrown gardens on
dark nights, his thoughts haunted by ghosts of his past...betrayed friends,
a dead woman he still loved. Once she even thought she saw the image of a
child in his thoughts..the vague outline of a tiny little girl, her hair a
mass of dark ringlets and her skin a soft percelain with the glow of the
innocence only the young can possess. Rhiannonn did not know who she
was...but the thoughts of her were locked deep inside of him..and the most
difficult to read.

As her mind was brought back to the present, she was surprised to see him
watching her closely, as if he sensed her thoughts. Rhiannonn took a step
back as he took a step forward, cupping her chin in a large hand, forcing
her to look at him squarely in the eye.

"It matters not who the father is, Rhiannonn. What matters is its
welfare...and I deem you unfit to be its mother...you do not know how to
love. The child will remain under my care and I shall see to it that he is
raised appropriately...under Loriel principles." 

"I would rather *die* first", Rhiannonn seethes quietly, her eyes locked in
silent combat with his.

OneStab slowly releases her face and looks at her, nodding in thought then
sighs. "If that is how you would have it..verra well. But the child comes
first...what you choose to do to yourself afterwards will be on your own
hands, may the Goddess have mercy on your soul. Faith knows, I have tried by
my best by  you Rhiannonn, but you only find reason to hate than to accept.
I pity you."

And with that, OneStab turns away and walks to the door, rapping sharply on
it to signal to the posted guards on the otherside. Looking back over his
shoulder, he eyes a silent and stony-faced Rhiannonn.

"If you should have a change of heart, you know what to do milady." Giving a
mock bow, OneStab exits through the door, leaving her alone once again to
herself in her gilded prison.

"We're all mad here..."--Cheshire Cat

Irc Channel #BLKDRAGON*Inn  
It's no longer just roleplaying..it's friggin' "As The World Turns" meets
Captain Kangaroo ;)

Date: Mon, 15 Jul 1996 22:18:41 -0600
From: [email protected] (OneStab)
Subject: Re: Great Aspirations

::blinks:: Wow.. that was... masterful..  An impressive look not only into
Rhia but OneStab's tormented side as well.  No one but you could write that
besides me.. 

Date: Mon, 15 Jul 1996 22:31:13 -0600 (MDT)
From: Stef <[email protected]>
Subject: Great Aspirations 2
Cc: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

"My lord...the woman...she seeks to join you for breakfast."

Surprised sapphire eyes instantly meet the confused ones of a guard.


The guard nods, shifting uncomfortably in his uniform. "Aye, Warden...the
woman 'prisoned in the tower...she requested me to ask ya  if she may come
an' join ya for some tea....an'  quite nicely she did too.."

OneStab's brows shot up. "She was actually nice?"

The guard nodded once again, clearly feeling out of his element.

OneStab's eyes narrow suddenly and suspiciously. "I see." Setting down his
glass firmly on the table, he pushed his chair away and slowly stood,
adjusting  his sword belt. "Verra well, bring her down..and mind ye..guarded."

The guard nodded curtly and turned to leave. Three quarters of an hour
later, when OneStab was starting to wonder if perhaps the request had been a
mere prank, the shuffling of footsteps approached the west lounge. Suddenly
the door swung open and two guards gently but firmly escorted a woman in.
OneStab had to blink twice.  His eyes traveling slowly upwards, he was
greeted by the sight of a woman he knew as Rhiannonn, but did not resemble
her at all.  Gone were the customary black robes she *insisted* on always
wearing and in their place..a beautiful pale yellow silken maternity dress
he had provided for her, among many other garments, when she was brought to
the castle. Even more striking, she had her black hair pinned up, loose
wispy strands touching the nape of her neck and softening her face.  But the
most remarkable thing...and OneStab rubs his eyes...was that there was no
longer her trademark smirk on her lips or the defiance in her dark eyes In
their place he was met with a look of composed serenity...as if she were
merely a polite neighbor stoppnig by for tea.

"By the Goddess, Rhiannonn, one of us has lost our marbles.." OneStab
mumbles, unsure what guise this is.

Lowering her eyes delicately, Rhiannonn murmurs, "I have thought over your
words carefully...One. I am willing to change..to show you that I can
raise..*our* child." Rhiannonn raises her eyes to OneStab sincerely. OneStab
gazes at her for a long moment, thinking the Asyri must have indeed finally
lost her senses...perhaps he should nae have kept her imprisoned so long..

"OneStab...I would like to start anew...may I join you? The baby is famished."
Then beyond all doubt, she gave him a warm smile...without the malice,
without lies, without sarcasm.

"Er..ah..aye." OneStab motions to the table and exchanges a quizzical look
with the guards who return with a dumbfounded one each of their own.
Rhiannonn glances at the guards...then at OneStab. "Aye...ah...I think I can
handle this situation if need be...dismissed." Watching the guards leave,
Rhiannonn sits primly at the side table where OneStab had been.

OneStab approached her warily, eyeing her. "Is this some sort of trick...an
illusion? Just last night you had nothing but spite for me."  Rhiannonn
glances down...and a teardrop falls into the half-empty cup sitting before her. 
"I came to the realization that I must change..for myself..for my son. The
Asyr have no more control over me...but I need your help, OneStab."

OneStab sat perched at the edge of the table for long moments and finally
came to a conclusion.  "I do nae fully trust you Rhiannonn...but if you are
willing to try as you claim, I will give you the chance..for our child."

As OneStab turned to ring for a cook, Rhiannonn glanced up, a slow smile
crossing her face, a dark glint in her eye.

"We're all mad here..."--Cheshire Cat

Irc Channel #BLKDRAGON*Inn  
It's no longer just roleplaying..it's friggin' "As The World Turns" meets
Captain Kangaroo ;)

Date: Mon, 15 Jul 1996 22:39:58 -0600 (MDT)
From: Stef <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: Great Aspirations

At 10:18 PM 7/15/96 -0600, you wrote:
>::blinks:: Wow.. that was... masterful..  An impressive look not only into
>Rhia but OneStab's tormented side as well.  No one but you could write that
>besides me.. 
Does that mean you like it? ::smile::  BTW..I am trying like hell to get on
servers...I am lagged or something..so wake up!!

"We're all mad here..."--Cheshire Cat

Irc Channel #BLKDRAGON*Inn  
It's no longer just roleplaying..it's friggin' "As The World Turns" meets
Captain Kangaroo ;)

July 1996 Part 1 | July 1996 Part 2 | July 1996 Part 3