Welkith Quarek

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Welkith Quarek
General Information
Full Name: Welkith Quarek
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Age: 22
Date of Birth: 21.VII.467
Country of Origin: Sresar Vale
Hair Color: Coal black, with a white skunk stripe
Eye Color: Hazel
Height: 6’4”
Weight: 220lbs
Additional Information
Aliases: National Treasure of Sresar Vale
Religion: Spiritual Agnosticism
Creed: Psychopath at worst, complete dick at best
Occupation: Netrilire (Executioner), The Axeman of Drache
Income: Paid by the execution, solid job security, quite a bit of wealth in the bank due to accidentally helping beat up and apprehend a mass murderer while very drunk
Marital Status: Single
Player: Uzzo


Welkith was born and raised in Sresar Vale, amongst the territory his ancestors settled, back when the land was swarming with horrific magical beasts and monsters. The Vale was a mysterious frontier, and only the most hardened of settlers survived the lethal rigors it foisted upon those brave enough to claim it as their own. But, generations passed, and with it, the magical beasts and their ilk slowly dwindled and died off, leaving behind descendants who had grown hardened and savvy to its lands.

The Quarek clan was amongst those original settlers, which now consists of several branch families, consisting of those having inherited their blood and those who’ve integrated through marriage. The land they settled into was an ancient impact crater, whose terrain and formation served as natural protection which assisted in shielding them from the plethora of nightmarish creatures that wandered the Vale. Unbeknownst to them at the time, this is what served to mould the Quarek’s into what they are now.

The properties of the meteorite that created the impact crater was alien and exotic, and it contaminated the land with its influence, which also served to keep magical beasts at bay. The animals they raised, the crops they grew, the bits of iron salvaged for tools and weapons, all of it, infused by the ancient messenger. Generation after generation, as the Quarek’s and the land became further entwined in one another’s fate, they themselves were influenced by the meteor’s strange properties, infused into their very blood, flesh and seed.

The largest portions of the meteorite that were uncovered were concealed and held as sacred relics, pieces of which were given to only the bravest and trustworthy warriors, which were forged into weapons to hunt and slay the magical beasts that ravaged the lands. Hand in hand with the “blessing” bestowed upon them by the ancient messenger, they dutifully exterminated the beasts, and came to be known as both stalwart allies, and fierce, unforgiving enemies to their neighbors in the Vale. After generations, the magical beasts of the Vale disappeared into the mists of time, but they were not the only dangers to be found in the untamed frontier.

As the terrible beasts disappeared from the land, the previously distant nobles of Arangoth began to view the Vale as unattended territory for their potential baronies, and sought to extend their reach and power over it with the assistance of mercenaries and mages to strongarm the natives into capitulation. The Quarek’s showcased their talents as mage killers as these mercenary forces wreaked havoc in the Vale, with neighboring clans banding together to slaughter and oust the remainder from their territory. Ultimately, this served to create a deep, lasting hatred for nobility amongst Sresarian’s of the Vale, which is echoed in modern times as no titles of nobility exist within the duchy. Only the Sithire is granted this, and even then, only as a political figurehead, as the real power of the Vale rests in the hands of the Council of Elders that prop the seat up.

Perhaps moulded by their experiences and interactions with magical beasts, foreign mages, and their “blessing”, many of the Quarek’s perceive their place in the world. Towards this end, around the sacred meteorite developed a cult that, while not worshipped, is essentially viewed a messenger from the skies. The Quarek’s neither hate nor abhor magic in of itself, they view magic as a tool, it is through the hands of its wielder whether it’s utilized for good or evil. As such, healers and those that use this tool in a benevolent manner are respected, while those that abuse and twist magic for unnatural and unlawful efforts are viewed as detestable and undesirable in a civilized society. Towards this end, some of the more extreme branches of the cult approach the matter more zealously, going so far as to “remove” magic wielders who abuse their powers for ill gotten gains.

Welkith, in particular, was raised within the extremist faction of this Quarek clan cult. He was born with physical traits (luminescent hair, nails and whites of the eyes) associated with those whose “blessing” was of the more potent variety. His childhood wasn’t all that different in most regards where others in the region, spending his youth hunting and traversing the hills and forests of the Vale, herding his family’s dire sheep and drakontos, and putting his hands to task on the various expanses of farmland in their territory. He began his martial training at a young age, expected to serve as a soldier in the clan’s militia, tasked with patrolling and safekeeping their lands and those of neighbors in good standing. But, like most teenagers, they seek what’s beyond the next hill and mountain, and eventually convinced his family to let him enlist in the Royal University in Drache.

And so, Welkith traveled to Drache, enrolled in the Royal University’s school of Military Science. He’d never been particularly studious, but took to the field like a fish to water, excelling and even rising amongst the top students in his classes. He’d intended to graduate, which he eventually did amongst the top ten percentile, so he could enter into Arangoth’s army with the position of an officer, which he was more than qualified for given his credentials. Unfortunately for Welkith, the Arangothian Civil War swept through, and in its wake, the Kingdom of Arangoth was no more, and Transdariania’s military reforms switched to a bannerman system, doing away with its traditional standing army. More importantly, it left Welkith at a dead end as far as a career went.

Welkith turned to adventuring as a means to an end, trying to put his talents and martial skills to good use for good old fashioned coin, proving himself competent to the task. Adventurers, however, have little in the way of job security, and it wasn’t long before he’d found a better use for his talents, that coincided with his “beliefs”. Drache is no stranger to magic, nor criminals, and more importantly, criminals that use magic. And so, Welkith found himself with a job he can lawfully dispose of those that would abuse magic, serving as an executioner for the Chancellery, becoming the Axeman of Drache.


