Ariaki Voidsworn

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The High Lady Voidsworn
Ariaki Sarfaris Xaremon Voidsworn
General Information
Full Name: Ariaki Sarfaris Xaremon Voidsworn
Race: Tiefling
Gender: Female
Age: 265
Date of Birth: 21 Kerinatuasangrovath
Country of Origin: Mhernettla
Hair Color: Black with White Highlights
Eye Color: Black w/ Gray Smoke
Height: 6’ 0”
Weight: 132 lbs.
Additional Information
Aliases: Sineater, Night Singer
Religion: Abyssine
Creed: All deserve their chance, and the Abyss hears all.
Occupation: Mediator and Archmage
Income: Steady Wealth
Marital Status: Single
Player: Nyx (Noctura


Ariaki Sarfaris Xaremon Voidsworn was born in the Year 227 in or around Antara-Ethcabar. Her heritage was hardly a secret matter as in good time a surprisingly dark babe with black eyes and slightly pointed ears soon began to grow horns. Questions were whispered in voices not quite quiet enough to go unheard as to who Ariaki’s father was or what her origins really might have been. Some were not quite so meek or mild in their questioning or making their displeasure at her bloodline known, however.

It wasn’t for very many years before the wide-eyed youth heard and understood references or rumor of her mother and the Elgar Forest. Though her mother never entertained discussing the matter and instead focused her daughter on her education. Most of their coin went into that endeavor to find mentors willing to teach someone with devilry in them; their homestead was on the outskirts and there were as few trips into the city as possible while growing up.

In time, Ariaki found and purchased (tuition being what it is) admittance to a School of Magic to continue her education and path to becoming more than a mere adventurer like her mother, purportedly.

By the time she attended the Royal University in Hornath ul-Marfed, Ariaki had already taken to wearing a blindfold. A few… incidents in her childhood had made clear she possessed certain talents most did not. The kind that would draw unwanted and potentially lethal attention if the secret got out. All the same, the adolescent woman didn’t stop experimenting with those abilities no matter how dangerous they were or deleterious the effect was on her…volunteers.

It was after the Khalar War that Ariaki chose to excuse herself from the region. Having growing in skill and recognition for her talents, she took to traveling along the Eastern edge of Arangoth. In time there felt a… pull to return home. In truth, it felt like a deep yearning to venture into the Elgar itself, but just being within reach of it was comforting enough, which is how she found herself in Angelsin.

While her upbringing was in magic, Ariaki found some skills she’d learned (such as etiquette and discipline) drew a Lord, Lady, or Mayor’s eye here or there. By some hand of fate, she found herself swept up in local politics and diplomatic affairs as but an aide that rose in the ranks to handle increasingly more urgent matters.

When word came that the King and Queen sought to relocate the capital to Drache, Ariaki collected her possessions and set out hopeful given its placement there were be less warfare. Word a University would be built there at some point was also quite appealing to a long-lived alumni of the first.

As a fledgling and rapidly expanding city, Ariaki sought to mediate matters resulting from the countless cultures and species that seemed to be drawn to Drache. Politics were the same wherever she went, it was just a matter of understanding the parties involved and translating the desires from one to the next. A little compromise here or there, or a soft whisper of biding one’s time and all things became possible.

Thus, the Voidsworn set to task increasing her influence in local matters for the city and the surrounding region. Especially when it came to non-Human affairs. How best to make herself indispensable than by leveraging the fact she was certainly not Human? A difficult task, but then Ariaki had the blessing of time it would seem. Enough to carefully position pieces on the board.


The High Lady Voidsworn holds the dignified air of someone of her stature in society. Her shoulders do not slump, nor does she slouch in the presence of others. Even sighs are kept to their place and not ushered freely. As someone that seeks to redress matters between many kinds of people with countless cultural differences, she cannot afford the luxury of laying about or letting others gauge her mood or disposition.

Though when not forced to deal with matters of State, Ariaki has been known to smile and enjoy sharing a goblet of fine wine with good company. Even a polite humorous tale or two, or a lengthy discussion of magical matters might pass from her lips.

In private, however, her demeanor can be as dignified or scandalously different depending on the company and circumstances. Some might privately contemplate the things a demon-born would do, and often they might be woefully off the mark; but in Voidsworm’s case they might not be so outrageous in their contemplations.

Physical Description

Ariaki’s hair and skin is as dark as the sky on a moonless night. If she were to stand still in the night most could walk by her without knowing she was there. Aware few can even appreciate her appearance in under the day’s sun, Ariaki has taken to wearing outfits trimmed in gold, and adorned with gold jewelry to provide much needed contrast. The tufts of white hair along one side of her face alone was hardly enough with many originally mistaking her for a living shadow.

Long, black hair falls freely about her shoulders, with a ponytail pulled high atop her head and hanging down to her shoulder blades. The equally dark horns that curl forward on either side of her head turn upward just in front of her temples and raise until they stand five inches taller than her crown.

Her figure is shapely if thin, but with the balance and grace even some dancers might envy.

Abilities & Skills

Physical Abilities

Mundane Skills

  • Well Educated - Reading, Writing, Arithmetic
  • Secondary Education - Arcane and Divine Magics
  • Ledgers and Accounting
  • Diplomacy and Political Maneuvering
  • Horseback Riding
  • Alchemy
  • Patience

Magic Skills

Eyes Exposed

  • All Knowing - Telepathic Delving, Ariaki can seek out a person’s secrets if her eyes are unveiled and eye-contact is held
  • All Seeing - She is able to see even in pitch dark; some even speculate it is the light that keeps Ariaki’s eyes covered more often than not. Worse yet for her enemies, she seems able to see even seemingly blindfolded as she is.
  • Charm - The smoke that seems to lazily shift in the sea of black of her eyes begs one to look closer, as though with just a little more focus something hidden in the smoke might be made clear. Lost in the fog, a person begins to feel at peace and grows still.

Even if Eyes Covered

  • All Versed - Ariaki understands and can speak most spoken languages
  • Whispers - She can send and receive telepathic messages
  • Shadow Walker - Shadows seem to stretch out toward Ariaki, and at her bidding may envelop and consume her leaving nothing in her passing; only for her to reappear in another shadow elsewhere – within line of sight, or moving through touching shadows (expending mana with each step) up to a block away.
  • Lifedrain - A skill almost none alive know she possesses, Ariaki can drain the life out of another living creature with a deep kiss leaving nothing but a living corpse behind.



Slightly elongated canine teeth.

Strong, sharp nails that do not chip or break easily.


Dark dresses made of some of the finest and thinnest materials known. Many possessing some manner of reinforcement to dull an attack by a blade, but none being made of metal that might forestall it completely.


Coin, wits, will, and tongue.


Increase her influence and authority.

Ensure non-Humans are not taken advantage of or treated poorly.

Ensure even Agents of Darkness or the Unholy go about their business sensibly and not openly flouting their existence, demanding that every Champion of Justice in the city seek them out in some kind of ‘purge.’

Some day venture into the Hearth of the Elgar Forest.