Welkith tends to come off as a relatively simple man, his personality tending to be on the easygoing side, often displaying a confident cocksureness that borders on arrogance. His demeanor is generally jovial, though his sense of humour is often intentionally abrasive to get a rise out of people, which he chalks up to playful ribbing especially with those who take themselves far more seriously than he perceives is necessary. He’s blunt with his opinions and by no means shy is sharing them with anyone that will listen to his musings, which often winds up making him the antagonist in the occasional bar scrap, which he’s also not particularly shy about partaking in. He considers himself a ladies man, and in is defense, he’s quite well versed in the art of flattery when necessary.

Beneath this veneer of civility, brash as it may be, Welkith is a bit “off”. Perhaps a mixture of being raised in an extremist cult, and the effects of his “blessing”, but Welkith generally lacks any manner of empathy concerning the “human condition” as it were. This makes him a very capable soldier, and an even more capable Executioner, he has absolutely no qualms with accepting coin in exchange for his services where violence and bloodshed are concerned. His enjoyment from violence and bloodshed, however, only really manifests when it involves him on a personal level.

Physical Description

At several inches above six foot tall, Welkith isn’t apt to be lost in a crowd, which is assisted even more by his physique, having received martial training since his childhood. He’s built like a soldier and carries himself with exactly the kind of demeanor one would expect from someone with confidence in their physical capabilities, though it tends to lean more towards cocksure and arrogant than simple confidence most of the time.

Welkith’s hair is coal black, almost always shortly shorn, with a white skunk stripe the width of two fingers that stands in stark contrast, which starts just above his right temple and travels back to the nape of his neck. The white of his hair carries a soft and somewhat eerie luminescent glow in dimly lit environs, such as moonlit nights, increasing in intensity further in pitch black darkness. Pearly white teeth and fingernails carry this same trait.

Welkith could be considered fair of face and complexion, if it weren’t for the various old scars that blemish his flesh, which leave a very apt impression that he hasn’t been one to shy away from physical conflicts. The most obvious of scars is the split of the corner of his upper right lip, aged scar tissue indicating a rather nasty rip that, while closed, never quite healed correctly, leaving him with a permanent, albeit subtle sneer-like curl of his lip due to it.

Abilities & Skills

Mundane Skills

  • Martial Training: Welkith is competent in most martial weaponry, such as the sword, spear, warhammer and axe, though he has a preference to accompany them with a shield. He’s quite exceptional with the axe, however. He can also competently use a longbow or crossbow, though the former tends to be relegated for hunting purposes while he finds the latter more applicable to fighting purposes. He’s spent most of his youth and adulthood wearing armour, literally every day, and has grown familiar and accustomed on how it’s best served.
  • Hunting and survival skills: He’s comfortable with the wilderness and is capable enough with a bow and methods of trapping that he won’t go hungry, which is further assisted by his knowledge of wild edibles and plants used in folkstyle medicine.
  • Military Theory: Military Strategy and Tactics, Military Officer training (The planning, organization, management and leading of troops and activities in military operations). Welkith graduated in the ten top percentile of his Military Science classes from the Royal University of Drache.
  • Impressive Physicality: While Welkith is 100% human, he’s far from average in strength, swiftness and stamina, well-trained and extensively experienced in accomplishing physical tasks in full armour.
  • Impressive Vision: The Quarek’s utilize a diet that includes bilberry, coupled with daily visual exercises and good genetics, resulting in rather impressive vision. This also translates to a heightened ability to see in the dark, which is accompanied by red tinted lenses to filter out other colours and give them the capability to see far better than most would expect from a normal human in the dark.

Magic Skills

  • Anti-Magic Vessel: The Quarek’s are infused with anti-magic radiation, the effects of which they have no control over. Their bodies cancel and dispel magical effects, enchanted items (temporarily), spells, et cetera, that interact or come into contact with their bodies. Psionic energy is heavily distorted and attempts to reach his mind are made known by a borealis-like light display as it interacts with and is interfered with by their bodies. Their meteoric weapons have the same properties as their bodies.



  • Various types of mundane weapons
  • A black double half-moon axe of anti-magical meteorite
  • A black rondel dagger of anti-magical meteorite
  • A 15’ braided leather whip with a flexible steel wire core, tipped with an anti-magical meteorite barb
  • A silver crow’s beak warhammer that is solid, but seems to shimmer and flow like quicksilver when wielded. Capable of affecting astral and incorporeal entities


  • Various types of mundane armours and shields
  • A full set of plate armor made with meteoric metals from his family’s estate and strange alloys collected during a mission into an underground cavern infested with mind flayers. It is stronger than mithril and has the same anti-magic properties as himself
  • A large metal kite shield set with a psicrystal, which generates a force barrier that moderately boosts its strength and defense. This telekinetic-based power also makes the shield lighter than a plain metal kite shield of its size


  • Bilberry preserves
  • Flash powder bombs (quick burning low yield explosives)
  • Mundane medical supplies (medicinal salves for burns and blood clotting, bandages, needles for stitching)
  • Sresar Vale “Special Vintage” wine: This formula consists of Sresar Vale wine, mixed with various plant and herb extracts, including amanita muscaria and bog myrtle. The result is a highly psychotropic alcoholic tonic, inducing sensations of euphoria, heightened pain thresholds, increased adrenaline and aggressiveness. Quarek’s will rarely resort to drinking this “wine” unless faced with a life and death scenario.